Rita Skiter (character) - Photo, actress, Miranda Richardson, "Harry Potter", Faculty


Character History

Rita Skiter is a secondary character of fantastic saga Joan Rowling. The true shark of the pen is famous for the scandalous articles, the "imaginary" of the main characters of Pecterians. Diluting the spoonful of the truth barrels of lies, the woman skillfully operates with the facts and masterfully presents information in the form of the form.

History of character creation

The component of the incredible popularity of the book cycle and the film franchise about the wizard's boy is undoubtedly the talent of Joan Rowling to create living heroes. There is not a single saga antagonist, in which it was impossible to find at least one positive moment.

Each of them has drawbacks and dignity, so readers were interested in monitoring the adventures of villains on pages. Skiter, causing unpleasant emotions, essentially just trying to find a place under the sun. It pushes her to translate the facts, a diligent search of unsightly situations and the publication of scandalous news.

The author in an interview admitted that he loves Rita. The journalist, which, in the first editorial, Rowling called Bridget, was written off with living people. Like other characters, she embodied the features of friends and acquaintances Joan.

Initially, the writer planned to introduce a heroine in the first book. But later, I decided that the ideal place of the debut was the moment when Harry Potter began to thicken clouds because of his glory.

Despite the qualities of women who are correctly called repulsive and unpleasant, the author noted its hardness and perseverance. Skiter is a purposeful professional of his business. The writer gave her an opportunity to show her skill in good use when Hermione forced Rita to publish the truthful article about Potter.

The name of the heroine does not carry any semantic load, while the surname of the journalist talking. Skeeter translated means "Mosquito". This insect causes an association with annoying.

In addition, the correspondent of the "weekly prophet" is an animagom, i.e., can transform into the beetle. Thanks to this talent, she managed to extract information for the next sensation.

Image and biography Rita Skiter

About the early biography of the character reader is not known to the reader. In the book, the lady appears before the tournament of three wizards. She is curious Harry Potter, because at that time the boy became popular in the magic community, so Skater, undoubtedly, became interested in them.

A woman takes an interview with the youngest participant in the competition, after which, according to tradition, he writes an article with a scandalous heading. Undoubtedly, the talent of the journalist lies in the fact that it clings for any carelessly abandoned word and inflaps a global sensation.

And this shark, the pen does not matter whether there is at least a share of truth in her words. Enthusiastic reviews about a universal pet is boring, so Skiter is trying to look out the standing compromising.

To this end, she comes to Hagrid, a friend Potter, thinking that he will help in the question of interest. But in the end switches to a good-natured teacher, learning that he gave birth to a giant. Because of such interventions, the man almost quit, but Dumbledore left him as an embodent for mythical animals.

Hermione Granger can not endure as the pricking shark of the feather spoils his loved ones with impunity. On the emotions, a student Hogwarts expresses claims. The Skiter publishes an article in the "Witin Leisure" journal.

In the center of the plot - Hermione, which seeks to charm celebrities: first Harry Potter, then Victor Krama. In addition, the "calculating hunter" allegedly uses a probitive potion. Such to survive calmly the Granger could not. The young wizard finds a compromising on the correspondent of the "weekly prophet".

The girl guess that Rita is Animag, besides unregistered. Hold a similar fact is prohibited by law. Hermione gets power over the "pen" Sketer and blackmail makes the lady stop writing a lie.

However, a woman would not long anywhere without a business. Her talent was useful for the same Granger. When the girl offered to work, the journalist quickly agreed. This order demanded from the heroine writing honest article about Harry Potter. And she was able to create it, despite the habit to turn everything from his legs.

After that, the correspondent returned to his beloved style. Now she took up Dumbledore, wanting to release not just news, but a whole book about the former Director of Hogwarts. Interestingly, throughout his "creativity" heroine, one way or another mentioned Albus. No wonder that it "hung" enough compromising on the Great Wizard.

However, this was not enough. In the search for the most unsightly sides of his life, the woman turned to Baptilde Bagshot - the former neighbor of Albus. The elderly historian refused to talk with a persistent journalist, and then the serum went to the move.

Deceased by Rita received what she wanted. It would be: the information that Dumbledore was friends in his youth with Gellert Green de Waldom, a dark magician, was on gold weight. In the book, Skater not only accused the connection of Albus with the enemy, but also accused him of his own sister's death.

Heroine is 43 years old, but it looks younger. Emko Appearance of the lady describes a quote from the novel: "It is laid in a bizarre structure from tight curls, ridiculous with massive chin." The correspondent of the "weekly prophet" will catch and wears a handbag made of crocodile skin.

The best assistant journalist is the green pen. This magic attribute instantly responds to the order of the hostess. It seems that the removed words reflect not that Skiter says, but what he wants to see on paper is their own thoughts.

Interestingly, when Rita needed to create a truthful article, she did not use this feather. Apparently, to write a honestly magical invention is not skillfully.

The character of the blonde-haired sensation hunters can be compared with perseverance of Dolores Ambridge and its ability to go out of water. These two heroines, despite the mass of negative qualities, cause admiration to perseverance and an irreconcilable position.

Rita Skiter in films

The cinema of the journalistly differed from her literary prototype. If the correspondent in the book was an extremely unpleasant one-like special person with three gold teeth, then a slim, sophisticated woman appeared in glasses with shimmering pebbles.

The role of Rita was offered to play Miranda Richardson. Previously, the actress has repeatedly taken for the role of the villain in the films "Sleepy Hollow" and "Snow White". Therefore, she was easy to try on the image of a blank scandalist.

As a result, an eccentric blonde with a ring voice and an unsurpassed style appeared on the screen. Miranda coped with the role of Skiter with a bang, so it is not surprising that it appeared again in the kinned Harry Potter after 5 years.

Interesting Facts

  • For a single honest article about Harry Potter, heroin did not receive any remuneration.
  • It is unknown that the journalist studied at what faculty. Fans believe that Slytherin would come to her.
  • In addition to articles, a woman wrote 6 books, refreshing not only the life of Dumbledore, but also other characters - Severus Snape, Newta Salamantera and Armando Dippet.
  • "Gold teeth may look repellent, and Rita strives to be charming," the quote of Miranda Richardson, explaining the absence of such a bright feature of her kinheroini.


"What charismatic quartet! Hello, I Rita Skiter, the correspondent of the "daily prophet, but you, of course, are known." "But we do not know anything about you! Our new news - what quirks are hidden behind these pink cheeks. "" What are our champions breathe? I am wondering everything about you, and even more than the more readers. "" Everyone adores the Buntovshchikov, Harry. "


  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1"

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