Valentin Postnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Valentin Postnikov - Children's writer, winner of the literary awards "Eureka" and "Golden Feather of Russia". The author consists in the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, and in 1997 he was even awarded the Ministry of Culture.

Childhood and youth

Valentin Postnikov - Muscovite. He was born on August 4, 1970. The son of the popular Soviet author Yuri Druzhkov (Postnikova) from the young years was surrounded by adult writers writing for children. The mother of the boy worked as an editor in the publishing house "Kid".

Visiting the family often had well-known personals from the world of children's literature - Grigory Oster, Valery Schulzhik, Edward Uspensky, Efim Chepovetsky. I looked at the light and artist Viktor Chizhikov, the author of the image of the bears used as a symbol of the Olympics-1980. Valentine pursued the atmosphere of creativity, so there is nothing surprising that the junior postnings went in the footsteps of the Father. True, it happened not immediately.

In childhood, the boy painted a picture that won the drawings contest. The image of "Tigering on Sunflower" was published in the magazine "Merry Pictures", the founder of which was the senior postnings. Yuri Koval wrote the plot for the creation of Valentine, and later they created a cartoon. The main character voiced actor Evgeny Leonov.

When the teenager was 13 years old, the famous Father died, and Valentina had to grope creative individuality independently. He graduated from the school postnings with difficulty, since during training did not differ good performance.

Personal life

Valentin Postnikov was married twice. Relations with the first spouse did not work out, so the pair preferred to part. The happiness of the writer in a personal life was Olga Krylova. She works by the main artist in the publication "7 days." Creative thinking has become a pledge of mutual understanding in their family. Posters and Krylov raise two children, son seeds and daughter Agatu.

Among the biggest hobbies, the writer calls travel. Valentine managed to visit many countries, including thanks to presentations of books. Posters actively leads accounts in social networks. The writer has profiles in Facebook, in VKontakte and In Stagram. He often publishes personal photos, video, pictures from presentations of books and meetings with young fans of creativity.


Having received the certificate of maturity, Valentine settled to work in the prosecutor's office. He liked the idea of ​​the work of the detective. At first, an ambitious guy had to try himself as secretary. In 1988, a young man was called into the army. He served in communication troops. Rota, followed by postnings, was located in Pavlovsk. After returning to a citizen, the young man did not forget about the hobby of fairy tales, but the realities of life dictated their conditions, and he decided to enter the Law Institute.

Already on the 2nd course, the interest in writing took his own. Valentine continued to describe the adventures of the heroes, who came up with his father. The debut book "New Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin" was published in 1996. So the official start of the creative biography of the writer took place.

The images that the postnings described are loved by them since childhood, so to write fairy tales about them turned out to be an interesting and exciting occupation. Having written 10 works about the famous characters, Valentine switched to stories about other heroes. So they saw the light of the children's books "Mustache", "the funny adventures of the unclean power", "Harry's boy and his potter dog." Composition postnippers are cognitive. To be closer to small readers, the writer will know understandable and affordable presentation from different areas of science.

An interesting fact for the public was the news that in several fairy tales of the Russian author, the names of foreign heroes are described, for example, the famous Saga about Harry Potter. Thus, the writer tried to attract the attention of the "small" audience to the domestic literature. In an interview, posts repeatedly said that he did not oppose the creativity of foreign colleagues, but she was experiencing for the fate of children's literature in his homeland.

The works of the author are popular in Russia and are published abroad. Stories about pencil and self-relocine read in Belarus, Bulgaria and China. For kids who love audioskats, postnings wrote about 20 radio pospects. By 2020, there were more than 40 works on the account of the author.

Valentin Postnikov Now

The writer manages to maintain the interest of small readers. In addition, the books approve of adults who have grown on the stories about Cheburashka, Cot Leopold and other heroes of Soviet literature for children.

Now the author is often found with his audience. In addition to presentations, he visits classes in schools, but at a separate invitation. Being at self-insulation due to coronavirus in 2020, the storyteller organized a live broadcast for schoolchildren through an electronic platform for video conferencing.

In profiles in social networks, postnings periodically appeals to Follovers, offering to participate in the creation of a new work that is ready to replenish the author's bibliography. For example, children can come up with and offer names for the heroes of the future fairy tales. News about the work of Valentina Postnikov is regularly published on the official website.


  • 1998 - "Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of extraordinary adventure"
  • 1999 - "Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of gigantic insects"
  • 2001 - "Pencil and Samodelkin in Antarctica"
  • 2001 - "Pencil and Samodelkin in the country of Pyramids"
  • 2005 - "Pencil and Samodelkin on Mars"
  • 2005 - "Pencil and Samodelkin on the Island of Treasure"
  • 2006 - "Pencil and Samodelkin: First Adventures"
  • 2007 - "Pencil and Samodelkin against Batman"
  • 2010 - "Riding a portfolio"
  • 2011 - "Merry Dwarf"
  • 2013 - "Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of dinosaurs"
  • 2015 - "Chocolate Grandfather" (in the Create with Narine Abgaryan)
  • 2016 - "Pencil and Samodelkin and all-all-all"
  • 2019 - "New Year's Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin"

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