Dr. Eggman (character) - photo, games, pictures, sionic, comics, fate, Jim Kerry


Character History

Dr. Eggman is a scientist who wants to conquer the whole world, the main antagonist of the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. The brilliant villain is a sworn enemy of Sonic and his friends who prevent him from time to enslave the planet.

History of character creation

The history of the popular character originates in 1990, when SEGA has an idea of ​​creating a hero, which would be a worthy of Mario's decent competitor. The work of the development of AM8 (in the future Sonic Team) took over.

In the first sketches, artists decided to beat the image of the American President Theodore Roosevelt. Such a joke picture in pajamas subsequently acquired caricature traits - the egg-shaped figure and thick long mustache. The image was the basis of visual design for the future hero.

The creators of Dr. Eggman pursued the goal to come up with the complete opposite of Sonic. The scientist had to personify scientific and technological progress, to invent the car of the future. The moment is not reset and the moment that the design of the genius remained simple - even the child can easily draw it.

Interestingly, in the debut game, the name of the villain sounded as Dr. Avo Rocker, while in the Japanese version he was presented as Dr. Eggman. In 1998, it was treated in different ways to a crazy designer, subsequently approved the option "Eggman". Such a nickname was due to appearance - she looked at the egg. Yuji Nak, the Japanese gamedizain, explained that the real surname of the hero was a robot.

The character participation has been filmed 5 animated series. In the first, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, the robus was going to capture the planet Mebius. In this project, the aggressor acquired two forms. He reincarnated in a muscular giant, strikes not only intelligence, but also physical power. Also attended the appearance of the superzlodeya, according to the style of resembling superman. John Bolry voiced the role.

In 2020, the eggman film cineps occurred on large screens. It is shown a narcissistic scientist with signs of an inferiority complex.

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Amplua tried on Jim Kerry. A comedy actor who has already become a master of visualization of eccentric anti-rods, for example, a mystery or Greencha, actively participated in the development of the character's concept. Kerry himself picked up a musical composition for which a scientist dances. The assistant artist in the film "Sonic in the Cinema" was the Stone agent.

The robber is a permanent member of the Sonic The Hedgehog series based on games. The American comics of Archie Comics entered the Guinness Book of Records on the Duration of the Release - from 1993 to 2017.

The image and biography of Dr. Eggman

From the biography of the character, it is known that in childhood the robus considered the sample grandfather named Gerald. Professor was engaged in secret government activities, developing projects in space areas. These innovations were introduced at the Arkheg station.

Ivo dreamed of growing and walking on the grandfather. The desire did not fade even after Gerald closed the mind. After the closure of the "Ark", he began to go crazy, and then preferred hermit.

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The rocker sought to science, but he also inspired the idea of ​​utopia. He planned to create a world of robots that would be the basis of the future society. Meanwhile, this plan demanded a detailed study.

The first step towards the dream was the development of a source of energy, certainly clean. And Eggman found a fairly extraordinary solution to this problem. The scientist began to put inside the mechanical creation of small animals. They performed the device generators.

Of course, such a kind of way out of the situation would hardly like the animals, but then Ivo thought about the moral side of the issue, as well as the fate of defenseless. Fortunately, they came to the rescue Sonic.

The Gamedaily portal counted the character with a long mustache and the egg-shaped body in the most cunning and threatening, placing it on the first place in the list of villains. In the ratings of other websites also marked a colorful hero, which possesses an outstanding appearance and unpredictable behavior.

The character of Ivo is clearly manifested in incontinence. Often the doctor comes out if inspired plans for the enslavement of the world begin to collapse. Thanks to this, Sonic managed to defeat the enemy, taking advantage of the fact that he is about emotions.

Another weakness of the Eggman is in terms of thinking: inattention to trifles often becomes an interference to embody ideas.

The scientist suffers from the exorbitant ego, his quotes are permeated with conclusions about the superiority of his own person. Excessive self-confidence plays a cruel joke with him. So, often the robus comes into an unequal battle with the forces of the apocalyptic scale, hoping that he is able to control them.

But what can be envied, so it is an inexhaustible optimism of the hero. Each defeat, a man perceives with visible disappointment, but it becomes an incentive to actively take up a new project.

The robus is famous for incredible intelligence - its IQ is equal to 300 points. Engineering skills make it possible to quickly create numerous robot armies. In addition, the villain revealed such masterpieces as Omega and Metal Sonic.

Excellent piloting skills Eggman exhibits in the management of complex combat machines, including aircraft.

Despite the deceptive appearance, the physical training of the Doctor is worthy of separate attention. Of course, the speed and strength of Ivo will not compare with the Sonic or Echidal Skyl, but it demonstrates good endurance and resistance to damage.

The appearance of the character underwent changes from the series to the series. But there are a number of features that have become a canon in the picture - long mustache, laboratory glasses on the bald, white gloves.

Today, the robus prefers a red coat with contrasting bright yellow cuffs. Comic image complement the thin legs, covered with leggings, and outstanding belly.

The chief enemy of Sonic opposes the "Hell's Trinity" and their girlfriend Amy Rose. But there are often cases when opponents have to be united. For example, if we are talking about a catastrophe that threatens to destroy all living things. In this case, Eggman makes efforts to save the planet, because if the collapse crash, there will be nothing to manage.

With a deep study characteristics of the character, conflicting emotions arise. First of all, it is a classic villain with unhealthy ambitions. But at the same time, the robber, despite the negative features, is not deprived of human qualities, sometimes even positive.


"Here! This is a tailed frog! Very unusual. "" Silent! I am Dr. Avo Robot, the greatest scientist in the world! "" Y, hateing this Sonic. This huzzle rises all the time on the way. But he does not spoil my main plan. "" Don't you see, a fool! This is chaos! God of destruction! "

Interesting Facts

  • Avo Roboter has the most redesignes among the other characters of the Sonic The Hedgehog Universe. This is also the first person appeared in the franchise.
  • The name IVO, if you read it backward and translate it with Latin, means "Egg" - another hypothesis why the scientist was so called.
  • Favorite food hero - Chebureki.


  • 2003-2006 - Sonic X
  • 2014 - "Sonic Boom"
  • 2020 - "Sonic in Cinema"

Computer games

  • 1993 - Sonic Chaos
  • 1994 - Sonic Triple Trouble
  • 1995 - Knuckles' ChaoTix
  • 1995 - Sonic Labyrinth
  • 1996 - Sonic the Fighters
  • 1996 - Sonic 3D Blast
  • 1997 - Sonic R

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