Maria Oktyabrskaya - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, tanker, Hero of the USSR



During the Great Patriotic War, thanks to the Donation of Maria Oktyabrskaya, the legendary tank T-34 "Combat girlfriend" was built, who graduated from his winning combat path under Königsberg. In 2019, more than 70 years old, K. K. Rokossovsky was able to restore the famous "thirty part", K. K. Rokossovsky specialists of the Soviet Union. A year later, during test tests at the School Polygon, the armored car showed high challenges, coping with the obstacle route.

Childhood and youth

The opinions of historians relating to the date of birth of the world in the world of a tanker diverged. Some argued that she came to this world on August 16 (according to a new style) of 1902 or 1905, others - that July 21, 1902. However, disagreements did not cause the place of appearance to the light - the Crimean village of Kiya. Father and mother, who came from the peasants, died early, and the concern for the brothers and sisters (10 children were brought up in the poor family of Garagula) lay on Mary's shoulders.

Up to today, only brief information about the relatives of the Hero of the Soviet Union came. It is known that in the 1930s, her younger brother Ephraim smoked and sent to the Urals, where he lived in the village of Bayanovka and died in 1997. The cousin grandson, Sergey Serov, put his hand to creating a biography of the famous grandmother, accompanied by archival photos, on the website of the Internet project "Heroes of the country".

Childhood and adolescence of Masha was held in Sevastopol, from where she later moved in Dzhanka, where she graduated from 6 classes, and Simferopol. In the last city, the girl settled on the cannery and worked by a telephonist.

There was also a fateful acquaintance with a future husband, together with whom (already in the status of a legitimate spouse), she visited various settlements of Ukraine. In the 1940s, the couple got to Chisinau.

Personal life

Simferopol arranged the personal life of Beauty Mary of Garaguli and cadet of the cavalry school Ilya Runenko. However, in the work of Sergey Serov it is indicated that his surname sounded as a divine, the guy was listed by the Cavalister of the Gregory Kotovsky Division.

The new acquaintance immediately liked the girl, and in the 1925th Maria accepted the proposal of his hands and hearts from the beloved. Having played a wedding, spouses took over the new name - October. A young wife accompanied her husband everywhere, where the service was thrown, and did not lose time with the gift.

The future Hero of the Soviet Union graduated from medical care courses and chauffeurs, learned to shoot from machine gun and Nagana. Also actively engaged in public activities, shone in the circles of amateur, glad by Russian folk songs. She was distinguished by an exquisite taste in clothes, was considered a skillful needlewoman, causing admiration not only with his outfits, but also the decoration of the dwelling.

In 1941, the Great Patriotic War began to spread the path of the couple. Ilya Fedotovich left to defend his homeland, not forgetting to report himself in letters. Maria Vasilyevna, together with his sister, went to the evacuation to Tomsk, where he worked in a telephonist in an artillery school.

At the end of the summer, it became known that on August 9, the Oktyabrsky Regiment Commissioner died from a machine-gun line near Kiev - the military commander of the 206th rifle division was led by the Soviet fighters in the attack. Having received a funeral, the widow was asked to the front several times. But invariably stumbled upon failures because of the age and health of health - let me know the transferred tuberculosis of the cervical vertebra.


But manifesting enviable perseverance, Oktyabrskaya did not give up. The woman sold everything that could be sold, was engaged in needlework and accumulated 50 thousand rubles as a result. Savings, she sacrificed to the construction of a T-34 "combat girlfriend" tank, sending a letter to Joseph Stalin. Telegram reading:

"My husband died in the battles for their homeland ... For his death, for the death of all Soviet people, tortured by the fascist barbarians, I want to revenge ... why I introduced all my personal savings to the statebank to build a tank. Tank I ask to call the "battle girlfriend" and send me to the front as the driver of this tank. "

From the Supreme Commander of the USSR Armed Forces, the response came:

"Thank you, Maria Vasilyevna, for your concern about the armored forces of the Red Army. Your desire will be executed. Accept my hello. Joseph Stalin".

From the blessing of the head of the Soviet Union since May 1943, a woman studied the skills of driving a combat vehicle in the Omsk School.

Upon his end, Sergeant Oktyabrskaya was recorded in the crew of Peter Chebowko (where Gennady Yasko and Mikhail Galkin also included), included in the 2nd battalion of the 26th Guards Tank Brigade of the 2nd Guards Tank Corps. In October, the first woman in the country, who became a mechanic-driver of a combat vehicle, fought on the West Front.

On November 18 of the same year in the battles for the Belarusian village, the new village took a real feat - broke the defense of the fascists, eliminated the gun and destroyed fifty German opponents. During the military operation, T-34 was bent, and the Oktyabrskaya wounded itself. But this did not prevent Soviet fighters for two days to reflect the strikes of the enemy until they were evacuated.


On January 18, 1944, Oktyabrskaya again distinguished itself in the battle, held in the area of ​​the railway station and the state farm "Rockies". Mom Tankists (such a nickname mechanic deserved at the fellow soldiers) managed to destroy the 3 machine-gun nests of the Nazis and about 20 enemy soldiers and officers. Unfortunately, the losses suffered the "combat girlfriend" - shell interrupted the caterpillar.

Maria Vasilyevna rushed to eliminate damage, but a miner ripped out, heavily wounded a woman-fighter. Sergey Serov pointed out that at first his cousin felt pain in the left eye, then - in his left hand and hip, as a result, having lost his feelings.

A woman was taken to a field hospital where they made the first operation, then transported to Smolensk. But the state of health has deteriorated - the fragment touched a large hemisphere of the brain, the failures of the failures in memory, headaches, heat. Coming to himself, she invariably asked about the comrades on the shelf.

In the morning of March 15, 1944, Tankikovka, who had time to get the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, did not. The legendary representative of the Red Army, 5 months after the death of the Hero of the Soviet Union, was buried in the surge of the heroes in the Smolensk Kremlin.


  • Maria Oktyabrskaya is enrolled forever in the lists of personnel part, which is considered exclusively an accommodation act.
  • In honor of the mother of tankers, the streets in Smolensk, Giankow, the village of Liozino are named.
  • The name of Maria Oktyabrskaya wears a gymnasium No. 24 of the city of Tomsk - the entrance to it precesses the monument. On one of the housings of the electrolympoam plant on Belinsky Street, located between Kirov Avenue and Usov Street, where the house of the legendary tanker was located, a memorial plaque was installed. At one of the streets there is a bust Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • In the Museum and Memorial Complex "History of T-34 Tank, founded by the daughter of the Soviet designer engineer Nikolai Kucherenko, a part of the exposition of the annual mini-exhibition" Women and Tanks "is devoted to Maria Oktyabrskaya.
  • Smolensk women's ensemble of veterans of the Great Patriotic War "Combat Girlfriend" celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2020.

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