Carlo Goldoni - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Plays



Carlo Goldoni is Italian playwright and comediographer. The works of the author are written as samples of ComMedia Dell'Arte. Among his merit is the conversion of the traditional comedy of masks. The bibliography of men consists of plays, fairy tales and libretto, as well as memoirs, for which the descendants managed to restore the chronology of events in the life of the writer.

Childhood and youth

Carlo Goldoni is a native of Venice. He was born on February 25, 1707. The emphasis in the name of the writer is placed on the second syllable. Goldoni grew in the educated family. His grandfather worked as a lawyer and was a secured person, and his father was implemented as a doctor. The theater loved in the family, art and did not limit creative gusts. This contributed to the development of Fantasy Carlo. The boy was fond of reading books that found in the home library, and even tried to write small plays on their own.

The young man decided to study in one of the city schools. Then he was educated in the Jesuit College in Perugia and Rimini, and later from 1723 to 1731 he studied in Pavia and Modena. Protecting the thesis on the legal profile, Carlo received a doctoral degree and began a career career.

The work did not interfere with the Venetian to dream of the theater. In his spare time, he absorbed one after another ancient tragedy and comedy, the works of Moliere; Often there were on performances that represented stray actors.

Personal life

In the biography of Carlo Goldoni, much attention is paid to his person and practically no word says to the spouse, which was the happiness of Venetian in his personal life.

In the youth, traveling from one city to another, the comedographer was a fairly windy young man. Once in Genoa, he saw a silhouette of an attractive girl who mounted in the window. Easy bow, which young people exchanged, laid the beginning of a romantic connection, overgrowing into a legitimate marriage. The spouse supported Carlo in all endeavors and motivated to the beginning of advocacy, because the family demanded content.

Settling with his wife in Pisa, Goldoni was thinking about to part with the theater, but at that moment he was offered a profitable contract, which posted the beginning of the theater career of the Italian.


At first Carlo wrote plays for urban theaters and tried himself on stage as an actor. Then only men could appear on the stage, so in the comedy "Sister Don Pilon" Goldoni got the role of the main character.

In 1734, the Comediographer became acquainted with the corpse of Having and became her staffature. Together with the artists, the writer came to Venice, where his works were put on the San Samuel theater scene. Crection continued from 1734 to 1743. Pieces of Goldoni were degraded success. Spring creative style, the author tried to write in different genres. By this period, the creation of a "wasteful", "bankrupt", "excellent woman" belongs to this period.

From 1748 to 1753, Carlo was passionate about the development of theatrical reform, which was distributed to the texts of the plays and the format of their reproduction with actors. Studying playwriths in youth, Goldeni was confident that the Italian literature requires a new trend, which would basically have national traditions.

Inspired by the essay of Nikolo Makiavelli "Mandragora", he decided to introduce plots based on the collision of characters in his work. The new type of comedy assumed the realistic action. Masks of the familiar ComMedia Dell'Arte inferior to the place of characters.

An important innovation from Goldeni was the consolidation of literary text where improvisation had previously ruled. Now, embodying the heroes on stage, the actors had to stick to the pre-prescribed plot and replicas. Of the usual farce, a noble and meaningful comedy with a educational appearance has grown. Gradually, masks disappeared from the works, although the usual harlequin, kolombin, Brighella, Pantalon and lovers remained unchanged. The author presented them with individual traits.

Having removed from the buffonads and tricks, Goldoni delivered psychologism, humor and artistic content of works on the fore. The realism of the acting game was approved on stage due to the creative manner of Venetian. The author's reform was consonant with Italy of the XVIII century, who worried about the update era. To this period include the plays "servant of two gentlemen", "Tavernaster", "Feodal", "Pamela in the girls" and "Sandy Widow".

Having completed the fruitful cooperation with the body of Medebak, Goldoni began working on the Venndamine brothers troupe and by 1753 settled in the Venetian San Luke Theater. Having written several tragicomic works with conventional plots, Carlo returned to a more familiar work format and created the "Self-Software" plays, "funny case" and "Cyodzhinsky rewriting". They had criticism of the bourgeoisie, demonstration of social phenomena and protest against the aristocracy.

As a democrat, Carlo Goldoni performed for the rights of the people, which caused dissatisfaction with the power of people. Among his opponents was the storyteller Carlo Gotszi, who performed the defender of the traditional ComMedia Dell'Arte. Being incredibly successful, Gotzi gradually overshadowed Goldeni, who decided to leave his homeland. Setting up in Paris, the writer worked in the Italian theater.

In Paris, the writer taught Italian and continued to replenish the bibliography. This period of creativity includes the composition of the "grouse-benefactor". This work was inferior to the previous one. In 1787, the author published Memoirs, published in French.

The main advantage of Goldoni's creations is the scenery. His plays are written specifically for putting in the theater, whose laws of Carlo knew not to be imposed. On the stage he also performed the playwright and director. The work of the writer was valued by representatives of French Enlightenment Denis Didro and Voltaire, enlighteners Johann Goethe and Gothhold Lessing.


In 1793, the National Convention appointed a comedized pension, but the revolution abolished this decision. After the death of the writer, the monetary reward received his widow. Carlo Goldoni died on February 6, 1793 in old age. The cause of death has become concomitant diseases.

The exact location of the grave of the writer is unknown, but in his native Venice, a monument is established in his honor, and a portrait of a comedian is bangible on the pages of school and institute textbooks. Quotes, aphorisms, phrases and plots from its works are still used in cinema and among lovers of the classic theater.


  • 1734 - "Grizeld"
  • 1743 - "Brave Woman"
  • 1745 - "servant of two gentlemen"
  • 1748 - "Sandy Widow"
  • 1749 - "Honest Girl"
  • 1751 - "Tavercarriers"
  • 1752 - "feudal"
  • 1754 - "Immoor"
  • 1762 - "Cyozhzhin Fireproof"
  • 1760 - "Grursong-benefactor"
  • 1787 - "Memoirs"

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