Alexander Tsurcan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In his youth, Alexander Tsurkan built a career in the road sphere, but he was not afraid to radically change the life and in 30 years to become an actor. The man did not regret, because his courage was rewarded with bright images in the cinema and the love of Russian audience.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Tsurcan appeared on January 2, 1960 in the Russian city of Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Parents of the stars were representatives of different nationalities: the Father is a native of Romania, and Mom is Russian. But they met in the Moscow region when they went to master the virgin to the decree of Nikita Khrushchev. They were far from the creative profession, but in the early years of the biography instilled the son of love for literature and art.

Sasha grew up athlete, wanted to enter the military school, but did not pass a medical examination. Therefore, the young man became a student of a road institute, where the construction and operation of airfields mastered. When the study came to the end, Tsurcan at his own desire went to work in Siberia by an engineer.

Alexander Tsurcan in his youth (frame from the movie

During this period, the guy's career was rapidly in the mountain, he received 700 rubles for his work, that by the standards of those times were considered big money. But Alexander's life has changed after a meeting with a philologist who introduced him to the work of Vladimir Vysotsky. It was so much impressed by a man that he decided to return to the Moscow region and become an artist of the theater on Taganka.

But it was not possible to realize the conceived immediately, it was not possible, for 3 years he was interrupted by the part-time of the installer and guard, until he learned about the set for training in the studio at the theater. The course was led by Yuri Lotsimov, whose speech Sasha saw the day before. Young man dreamed of learning from him.

But upon admission, there was a problem - the mentor wanted to see on the course only students under 30, and the future artist just recently centered the third decade. Then the performer decided to go to the trick: he went to his hometown, where he had a certificate to give him a certificate about the loss of passport and write there 1962 year of birth.

The idea was a success, out of 6 thousand applicants who wanted to get to the Marta course, chose only 20, and among them Alexander. Only after the enrollment, he told about herdogue, but no one became expelled him. Thanks to the life experience, the man quickly managed to become the best student. Shortly after completion of study, the artist was accepted into the theater troupe on Taganka.

Over the next years, Tsurcan played in the play "Moscow-Petrushki", "Live", "Evgeny Onegin" and "Vladimir Vysotsky", where he performed leading roles. But due to the conflict with the leadership, Alexander decided to leave in 2005 and did not regret, because during this period he was already in demand on television.

Personal life

The artist was repeatedly married. With his first spouse, Tatiana, he met still during training in a road institute. The guy literally lost his head from the senses to the future chief and forgot about learning that it almost led to the deduction. Soon the lovers played a wedding, and Tanya, like a faithful wife, went for a man to Siberia. There was also born their only daughter Julia.

Happy marriage lasted 8 years, but ended in divorce. The second spouse, Elena, was also an engineer by profession. It was she who inspired the star to enter the theater school and presented him with the eldest son Kirill. But the family broke up because the man met his third party - Anastasia.

The result of the new novel was the birth of Ivan. But after 2 severe divorces, the actor was in no hurry to lead a passion for the crown, which was the cause of misunderstanding and frequent quarrels. As a result, the Union was short, and the next love of Tsurykan became a student of the theater faculty Irina, who gave him Sasha's son.

Then the artist had a relationship with a beginner actress Maria. The short union ended with a long-lasting bracketing process and heavy experiences for the artist who had to leave with the mother of his 4th heir - Andrei.

Soon, a man met the artist Natalia Nevolina, who began to live in a civil marriage. He took over the upbringing of the son of the Choir from the past relations and was finally able to arrange a personal life. But about the children from the former beloved actor also did not forget and tries to support them in all endeavors.


The celebrity on-screen debut happened in 1995, when he starred in an episodic role in the "House" film, but his name did not even contribute to the titles. After that, the man continued to replenish the filmography in such projects as "Beauty Salon", "Fifth Angel" and "Gromov".

But the popularity of the actor was involved in the painting "Breakthrough", for which he was awarded official thanks to the President of Russia. The plot of dramas is based on real events and tells about the feat of the soldiers during the fight against terrorists in the North Caucasus. Tsurcan embodied the character of the commander - Captain Cartseva.

During this time, the image of a military man was entrenched for a man. The performer was offered the role of investigators, officers and FSB officers, but Alexander so desperately wanted to change the roles that he agreed to play a maniac-psychopath in the episode of the "Experts" series. The shooting was held at the Museum of Militia, where the exhibits dedicated to Chikatilo impressed the artist.

Then there was no less bright appearance in the image of a negative character in the picture "The Criminal Bag of Snowfall", the actions of which occur during the First World War. Tsurcan was delighted with joint work with director Vladimir Motalem and actress Daniela Stanovich.

The next project, in which a man managed to participate, was the series "New Life of the Gurov Detective", where Sergey Makhovikov played the main role. After that, the performer continued to regularly appear in the images of law enforcement officers. He played Major Militia Alexander Chigirev in Ribe "Moscow. Three stations "and the investigator Viktor Dronova in" Lesterk ".

Over the years, the artist has not lost its popularity on the screens and continued to delight fans with the appearances in the series "Quiet Hunting", "Bones" and "Killer's Profile - 2", where he brightened with talent even in episodic roles.

Alexander Tsurkan now

In January 2020, the actor noted the anniversary - 60 years, in honor of which he was interviewed for the "literary newspaper." Now the fans are watching the creativity of the idol on the page in Vkontakte, where news and photos are published.


  • 2000 - "Beauty Salon"
  • 2003 - "Detective without a license"
  • 2004 - "Penalbat"
  • 2006 - "Gromov"
  • 2006 - "Breakthrough"
  • 2007 - "New Life of Gurov's Detective"
  • 2011 - "Forester"
  • 2015 - "Rural Teacher"
  • 2016 - "From sadness to joy"
  • 2018 - "Train of Fate"

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