Siville Treloni (character) - Photo, actress, Emma Thompson, "Harry Potter", professor


Character History

Siville Treloni is a fictional character of the Romanov cycle about Harry Potter British writer Joan Rowling. The heroine, causing the impression of a charlatankaya, works in Hogwarts professor of prison and prefers to make sinister predictions.

History of character creation

In a fantastic saga, the author opposes two personalities - Minerva McGonagall and Siville. The first is a straight, strict and pedantic woman. On her background, the trolloni looks like a manipulator, a cheater with overestimated self.

Joan Rowling created for each hero not only detailed characteristics, but also a biography. True, not all the developments found a place in the ultimate editors of books. So happened with this teacher.

In an interview, the writer explained that, probably, until the start of work at the Sivil's witchcraft school was interrupted by random earnings. She was even offered to get a seller. But, having a famous clairvoyant, a woman considered such vacancies unworthy.

In the world where magic is a granted, the heroine with a dubious gift is a lot of questions. The author on her example wanted to demonstrate their attitude towards the fortune tellers. It is not surprising that some of the trilon words come true in a ratio of 50 to 50.

However, this character still confirms its right to be near the real professionals of magic. Joan Rowling identified her the role of the predictor of the most important - the birth of Harry Potter and the appearance of Volan de Mort.

The author in the preparation of images of literary heroes used information from mythology. In case of anguard, it is easy to trace. Sibilles (Sibillas) - the names of the propheted in ancient culture, which more often predicted disasters.

The name of the character was chosen by the writer so that it does not look comical and sounded attractive. Joan Rowling confessed that she really liked Cornish surnames, and "Teloni" is just that. She wore very ancient genus, as well as she was mentioned in the popular song The Song of the Western Men.

The second name of the heroine is Patricia that translated from Latin means "noble" or "noble".

The teacher appears in all parts of the saga, however, in films, her participation in Harry Potter's life decreased. Meanwhile, this woman turned out to be one of the most mysterious personalities in the work. Fans and today are building theories regarding her role. So, the opinions are popular that Professor is actually among the deaths of death.

Image and biography of sville trillon

His gift heroine received Cassandra from the Praprabablushka. Interestingly, Sivil has become the first after her in the family, who had a similar talent. However, it is difficult to talk about this, because in the entire history, the woman only twice gave predictions that confirm her abilities.

Professor Hogwarts was born on March 9. She is half a year, as her mother was Magl. It is known that the lady has been married for short time, and the divorce happened before the start of work at the School of Wizard. About the wife, the reader knows only the fact that his surname is Higgglbott. The bride did not want to take it after marriage.

The duties of the prison began in 1980. The interview was conducted by the director of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore. And this is also connected with an unusual situation. The candidate behaved mysteriously and mysteriously, trying to show themselves from the best side. But Dumbledore understood that he was sitting in front of him, weakly suitable for the post of professor.

Suddenly, the applicant's voice changed, and she entered the trance. The following phrases forced the director to change the prevailing opinion. The woman predested the appearance of the one who defeats the Dark Lord.

Dumbledore gave Siville at school for two reasons. The first - he was waiting for the lady again will decrease "insight" and it will share important information. And the second - Albus understood that the Walls of Hogwarts would protect the teacher from the traffic police officers. And for the Society of Dark Wizards, it will undoubtedly be of interest.

So, Treloni ranked a professor at the School of Wizard. She understood that less talented than colleagues, and their society was intentionally. Sivile spent most of his free time in his office. Gradually, the lady began to show dependence on spirits.

However, no one perceived seriously "fortune tune." And her appearance advocated an additional circumstance of why a woman could not compare with the sophisticated and strict McGonagall. Based on the quotation of Harry Potter, the teacher looked like a shiny dragonfly.

A kind of similarity with insect was called by her thick lenses. Huge eyes on the floor face looked ridiculous and insane. In addition, the priest was Sleepy, wore ridiculous clothes from light tissues and a mandatory shawl in silver sparkles.

Long neck decorated numerous necklaces and beads. However, accessories are a favorite part of a woman's image. Rings, bracelets, rings - the feeling that she deliberately focuses on this.

There is an opinion that Treloni is a psychologist, and her only gift is the trick of the fortune teller. For example, knowing the suggestibility of Neville, she predicted a teenager that he would soon break the cup. It is not surprising that the nervous Dolbupps, taking the kitchen, immediately dropped him.

The similar "coincidence" happens with another student - Lavend Brown. To her, the teacher predicted misfortune on October 16, and the girl will wait and be afraid of this. That day the student received the news of the death of a pet - rabbit. And, of course, tied the exhausted with fortune.

Hermione Granger tried to enjoy a girlfriend, explaining that it was a coincidence, and not accurate. In addition, Harry Potter's fellow travelers, herself choosing this subject, after 8 months he said loudly, which no longer wants to engage in useless matter.

Since the interviewing of Sivil, the air has shocked the air with mysterious and gloomy predictions, which for the most part injected fear on new students. However, in 1994, the woman again "Ozaro". And this time the trolloni predicted the appearance of a dark lord.

In 1996, the teacher was in opal. When the director of Hogwarts became Dolores Ambridge, she dismissed an incompetent employee. True, on the return of Dumbledore, Cassandra has restored the Ré Ramblerian.

Sivil Trekoni in films

In the films about Harry Potter, based on the novels, Joan Rowling, the role of the priests played by Emma Thompson. The British actress confessed what to participate in this project was boring. And on the consent of the performer to embody the role of crazy clairvoyant influenced the fact that her daughter Guy was a fan of fantastic saga.

This character in the film was delivered on screen times. A woman with a comical manner was seen only in three paintings. In the final part of the trolloni appeared in the battle for Hogwarts. Despite the reflection of fans about the predictor involvement in death, she took the side of Dumbledore in the battle.

Interesting Facts

  • In the first editions, Joan Rowling to the place of the professor of progress was planning to put a blind chair of the Mopsus. However, he was replaced by Siville.
  • The surname of the heroine consists of a combination of the roots of "TREE" and "LONOW", which is literally translated as "Grob Manor".
  • The character's wand is made of unicorn hazel and hair, in appearance resembles the magic gun of Sirius Black.
  • In Russian dubbing, Irina Savina voiced the role of cinema.
  • Treloni studied at the Faculty of Cogtevran.


"To begin with, you must turn off the brains and send your intuition to the flight!" "Once you have entered my class, I already knew that you do not have the ability to beginning. You are so young, but your heart is unable to love. "" One comes, who has enough power to defeat the dark Lord ... Born by those who threw him a challenge born on the outcome of the seventh month. "


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"

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