Lev Ovalov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, writer, books



Lev Ovalov is the Soviet writer, the creator of a series of detective novels about Major Pryno. On account of the writer more than 30 works. He conducted creative activity under the pseudonym, hiding the surname of Shapovalov.

Childhood and youth

Lev Sergeevich Ovalov was born on August 29, 1905 in Moscow. Sr. Shapovalov died in 1914 at the front of the First World War, so the boy was brought up by his mother and lived together with her and the younger brother in the village of Uspensky Orlovskaya province. Male attention and advice children received from the stepfather, who replaced the Father.

In his youth, Lev was the starting, erudite and initiator of any creative activity. In 1918, he joined the VLKSM and became the head of the Komsomol Cell. In 1923, a young man came to Moscow to enroll in the university. As a student of the medical faculty of Moscow State University, the guy managed to be interested in journalism, which determined the further biography of Ovalov.

As an author, he began to be published in the periodicals "Workers' Moscow" and "Peasant Gazeta". Visiting the literary section "Antenna", Lev developed skills. His first independent work saw the light in 1928. They became the story "chatter". Having received a graduate diploma, ovalls began to work as an editor in the publications "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Young Guard" and "around the world".

Personal life

Brother Ovalova Dmitry graduated from the military school and in the rank of lieutenant went to the front of the Great Patriotic War to protect the Western border. In 1941, he was captured, then he was liberated by the allies and stayed in Europe. Trying to get a lot in several foreign countries, in 1950 he found himself in Canada and settled in Montreal.

The brothers have established a connection only in 1966 and began a long correspondence that lasted until 1975. It was difficult to come to the Soviet Union, as well as to leave him abroad. To see with the closest man Lion could not. Dmitry died and was buried not far from Montreal in the Russian cemetery

Lev Ovalov survived the link and at the end of the appointed term became acquainted with the woman who changed the personal life of the optocrian writer. Her name was Anna Kotzer. In 1947, the prisoner gave birth to the writer Daughter Tatiana. Subsequently, the girl was brought up in the Father's family, as the writer earlier was serving a sentence and turned out to be in the wild.

In 1948, when Ovalov worked as a camp doctor, he met Feldscher, a recent graduate of the Yaroslavl Medicilus Valentina Kozhenina. The age difference between them was 20 years old, but she did not interfere with the novel and feelings. Marriage officially registered in 1953. The spouse presented the oval of four children - two daughters and two sons.

After serving the term, the author remained in the link. Together with his wife he lived and worked in the Urals, and then in Adygea. In 1956, thanks to numerous appeals and disorders of the writer, they rehabilitate, and he returned to Moscow. Recommending the literary activities from which he was distracted for a long 15 years, Ovalov was able to provide loved ones thanks to published books.


The story "Blue Swords" was written specifically for the magazine "Around the World". He served as the beginning of a series of detectives about Major Pryno. From 1939 to 1940, the light saw at once six essays dedicated to this character. They were published by the publication "around the world" and "Banner". As part of the "Library of the Red Army", the works were released separately. The Pryno Collection was released in 1941. At the same time, the author presented the continuation of exciting history. They turned out to be a novel "Blue Angel", printed in "Sparkle".

In July 1941, Ovalov was arrested by imposing a prosecution of the disclosure of secret information. The writer was condemned and sent to the Labor Camp. Throughout the links, he worked on the specialty received at the university.

After rehabilitation in 1956, the author released three novels dedicated to the Hero's loved readers - Major Prono. The work of "Death Weapons" was published. It was affected by a political topic associated with the wanted intelligence of the opponent of data on the unified field theory, the opening of Soviet scientists. In the future, the author's bibliography was replenished with writings of a historical and social and industrial nature.

Ivan Pronin is a policeman-Chekist, the life of which is full of peripetia and unpredictable coincidence. Soviet James Bond, he attracted the interest of millions of reading citizens. But ovalov was not looked at his hero. His authorship owns the book "Bouquet of Scarlet Roses", in which he described Moscow, who met the writer after reference. Safety to fashion, music, ideals and idols of modern youth existed in parallel with the description of the activities of public services and diplomats.

The later works of the writer refers "Remember about me", telling about the fate of the schoolgirl-Muscovite, which was in a religious sect. Critics are found in the work of Ovalov, the features of a noir detective. Its writings contain an interesting plot, broadcast tension in the course of the development of action and written in a coarse narrative manner.


Lev Ovalov died on April 30, 1997. The cause of death has become associated with the old age of the disease. The body of the writer was cremated, and the dust mixed with the remains of his mother and dispelled over the Moscow channel, located near the author's summer cottage. The photo of the writer is now placed in textbooks on literature, telling about him as one of the representatives of the genre of the Soviet detective.


  • 1929 - "Not less than 35"
  • 1930 - "Bolt"
  • 1933 - "Two Tale"
  • 1939 - "Blue Swords"
  • 1939 - "Lemon Grain"
  • 1940 - "Trip to Yerevan"
  • 1941 - "Blue Angel"
  • 1958 - "Bouquet of scarlet roses"
  • 1958 - "Copper Button"
  • 1962 - "Secret Weapon"
  • 1967 - "Remember me"
  • 1970 - "Russian expanses"
  • 1979 - "Morning freezing"
  • 1982 - "Twenties"
  • 2017 - "Secrets of Black Magic" (published posthumously)

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