Adam Olairi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Traveler, Scientist



The German scientist Adam Olairius was the designer of the Gottorpian Globe, as well as an employee of the diplomatic service in the middle of the 17th century. During numerous travels, the geographer, physicist and mathematician made a contribution to the development of cartography and created a number of epochemical works.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography of Adam Olairia (real surname - Olshell) researchers learned from documents and excerpts of old books. The boy was born at the beginning of the fall of 1599 in the principality of Halberstat, where the official was considered German at that time.

The father was a tailor and a crucian, barely reduced the ends with the ends, and the mother was engaged in a modest economy, held from home and yard. Despite the extreme poverty of the inhabitants of the German city of Schleswig, the future traveler grew up in the atmosphere of love and good.

In some incredible miracle, parents found funds in order for the Son in the 1620th of the University of Leipzig. Of all the variety of directions of the prestigious European institution, Adam at first chose the theological faculty.

In parallel with the study of the dogmas of classical and antique religions, the inquisitive young man mastered the philosophy on the works of the ancient masters. In the process, he was practiced in the grammar, Arabic and Persian, at the same time not forgetting about the values ​​of dead ancient languages.

As a result, Olairius defended the thesis and found the work of the teacher first at the Saint Nicholas School, and then St. Thoma. In his youth, he dreamed of settling in the west of modern Saxony, but this was prevented by the events of a protracted thirty-year-old war.

In early 1630, a graduate of the University of Leipzig became a subject of Duke Friedrich III - a descendant of the Danish king. Thanks to the patronage of the dynasty that managed the border area, Adam found out how extensive planet Earth is.

Personal life

About the personal life of oleary biographers knows a bit - in the mature age he was combined with a marriage with special noble blood. The daughter of an adviser who worked in the magistrate of the city of Revel became the faithful wife of a scientist and mother of joint children.

In the family of Adam and Ekaterina Müller, Marya-Elizabeth's daughter was born when she grew up, a Son Philip-Christian was a surprise for a couple. Care of loved ones, by assumptions, forced the German researcher to accept a settling existence and forget about the beauties of distant countries.

Science and travel

After moving around the neighborhood of Gottorpa, where the castle of Duke Friedrich III stood, Adam received a place in the embassy as a scientific secretary. The benefactor instructed to establish relations with Russia and the Persion, providing information about Shah and the Orthodox Tsar.

The main mission of the expedition undertaken in the 1633rd, the new ways of trade of rare material - raw silk were considered. Prominent diplomats and entrepreneurs needed knowledge of Olairia, so he left the newly acquired home without hesitation.

Performing a translator's responsibilities, a man visited the Russian capital, Riga, Narva, Veliky Novgorod and other picturesque cities. Soon after the establishment of the Vlaft Sefieweda of Sefi I, the former student-theological was famous in German intelligent circles.

In the middle of 1635, Olaiaria ordered to go to the second long journey on previously loyal places. The young writer Paul Fleming and the famous explorer of India joined the translator adviser and titled ambassadors.

In Moscow, due to problems with the roads, Germans had to be lined. Adam did notes about the Russians, studying habits and life. Illustrations and engraving, subsequently included in the book, transferred historical details and folk saturated flavor.

When it came to go further, travelers, bypassing Kolomna, moored in Nizhny Novgorod and stopped for several days. Olairiya began working on a collection of Russian curses, drawing materials for studying in the speech of ordinary people.

Then, on a sail-rowing ship, the embassy moved down the Volga, after the parking lot near Derbent it reached the Persian land. Shah very coldly reacted to the visit of German diplomats, who are financially swaying and found themselves to Mel.

At the end of 1637, without reaching the goal of the trip, the delegation through Astrakhan and Tsaritsyn returned to the Moscow King. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, who was interested in the drawings and notes of Olairia, offered the court position to the Educated Secretary.

The scientist decided to stay in Russia: in the castle of the Duke Friedrich III, he received a place at the court. The duties of the practitioner mathematics, the translator and the librarian did not leave a man's man to indulge in Handre.

There were almost enough free hours on "Description of the journey to Muscovy" - a book, stylistically resembling a bright artistic story. A unique graphics card of the center of the Russian capital added a distinctive edition and attracted the attention of the masses.

In the work, translated into different languages ​​of the world, olery mentioned holidays related to the names of the saints. Radonitsa and Fomin the week, now considering Antipasha, he described the most understandable for young and elderly readers.

After completing the painstaking work, which was a report on the expedition, Adam met the Eskimos and began to record their words. Studying the customs of the inhabitants of the North Island of Greenland, he realized that the new study would soon go with the moloss.

Approximately at the same time, the German designed a miracle associated with astronomy, geography and a number of classic accurate sciences. Gottorpian globe-planetarium with a diameter of 3.1 meters was presented by Peter the Great and transported to St. Petersburg.


In the old age, Adam Olairi wrote prose, translated works of unknown masters in Europe. The philosopher, the writer and the historian worked on the fundamental manuscript, as a result of a brief dictionary of commonly consumed Persian words.

Judging by the portrait drawn in the 1669th, the former traveler was an example for the resigned men. Despite this, after the celebration of the 70th anniversary, he accepted death for an unknown reason.

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