Mel Gibson: biography, personal life, 2021, filmography, wife, children, in youth


The famous this actor did militants, and he received recognition after his directorial works, awarded a number of top cinematic awards. And the character of the artist was the arrival in the towns as an example of incontinence and conservative support, not wanting to adapt to the newest mass trends.

On January 3, 2021, Mel Gibson celebrated its 65th anniversary. On the entertaining details of the saturated biography and the personal life of the Hollywood Star - in the material 24cm.

1. Dreams of Vikings

In the youth, Mel Gibson becomes the actor did not plan. A much more suitable way of a clergyman seemed to him. Subsequently, more interest in the young man began to cause journalism, although at the age of 16 in his head and thoughts began to associate their own life with cinema.

True, then I saw myself not to study the Staronorvetian language, I saw myself not in the frame, but in the chair of the director who guards the shooting of a large-scale project about the adventures of the powerful Vikings. Probably, precisely because of such thoughts after school, the future artist came to the National Institute of Dramatic Art, and did not go to the faculty of journalism.

2. Theater and movies

Mel Gibson at the Institute constantly participated in the diverse productions of classical works. It was possible to play the future star of the film screen and in Romeo and Juliet. And to try on the artist, the role of not only the main character, but also the heroine - replaced the false actress.

The first role in the cinema, according to the artist, he is obliged to his own sister. It was she who sent for the chalk, more enthusiastic at that time the theater, a questionnaire for the studio. Despite the fact that Gibson did not approve the initiative of the relative, the sample was still. And immediately impressed the cinematographers.

Moreover, a considerable role in the resulting effect was played by the fact that the beginning of the interviewing the novice artist managed to fight. And he was remembered, but the unlaced physiognomy came the Casting Commission in the soul.

According to some information, and in the fact that Mel Gibson went to the theater Institute, also "guilty" the sister, who sent documents instead of brother.

3. Australian say

Of course, world fame Mel Gibson is obliged to the original trilogy "Mad Max", the events of which are unfolding on the frightening desert expanses of the postpocalyptic world. An enforcement is that in the American rolling of the protagonist whose role and played Gibson was to renovate - the audience from the United States was simply not able to understand what the protagonist says because of the terrible Australian actor accent.

4. Passions on "weapons"

Another sign franchise in the cinematic career of Mela Gibson became a "deadly weapon", telling about the dashing adventures of a couple of cops-partners. For Gibson, the first film of this series became a real breakthrough - the tape made an already known actor in the world of a real superstar of militants. A comparable value in Bruce Willis career was played by the first "strong nut".

It's funny that the initial alignment was the opposite - it was Mel Gibson who was considered the main candidate for the role of John McClein, Willis was the second in line. And at the same time, the famous subsequently, Bruce should have been embodying the image of Martin Riggs on the screen.

It is noteworthy that Joel Silver was produced in both cases, who gave Gibson a chance to familiarize himself with the scenario of "deadly weapons". After that, the actor from the offer to play in the "strong nut" refused. What took advantage of, having learned about the decision of the colleague, Bruce Willis, who refused to role Riggs.

5. Providence

Gibson proven himself not only as a talented actor and a person with a difficult character, but also as a gifted director. What is the evidence of the two statues of Oscar and the Golden Globe, which were awarded with a picture of the "Brave Heart" shot. As well as the nomination to the tape awards mentioned "for conscience reasons".

The directorial star of the star belongs to such an ambiguous project, as "Passion of Christ", with $ 30 million the budget managed to collect in the end of $ 600 million himself Gibson, speaking of the film, assures that it is capable of, like any honest Catholic, to see heavenly signs. And because the picture itself, according to the artist, did not shoot himself, and his Holy Spirit of his hands.

6. Strange choice

In addition to the militants, in the artist filmography there is enough work and serious. For example, in 1990, Mel Gibson starred in the picture of Franco Dzeffirelli "Hamlet, based on the work of the famous William Shakespeare. Moreover, the director of the picture told reporters in an interview that he decided to take an actor to his project after viewing, no matter how paradoxically, "deadly weapons".

Critics considered that in this way, removing the actor from the popular militant in the role of a serious dramatic character, the filmmaticist sought to attract the attention of a young audience to classic works.

7. Dad

Mel Gibson is known as a large father - he has nine children. Moreover, seven from one woman is Robin Moore, in the 1980th of the artist's wife. It is entertaining that in the press there are several options for the familiarity of Mela Gibson with a future spouse. The most popular two versions are: young people live in the neighborhood and that the marriage agency helped them helped them.

After almost three decades of the summer of living together, the couple decided to disperse. But Mel Gibson did not stay alone. In the future, the celebrity had a relationship with Mordovia's pianist Oksana Grigorieva and the writer Rosalinda Ross: the first gave birth to a daughter from the actor, and the second is the Son.

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