Yuri Kukin - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, songs



Yuri Kukin is the author of the text of the informal anthem of Russian geologists, songs "for fog." Chance argued that his famous hit not about mineral seekers and not even about hiking tourists, because the lyrical hero collects suitcases, not a backpack. Yuri Alekseevich liked to call himself "last romantic".

Childhood and youth

The author of the tourist hat was born in the village of Syustroy Leningrad region in the midst of the summer of 1932. When Yuri Alekseevich turned 60 years old, his small homeland, in which he spent the first six months of life, assigned the status of the city.

Judging by the biographies of the senior namesakes of the singer, the "last romantic" by nationality was Russian. So, the merchant Kirill Afanasyevich Kukin, who traded Salom, in the middle of the XIX century was the Moscow city head.

According to Vadim Dochansky, expressed in annotations to the Albom of Kukin, who came out in the Anthology of Russian Bards, Yuri was born in a difficult family. The cousin was another Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Senior relative, on the protection of which the mother of the future auto-artist worked in Michensky, reminded the hero of the work of Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy: was an engineer and wore Garin's name.

Most of the childhood and youth Cukin lived in the city of Fontanov near Leningrad. From the School Bench Yura wrote poems, and at the age of 14, he sat down at the drums in the amateur jazz ensemble of a Petrodvoretse watch plant. The company's profile pushed the young man to enter the Technical Institute on the optics mechanics. However, across the semester Yuri realized his media as a drawer and left the university.

At 22, Cukin graduated with honors from the All-Union forge of Coaches - Leningrad Institute of Physical Education named after Peter Lesgafta. In 1954, only eight figure skating teachers, including Yuri, came out of the university's walls. Graduates suggested choosing the place of distribution. Kukin wanted to work in Petrodvorez and Leningrad.

In his youth, Yuri Alekseevich was able to train the future multiple champion of the Soviet Union Stanislav Zhuk. Kukin first in the USSR offered to take a fee for tuition from young figure skaters, put the first children's ballet in the country on ice based on the work of Alexander Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish".

Making a lot of money in winter, in the summer the young coach suffered from idleness: there were practically no artificial rinks. Poet Gleb Gorbovsky, with whom Kukin was friends, offered Yuri during the holiday to go to the geological expedition. Work on the search for minerals turned out to be less romantic and more severe than the poems described. However, already from the second expedition Kukin returned with songs.

Personal life

The full namesake of the first cosmonaut did not advertise the circumstances of his personal life. However, it is known that chanson married three times, and each next spouse was 10 years old by the previous one. In the first marriage, the man was born a son, and in the second - daughter.

With the third wife, Yuri Alekseevich lived to his death, about 30 years, but the children in this family union did not appear. In 2004, in an interview with the "Watermark" publication, the Bard argued that he had no friends, since he had a spouse to communicate. Paradoxically, but Kukin, the icon of tourist tractors, never went to the turcoms and did not even choose in the forest, and Jazz loved more than chanson.


In 1968, Yuri Alekseevich received the status of the artist of Lenconcert. To that

Cookin time was already a laureate of tourist song contests in Moscow and Leningrad. Creativity Male 3 years combined with the work of the physical education instructor in the club "Meridian".

Surprisingly, but his main bard hike considered poor songs (and called himself a disgusting singer and guitarist). Cukin in an interview led the negative characteristics that gave the compositions "for fog" Gleb Gorbovsky and Bulat Okudzhava. Colleagues scolded the author of the text for repeating three vowel letters in the phrase "I'm going." The expression "finished eccentric" was criticized, and the sounding "beyond the smell".

Interestingly, the author of the music composition "For the Tuman" is the Italian composer Virgilio Panzutti. The melody has become popular in Europe after executing the Danish jazzman Jürgen Ingmann, in 1963 in a duet with his wife who won on Eurovision. In addition to the version of Yuri Alekseevich and the original Italian version, there are texts in English and Finnish.

In the work of Kukina, the influence of Vladimir Vysotsky is clearly felt. So, Hit Yuri Alekseevich "On the dangers of drunkenness on the water" reminds the composition of the bard from the Taganka "Dear Transfer" ("Katchachikov Dacha"). In both songs, the Bermuda Triangle is mentioned, and the prevailing artistic technique is the transfer of tragicomic details.

In the text of another Kukinsky hatman, "you say, so that I am" ("To get tired of fatigue, and not from our own old age"), the echoes of the song of Vladimir Semenovich from the film Stanislav Govorukhin "Vertical" are heard. However, there are differences: the texts of Cukina apolitical, and the lyrical hero is always a twin of the author. Vysotsky himself said in a joke, "Jura writes songs with left foot."

At the end of the Soviet authorities, the company "Melody" released two plates with the compositions of Yuri Alekseevich. At the same time, Kukin became the artist of the Leningrad Theater "Benefis". Bard's deep old age was called the author's songs on the festivals. He liked the guest to be honored, and a member of the jury - no.


Yuri Alekseevich died 10 days before his 79th anniversary. The cause of death was the lasting disease, the exact name of which the heirs of Cookin chose not to voice. Despite the ailment, the man continued to participate in concerts until the last months of life, which confirm the video and photos.

Bard's grave is located on the southern cemetery of St. Petersburg. In 2012, Kukina discussed a posthumous collection, which includes 80 songs, from which three compositions were not previously published.


  • 1968 - "Age of Verse"
  • 1988 - "Autumn Letters"
  • 1990 - "Mirage"
  • 1995 - "Return"
  • 1995 - "Let me go to myself"
  • 1999 - "The best songs"
  • 2010 - "Russian Bards" (Volume 22)
  • 2012 - "Bards of Russia. Yuri Kukin. Best songs"
  • 2014 - "For fog"

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