Movie "One House" (1990): 2021, interesting facts, actors


The cult film "One House", which was held in 1990, appeared on Russian screens 3 years after the premiere and continues to delight the audience in the new 2021. The American history of intelligent Kevin, who forgotten on the eve of Christmas, liked the acting game of a young performer and non-standard stunting tricks, causing a smile. Interesting facts of the family comedy with the spiritual final - in the material 24cm.

Evil uncle

The film "One House" on the role of Harry was invited by Robert De Niro and the comic of John Lovitz, but the project did not impress artists. Joe Peshi grabbed the idea and went to the shooting with a creative approach.

To call the Kevin genuine fear, the actor preferred not to intersect with Macolase Calkins before filming. And during the episode, where Kevin hangs on the wall, Peshi really bit the young artist for the finger of the teeth, and so much that left the scar for memory.

Horror, horror ...

Scenes where bandits are broken into the boy, cause anxiety for a child. However, in the plot Kevin was not a mistake and scared the unreassed guests in the ways that cause horror. And not all episodes were resorted to the services of Dubler.

So, in the face of Marvin, who played actor Daniel Stern, plenty of a real tarantula. At such a risky step, the performer did not agree immediately, but the confidence of the film crew convinced that it was worth a risk. The frame turned out from one dubl.

"Clap, clap, toys"

In one of the episodes, the gangster Marvin goes on the Christmas toys, coming a bare stop on the glass, which looked realistic. However, the Master of Special Effects tried and made glass jewelry from sugar. But along the snow barefoot, the hero is already in rubber nozzles on the legs, which will notice only the attentive viewer.

For persistence

The film "Angels with dirty souls", which Kevin looks at the video recorder, does not exist. Director Chris Columbus removed the black and white episodes in the gangster style specifically for the film. Actor Ralph Fudi was invited to the role, and as a foundation took the film "Angels with dirty faces." The most memorable phrase of the fictional militant turned out to be "leaving for yourself, a dirty animal."

The director also decided not to put girls on the laugh and in the photograph of the beloved Basza depicted a disguised boy. They became the son of the artistic director, who slightly grated and put a wig and dress.

Not to laughter

In 2012, doctors confirmed that if the injuries of the heroes turned out to be real, they would lead to a fatal outcome. To soften damage to vorays, the sound engineers were deliberately selected sounds that created the effect of light shocks.

Nevertheless, in an interview with Stern admitted that they with a partner Joe Peshi gathered a rich crop of cones and bruises. But their episodes cost without serious injury.

Other mockery of "wet gangsters", who had to roll from the stairs, grab the steamed door handle and get shock on the head with an iron, were realistic. And when Dubliers worked, then, according to the director, there was no laughter on the set. The director prayed so that the personnel would be without injuries.

Obsessive thought

Writer John Hughes first saw the young Macaese Calkin in the comedy "Uncle Tank". The performer liked so much that the idea of ​​creating a script in the style of "Oliver Twist" was born. But the classical solution seemed to the author boring. The desired scenario appeared when, together with his family, Hughes went on holiday to France.

The idea came here that you can forget the child in the turmoil and hurry. The obsessive thought in 10 days turned into a ready-made script, from which 44 pages were written in 8 hours.

Director Chris Columbus took over the project, but challenged the participation of Calkin. According to various sources, the casting took part from 100 to 400 boys, but the charm of the young Macaula was stronger.

Hurry up for 23 hours

Pet of the Scriptwriter Comedy actor John Candy, who was able to highlight only one day on the shooting. The scenes with Gas Polinsky were filmed in 23 hours, and the Contractor was allowed to improvise on the set. Under the end, the artist was so fascinated by the character that began to tell a tearful story about how he spent the night with the dead in the coffin. This scene entered the final version of the film.

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