Semen Furman: Biography, Personal Life, 2021, Youth, Films, "Svaty", Wife, Children


He is from those actors who are called the "Episode Kings". In his filmography, which includes such projects as "Russian Transit", "Streets of broken lamps", "Master and Margarita" and more about hundreds of other tapes and serials, almost not to find the roles of the first plan. But each appearance of the artist on the screen invariably leaves a bright mark in the hearts of the audience.

On January 9, 2021, Semen Furman celebrated the 70th anniversary. On curious details of the personal life and the biography of the star - in the material 24cm.

1. Hormone inexpensive

According to the artist, in his adolescence, the mother was very worried about the size of the male dignity of the Son. And therefore began to make a teenager injections of hormonal drugs. True, the therapy of the required impact did not have anxiety.

But Semyon Furman has been forced to actually say goodbye to youth at 13, since the guy began to look like a 40-year-old man because of the beard and hair began to grow rapidly and the teenager even took someone from classmates for the father of someone. Also, Furman is sure, just the illustant injections of testosterone became the reason why he stopped growing so early.

2. Narland in advance

To become an actor Semen Furman decided for himself in childhood and went to the achievement of the goal with his peculiar persistence. However, in what he will be able to fulfill, nobody believed.

Some repeated that the seeds have no acting data. Others stated that a person with his appearance would trust only the scene of revenge, and therefore it is better not to think about how to get into the TV, but about how this miracle box is fixed. For the profession of telemaster, in contrast to the hypocrite, is worthy of respect and is always in demand.

Recommendations received from family members, Furman did not obey and, even if not from the first attempt, he achieved - he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the course of theatrical directory and went to Ashgabat to work in the theater of the young spectator who opened there.

3. Sudden confession

It's funny, but the first of its wide fame that came in the mid-90s, Semyon Furman is obliged by no episodic roles in various film and telecasts, but participation in the advertising campaign "Bank of Imperial". The cycle of the "World History" rollers, subsequently for Russians, who could hardly hardly have a cult status, took Timur Bekmambetov for a financial organization, and Furman appeared in the series about Nero.

4. Tightened Kameo

Semen Furman believes that I fully realized my own creative potential on the screen, since it was invited to the cinema for the most part to be removed, and not to play. After all, the artist invariably got the roles of elderly complete Jews. And such a type, according to the seeds of Alexandrovich, he is not necessary to play, since he himself is that the least full of Jew.

The actor hopes that in the future he will also bring to the image of truly significant characters on the screen and scene, and Romeo, and changes in its image will not be limited to changing the underwear and the head.

5. So beetle!

The audience is remembered by the audience the charming artist and in the role of the village oligarch Evgeny Zhuk in the popular TV series "Svaty". The artist himself confessed that he had nothing to remember about those filming. He was pulled out for a couple of days to participate in several scenes, where Furman once again experienced the image of a fat unshaven Jew, after which he had a return home.

The series itself, which is a lot of viewers and is now happy to revise, the actor has not seen. Moreover, according to him, the matter is not at all in a negative attitude towards a specific show. Just Furman, as a rule, does not watch movies in which they shot, because I do not like yourself when looking from the side.

6. Hobbies

Semen Furman loves animals. Handwood rats, and piglets, and cats have lived at home. Of the last pets, the dog is especially distinguished by a dog named Bulka obtained for the similarity of the behavior of the animal with the above-described Tolstoy in the story of the same name. True, in the work of the writer, the dog was French Bulldog, while the favorite of the Seeds of Alexandrovich from the breed of Brabant Griffons.

Another love of celebrity for a long time remains a jokes that Furman diligently collects, to then share with buddies. They consider the seeds of Alexandrovich, by no means the last storytellor.

By the way, the artist recognized that he was also able to hypnotize people. And demonstrated his own skills several times on the set. Semen Furman learned so entertaining science at the Institute in Psychology, on which hypnosis sessions arranged a teacher in the name Kovalev.

7. Husband, Father, Grandpa

All my life, the artist lived together with his wife Olga, who met on Lenfilm. They simultaneously worked at the studio: Semen - Assistant Director, Olga - Assistant Germer. Although Furman is sometimes kidding that it is not fully confident that his second half is that the most woman who is intended for him by Providence itself, together the couple has been more than four decades.

In this union, the only son of Daniel appeared on the world - there are no other children from spouses. But Semyon Furman and his wife gladly followed the role of grandparents, when granddaughter was born by Maya, regularly visiting the older generation on weekends and holidays.

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