Film "Bath" (2021): Release date, actors, roles


To be transferred to the end of last century and understand the tactics of parenting parenting in a difficult time will help the film "Batty". The project will awaken memories, and at the same time it will show the difference between modern parents and actions of the Father from the 90s in the comedy key. Actors, roles and interesting facts about creating a film - in the material 24cm.


Max - father of two children. However, a man is tormented by childhood memories when Bath helped become a man's simple, but at times cruel ways. Trying to understand the motives of the father's actions, Max, together with his wife and children, goes to the anniversary to Bath, who did not come to visit, as promised.

Actors and roles

  • Vladimir Vdovichenkov - Bath, Max Father. The actor is known for roles in the film "Leviathan", "Goodbye, boys," "Salute-7". The film "Bath" is not the only premiere of 2021. There is also a project "World Champion" project with celebrity.
  • Nadezhda Mikhalkov - Irina, Max's wife. The actress is known for kinocarty "Moscow Romance", "Ice 2" and the series "Unprincipled", the continuation of which is expected in 2021.
  • Stas Starovoitov - Max. For a comedian show Stand Up is a debut of a movie.
  • Elena Lyadova - Mom Max. The actress is familiar with the series "Psych" and the drama "Creator". In 2021, the premiere of the Military Drama "Air" is expected, where the artist has the main role.
  • Andrei Andreev - Max in childhood. In the career of a young artist there is a loud project "Soldier", where the actor played a major role.
  • Diana Enakayeva - Nastya, Irina and Max daughter. Young actress is filmed in the cinema since 2013, and in its creative biography already 56 film projects, among which "black bushlams", "their own land", "twelve miracles". The performer turned out to be in demand from the directors, and in 2021 another 5 premieres with the participation of the star are expected.
  • Sevastyan Bugaev - Dima, Son of Irina and Max. The acting debut of the artist took place in 2016 from the film "Fighting breakdown". Significant steel such film stations like "creature" and "consequences".

The film also filmed: Kirill Goncharov, Vera Tarasova, Mikhail Orlov.

Interesting Facts

1. Project release date - February 23, 2021.

2. The film "Bath" is the first shortcut for messengers. Initially, these were episodes of 1-2 minutes, which were intended for discussion by users of social networks. Then the stories were in 4 series, which, in turn, became full-length films in the genre of Road Mugi. The release date of the Sitkom is not yet known.

3. The director of the project was Dmitry Efimovich, who previously worked on comedy show TNT: "Our Russia", Comedy Club and Comedy Woman.

4. A few authors worked on the film's plot at once, so the most recognizable and comic stories from the 90s were collected in the frame. A screenwriter and producer Bill Diamond also worked on the pilot version, whose memories also crushed with the idea of ​​the project.

5. In the story of Elena Lyadova plays the mother-in-law heroine, which is performed by Nadezhda Mikhalkov. The more interesting is to observe the development of events in the frame, because the performer of about one age, and the difference is 6 years.

6. There are rumors that the shortcut "falls" on one of the TNT channels and will develop on the concept of the web series.

7. The film "Bath" came to the list of expected premier 2021 with a rating of 95%.

Film "Bath" - Trailer:

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