7 interesting facts from Stepan Dzhigarkhanyan


Stepan Gigarkhanyan is now the only heir to actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In the scandalous story with a divorce son supported his father and helped to reconcile him with his mother Tatiana Vlasova. He lives for about 20 years behind the ocean, but adores the Russian bath, regularly charged the energy in the steam room. Other interesting facts from the life of the celebrity - in the material 24cm.

1. In the dynasty

Theatrical director Alexander Grigoryan became the biological father of Stepan. The boy was born on January 17, 1966. However, this parents did not deliver joy, because at that time he had another family.

Tatyana Vlasova was in an uncomfortable position and often left the Son from the parents in Novosibirsk. And when there were steep changes in life and the parent married Armen Borisovich, the actor adopted the child with pleasure, gave him his middle name and surname and began to raise a stepsing as a native son.

After school, the heir to the star family received a diploma of the journalist, but the father insisted to try himself in the acting craft. And Stepan Dzhigarkhanyan debuted in the movie "Don Quixote Returns". Don Miguel turned out to be the only filmmaker in the artist's creative biography.

2. Professional player

Later, the Son became interested in gambling, which caused the condemnation of the Father. Nevertheless, having moved to live in the United States, Stepan has mastered the wisdom of the game poker and became a professional player. It is rumored that sometimes the heir to the idol makes a good fee from a casino. By the way, the Law of Dzhigarkhanyan Jr. does not violate, it regularly pays taxes and in 2021 filed a declaration, where it is indicated that he is a "professional player."

3. Fool

The scandalous divorce of Vitaly Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Borisovich provoked the rumor that Gigarchhanyan defended his son from prison and paid a round sum in compensation for an accident. Baby accusations partly pushed Stepan to visit to Moscow, where he had a reconciliation of his father and son after their ways were separated.

4. "Interesting relationship"

Return to Moscow provoked rumors that change in the personal life of Stepan. An unexpected union with Olga Kazachenko (ex-wife Vadim Kazachenko) has developed due to the show "Let them say", on the filming of which the acquaintance of young people was acquainted.

In an interview, the heir to Kumira called his relationship "interesting" and emphasized that a spark ran between him and the chosen. But the waiting for fans did not justify. In May 2020, information appeared that Stepan Gigarhahanyan and Olga Kazachenko broke up, and the transition to friendly relations was beautiful.

5. Sports gymnastics

In Instagram-Account Stepan many publications dedicated to sports gymnastics. For more than 2 years, the celebrity is engaged in this sport under the patronage Vitaly Shcherbo (6-fold Olympic champion). Children of the gymnast are helping to train Dzhigarkhanyan-younge. The star notes that he does not have to miss the classes.

6. Extreme traveler

Judging by publications on social networks, Stepan is an extreme traveler. Behind his shoulders trips to the dangerous countries of Central America. Star heir visited El Salvador, where he met with gang members, as well as in Ecuador and Colombia.

Dzhigarkhanyan Jrhend told about his extreme travels in the program "Tonight." After that, the star received negative comments and reproaches in smuggling. On the deposits of Follovier, the traveler was justified by what the "exclusive" was required, but this does not mean that he climbs on slums.

7. Not afraid of sharks

Stepan Dzhigarkhanyan - Divemaster Padi (the level of skill at which you can plan and perform immersion as a guide, as well as help the instructor in the learning process). A celebrity calls for not afraid of sharks, although it reminds that caution still does not hurt.

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