Raymond Pauls: Biography, Personal Life, 2021, Songs, Music, Family, Wife


On January 12, 2021, Maestro Soviet stage Raymond Pauls celebrated the 85th anniversary. He gave the Russian stars a light start on Music Olympus, I am sure that it will play on the piano while the hands are moving, and thinks happy every day.

Other interesting facts from the life of the celebrity, which has a "Holy Love Music", in the material 24cm.

1. Birthday on stage

The image of Raymond Voldemarovich was always associated with classical trends. For decades, he focuses on the piano, they recognize the fingertips in the frame on the corporate movement and spiritualized facial expressions and is distinguished by congenital modesty. Despite the change of epoch, Maestro admits that he adheres to conservative views, and believes that the tuxedo is suitable for him more.

Over the years of work with celebrity pop stars, there is something to remember, but it is not divided by the "hot" facts, protecting colleagues in the workshop. And in his 85 years, the Madre does not hurry to say goodbye to the scene and will hold his anniversary for the piano in the hall "Dzintari". For many years this tradition, but in 2021 it will pass "without hugs and kisses."

2. For piano with a belt

The future composer was born in the glass family, but the music in the house sounded often. Grandfather did learned to play the violin, his father on the drums. In 3 years, Dad bought a violin to the heir and recorded a musical institute to the kindergarten. The fingers of the future star for string tools were short, but for the piano, the boy approached. However, the first acquaintance with notes did not deliver the pleasure of Young Raymond. And up to 10 years, the father customized his son with a belt.

To wake up the love of music was helped by a high school teacher who used candy as motivation and showed how to create a mood in the melody. The turning point was the moment when Raymond performed at the school evening and felt "Power over the public, which listened to, holding his breath."

3. Trail from the war

Thanks to the "whip and gingerbread" Raymond Pauls quickly learned to improvise, but he wanted, like the rest of the boys, to chase the ball in the yard. One of the children's cereals nearly changed the biography of the composer. In the first post-war year, playing with the cartridges, Paulsa almost pulled his finger. The miracle of the musician's hand remained intake, and on the indicated finger of the right hand, the scar remained.

4. About luck

Thanks to Raymond Voldemarovich, such stars of the Russian pop, like Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Lime Vaikule became famous, became famous. His motives were out of time and still have not lost relevance. Show "Superstar! Return »Bogdan Titomir won with a song to the music of Pauls" way to light. "

Although the successful creative unions of the maestro modestly calls "luck." And adds that when the views and the performer are the correct, then the result turns out to be height. And even in Tandem with Alla Pugacheva, modestly goes to the background, talking about the fact that the performer has created its numbers alone.

5. Strange room

Outwardly, the calm paule is nevertheless twice in life fought with his vices. "I could lose not only a family, but also my life," the composer confesses in an interview, talking about the detrimental to the "Green Zmia".

In one day, he decided to be treated, and after the hospital managed to avoid the temptation and refused alcohol forever. Later on his service "Chevrolet", the RP-62 number will appear. This means the initials of the musician and the year, when after the birth of the daughter he threw a drink. And soon also radically composer refused smoking.

6. International family

The personal life of celebrities has developed successfully. About 60 years old Raymond Pauls keeps loyalty to the only woman - Svetlana Epifanova, with which he met during the tour in Odessa. And in 1962, the pair appeared daughter Annette.

Now Polas has an international family. He is Latvian, his wife is Russian from Ukraine, son-in-law - Dane of Polish origin. The celebrity spouse mastered Latvian, but it is customary to speak Russian at home.

7. Weather forecast

Raymond Pauls wrote the most famous hits in co-authorship with Ilya Reznik and Andrei Vosnesensky. And the popular tool composition was "cloudy weather", which was written by the maestro specifically for the heading of weather forecast forecast in the time program.

And although coronavirus infection has made adjustments in the past 2020, according to expert estimates, the maestro gave 54 concerts and is not going to pass positions. Today Raymond Voldemarovich hints that it is difficult to dance to his music, and hopes that the students perceive his concerts with a heart.

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