Zoya Kukushkina - biography, personal life, photos, news, model, diagnoses 2021



Early years Zoe Kukushkina were difficult, because she was born painful and found himself in an orphanage. But the girl was lucky to find caring and loving parents who believed in her and helped to conquer the vertices of the model business. This has become an example and inspiration for many families who have the opportunity to change someone's life.


Zoya Kukushkin was born on March 1, 2011 in Siberia. There were few biological parents of celebrities. Her native mother died shortly after childbirth, and instead of information about the father in the document and now, dormile. The concern for the newborn lay on the shoulders of grandmother, but since the baby was weak and painful, the elderly woman had to give it to the orphanage.

The girl did not have so many memories of life in the orphanage shelter: there were little toys, and she felt lonely. But in the walls of the institution of future celebrities had to spend 4 years, because no one wanted a child with the 4th group of health.

Zoya Kukushkin and her biological mother

The chance to find a family from Zoe appeared only after the representatives of the Change One Life Foundation were paid at her. They help the orphanages to find new parents by shooting their colorful video recorders, where they talk about the nature and interest of orphans.

It was such a video that was caught by Tatiana Kukushkina, which literally fell in love with the blue eyes of the girl. After discussion, he and her husband decided that they would like to take a pupil of the orphanage in the family. But, when the recovery mother of the star called the regional operator of the data bank, it was terrified.

A woman was reported that the baby is in a specialized shelter, because due to numerous diseases it requires special care. In addition, problems with the central nervous system are reflected in the memory and thinking Zoe - it is hard for her to study, remember and absorb the information, even the development of speech is hardly given.

At first, Denis and Tatiana decided not to raise the child's education. But they were increasingly interested in information about its diagnoses, read the history of adoption from other parents. As a result, we decided on a repeated call. But it turned out that the girl was already taken from the shelter.

The news has become a blow to Tatiana, which has already imagined, as a receptional daughter hesitates in their family. Therefore, she was happy when the baby was returned, and, without hesitation for a long time, she sent her husband for her. The future star did not disappoint new parents and immediately showed herself as a cheerful, sociable and creative child.

Model Career

Since Zoya appeared in the Cukushki family, Tatiana began to spread the baby photos in the network, which collected many enthusiastic reviews. Already then the girl was called the beauty and the future of the famous actress or model was proper.

But finally decide on the choice of further path for Daughter Tatiana, a meeting with photographer Alexei Vasilyev. A man helped declare himself such models like Irina Shayk and Natalia Vodyanova. Therefore, when he noticed a zoya in the playground, I immediately understood that he sees a future star in front of him.

After the test shooting at Vasilyeva, requests for photo shoots with the participation of their daughter fell on Cukushki. Soon the girl appeared in the advertisement of Disney, participated in the campaigns "Your" and "Randevu," passed on the podium at the children's fashion week in Moscow.

But at this celebrity talents did not end, because she decided to become a designer. Her mother, Tatiana, inspired the desire of babies to help other pupils of orphanages who have not yet found a family. She began working on the organization of a charity show, which was held on March 31, 2019 in the Russian capital and wore the name "Baby in a cage". All reversed funds were donated to the "Change One Life" Foundation to remove the video records for orphan.

In March 2020, the model appeared in the release of the "Docking" program, where in an interview with its receptional mother shared the facts from the star biography and told about the path to success. In May of the same year, the details of the long-standing scandal around the Cuccushkina, the culprit of which was Yana Rudkovskaya. It turned out that in 2017, during a speech on the show "Top Mini Model", a woman called Zoyu mentally retarded than he insulted the young participant.

For the girl, the lawyer Katya Gordon, who called on TV presenter to apologize to his family. Soon after, Rudkovskaya published a post in which he expressed admiration for a little star and invited her to play for his project.

Now Cukushkin is the face of his own brand of clothing - promotes it by participating in promotional photo shoots. She has a page in "Instagram", where pictures and news about it are often published.

Zoya Kukushkina now

Now Cukushkin is the face of his own brand of clothing - promotes it by participating in promotional photo shoots. She has a page in "Instagram", where pictures and news about it are often published. The girl is not going to associate his life exclusively with the model business. As a future profession, she considers 3 options: DJ, a tattoo master or photographer.

In May 2021, Zoya, together with Mom, came to the show "Let them talk." The reason for the appearance of a family of cuckoo on the transfer was the numerous letters of "relatives" of a young star, who dreamed of a meeting with her.

On the air, Tatiana expressed concerns that the announcement of the sister, grandmother and the father of the adopted daughter will attempt to pick up the zoya. However, the relatives who came to the program did not pursue such motifs. The father of a small model asked just a meeting with the heir and promised not to hurt neither Tatiana nor the girl. And his older daughter named Christina was glad to conclude a sister who was found.

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