Khoma Brut (character) - photo, Nikolay Gogol, "Viy", characteristic, history, Pannachka


Character History

Homa Brut is the main hero of the mystical story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Viy". A young Bursak, a valeturo and not at all a sample of virtue, he does not face a unclean force in his will.

History of character creation

The Russian writer was fond of the history of Malorussia. The collection "Mirgorod", published in February 1835, was founded on the Ukrainian folklore. Among the 4 works "Viya" is allocated by a mystical orientation.

The author in the preface to the book indicated that he transmits folk beliefs. However, researchers and today did not find any reliable confirmations. The fact is that the character of Viy is a collective image of other folklore representatives. And the meaning of the name, according to experts, comes from two Ukrainian words - "VECO" and "Eyelashes".

As for the main character, he is a typical resident of Malorus. Lover drink phlegmatic and even lazy. In the book studying the philosopher, although it is not thinking about the meaning of life. His famous quotation is "what be, not to power."

The meaning of the name of the young Bursaka is not fully disclosed. Khoma, researchers of creativity Nicholas Gogol, reminds of the theologian Fome Aquinsky. And also - about the apostle and the disciple of Jesus Christ. The surname of Bruut wore the Roman senator, and today it is associated with betrayal.

The product is filled with symbolism. The main character of the story leads the Rippley, even a politic lifestyle. Viy is the personification of evil. Reading prayers - attempts to be cleaned, to open God. But instead, the young Bursak looks at unclean power, that is, it goes on his weaknesses. The final of the cookie - letting evil in his soul, the hero dies.

Image and Biography of Hama Bruta

The orphan, who did not know the parents, was a man of cheerful lava. He loved the life and those benefits that were available to him. He lived at a fraternal monastery, he studied at the philosopher, although the issues of worldview did not particularly inspire him.

The seminarist, who studied church scholastic, preferred earthly joy: loved to drink, drink and pretty food. Certainly called musicians to dance. The philosopher in his soul appeared only at the moments of testing. And so the guy indulged in idle time.

On vacation, he with two comrades - the theologian freebie, and Ritar Tiberius - went on the road to engage in tutoring. But I was getting lost and with the onset of darkness asked for a post.

In the middle of the night, Khoma woke up due to the fact that the hostess at home came to him, putting hands. The guy was frightened and tried to hide, but the unknown force was shaved his will. As a result, the witch, namely, was the old woman, sat down on a guest.

Bruut carried a woman on his back on the unknown trails and could not stop. He remembered what he was taught in the monastery, and began to paint prayers. It saved his life - the witch weakened, and the hero managed to get out of her. Grabbed it and hit the old woman several times.

I looked around - and instead of the elderly hostess lies a beautiful girl. Used the seminarist away from that place, decided to return to Kiev. And on arrival I learned that he was sent to the centurion to read prayers over his daughter.

Bruut wanted to refuse, but the rector "entered the student". Nothing remained a hero, how to go to carry out the order. Upon arrival, he learned that Pannochka died. Sotnik said that his daughter returned home all beaten and showed Homa Brut came and 3 nights spent with her in the church.

The philosopher was frightened when he saw a girl - it was the same witch who almost ruined him. But the Sotnik threatened the vice in case of refusing to fulfill the last will of the dead.

On the first night, the guy diligently read prayers, is unable to get rid of the feeling that Pannachka is about to get out of the coffin. With the cries of roosters, the obsession passed. In the second night, it happened - the witch rose and tried to throw on Homa. But he rang around him around him and continued to turn to God. With the onset of the morning everything calmed down.

The philosopher for this night has suffered and decided to run. But he failed. Old Cossack Yathtuch understood the intention of the hero and stopped the guy. On the third night, everything happened - Pannachka got up from the coffin, and the church was filled with unclean.

Bruut muttered prayers, trying not to pay attention to the spirits and ghosts. The witch shouted to be called Viya. Before the house there was a terrible "closure squat". He had long a century. The creature demanded that his eyes were opened.

The inner voice of the seminarist told him not to look at Viya, but it became curious. Therefore, the guy turned out to be visible to the church of the unclean. A young man fell silent, who died or from fear, or from the traffic policemen, spirits and ghosts.

Homa Brut in films

Soviet filmmaking called "Viy" became one of the leaders of the rental in 1968. The film was removed by Konstantin Ershov and George Rumble on the basis of the story of Nicholas Gogol.

The main role was performed by Leonid Kuravlev. This famous Soviet actor earned fame, appearing in comedy and dramatic images. Therefore, the viewer was unusual to see the artist in the new role.

Nevertheless, the directors managed to demonstrate a real war between the developments of evil and the young seminarist. And Leonid Kuravlev talentedly portrayed fear and horror on his face. The appearance of the hero corresponded to the description of the local resident of the Malororsia of the time. This, of course, hairstyle "under the Makitru" or, as it was also called, "under the pot."

In 2014, the Russian film Oleg Stephenko "Viy" came to the screens. Shot based on a story, he is a certain continuation of the history of Nicholas Gogol. It turns out that Homa (Alexey Petrukhin) stated his death, and actually hid from all in sheep skins.

Pannochka is not the witch at all, but an unhappy girl who dies from the hands of Paisia. In this confusing business to deal with the cartographer Jonatan Green. In the movie final, the truth opens, Brut is adopted by the Iraiean San.

In 2018, the premiere of the 2nd film was held in the series "Gogol" with Alexander Petrov in the lead role. A series of murders in the dikanka continues. Nikolay lead an exorcist. The wandering philosopher and theologians hunts the evil spirits, perfectly owns the dark Latin, the Word of God and martial arts.

The fate of the hero and the series turned out to be tragic. It dies from the teeth of Ulyana, which it is possible to pull out an exorcist from the drawn circle. Played professional exile demons Alexei Vertkov.

The biography of the main character of Nikolai Gogol's story is an interesting topic for reasoning. From the point of view of the analysis of artistic images, Victory Viya is the consequences of the fact that people began to forget the church and God. Homa Bruut knew writing and prayer, but for him these words did not become internal convictions. For this he paid, surpasses the victim of not only the unclean strength, but also his own vices.

Interesting Facts

  • In the free film "Witch" 2006, the main characteristics of the philosopher from the story accepted the journalist Avan, played by Valery Nikolaev.
  • Olga Kohannko in 2019 wrote the first novel based on the series Gogol. She called her work "Homa Brut".
  • In the film of 1967, Mikhail Kokshenov should have fulfilled the major role.


"Now the damned witch will ask me a ffeferu. Yes, however, what am I really? What I'm afraid? Isn't I Cossack? "" So whatever awards ... how do you want yourself, Pan, but I will not read! "" What to be afraid of? After all, she will not get out of his coffin, because God's Word will be afraid. Let him lie! "


  • 1835 - "Viy"
  • 2019 - "Homa Brut"


  • 1967 - "Viy"
  • 2014 - "Viy"
  • 2018 - "Gogol. Viy "

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