Anton Rasivnov: biography, personal life, 2021, now, first channel, in youth, wife


He graduated from guitis, but until he showed himself into a cinema, nor on theatrical stage. But it perfectly knows the extensive audience audience of the first channel, because more than a decade of years this man appeared on the screen as a leader who deservedly became the folk TV shows "Inspection Purchase".

On January 1, 2021, Anton Rasivanov celebrated his 40th anniversary. Noteworthy facts from the biography and personal life of celebrities - in the material 24cm.

1. Walk

Anton Rasivanov confessed that in school years, the ideal attendance could not - the party of the future TV presenter often remained empty. Moreover, instead of boring lessons, the celebrity preferred to walk around the city or visit the "Children's World" on Lubyanka. True, Anton cannot afford at work for a skill, because dozens of people are involved in the creation of television programs. And not to appear on the air - it means to bring them all.

2. Fake

In Gitis Anton Rasivanov got under curious circumstances. In the theatrical studio, which the future TV host visited in school years, already in his youth, who was the growth of the guy, was determined in the group where the guys were engaged in 2 years older than a novice. And when adult comrades after graduation went to go to Gitis, Anton went with friends for the company. For the sake of jokes in the entrance tests. And passed the competition.

He himself excused was then only 15 years old, and until the end of school was still far away. However, the resourceful guy did not wish to lose such a chance and provided a fake certificate at the university.

And so that problems with falsification did not arise, Anton Externus finished learning at school. After that, the present document on secondary education has taken the place of fictitious papers at the Institution Board of Commission.

3. Useful experience

During the period of study at the Institute Anton Rasivnov, worked as a waiter in a cafe, located opposite Ostankino. According to the lead, the experience turned out to be useful because it made it possible to learn a lot of curious details about future colleagues - for example, who are hedied, and who is inclined to generosity, who loves to squander, and who is always benevolent and has to them.

So when I excused came to television, he already knew the features of the characteristics of most of the local employees.

4. Little cunning

An entertaining was a story with the arrival of television. Having excused for some time I was hanged by Ostankino Studios, beating all. And he said that he has an original idea for a new program. Of course, no one came seriously who finished the university of a young man did not perceive - the maximum promised to call back.

So reacted Larisa Krivtsov, the director of "Good Morning" on the first channel. However, soon Anton Ravervnov accidentally ran into her deputy and asked if Krivtsov did not think to rise, simultaneously bringing it that he was invited to NTV.

The next day a call rang - the director of "Good Morning" asked who concretely called a young man to competitors. I excused called the name of the first NTV officer. And, probably, he was in the goal, since he was immediately invited to the first, - probably called the character and really had attracted to the project, able to compete with the main channel of the country.

5. First

For almost 12 years, Anton Rasivanov led on the first channel TV show "Test Purchase". And the film crew had to repeatedly communicate with their victims by their visit to the staff of various stores.

TV viewers invariably interested, as the leading manages to maintain peace of mind, even in situations when he frankly rudely rude sellers. Anton himself is confident that the person who breaks on rudeness, in the depths of the soul is unhappy. And the negative is splashing not so much on the verification that has come with the televisers as in a non-refined life.

So, the celebrity recalls the words of one saleswoman who sugained that and without an imperfect guest guests in the morning was not wondering - and the head hurts, and things from the hands are lying. Moreover, it was said so sincerely that the TV presenter became awkward.

The last project that Anton delivered on the first channel was the transfer of "Living Life", which was broadcast from February to June 2019. And the viewers often are interested in what a celebrity is doing now.

Now the ex-host who fired from the Chief Russian TV channel is engaged in the implementation of his own ideas in life: it cooperates with various manufacturers companies, the advertising is removed, leads all sorts of public events and solemn ceremonies.

6. Without meat

Anton Rasivanov admits that for several years it prefers to exclude meat products from their own menus. And the reason for this is not at all the trendy trends. Just excorns came to the conclusion that after the use of meat and products from it, it is invariably becoming slow and concerned.

7. Former

Since 2007, Anton Rasivanov has been married to a woman named Olga, who met, learning at the School of Cinema and Television. And first, the girl as a future wife TV presenter did not perceive - mutual interest was awakened as communication. In marriage, the son of Plato appeared on the world.

In 2017, the spouses divorced. The official occasion was the train - Olga and his son moved to St. Petersburg because of the work, and Anton Rasivanov remained in the capital. And after six months of life at a distance of the couple filed a statement about the dissolution of marriage.

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