Gleb Romanenko (character) - Photo, "Interns", TV series, actor, Ilya Mlinnikov


Character History

Gleb Romanenko is one of the brightest heroes of the Russian Sitcoma "Interns". Classic major and part-time son of the head doctor enters the internship in full confidence that the mother will help in passing this stage. However, dreams about light work splits the head of the therapeutic department - Andrei Bykov.

History of character creation

The series "Interns" Radded TV viewers for 6 years. 14 seasons, 280 episodes are dry statistics showing the success of the project. However, the Creators of the Sitkom decided to finish the shooting, without waiting for the ratings to start falling. As a result, each story came to the logical final.

The popularity of "Interns" was justified. The medical topic was in demand, and the situations in which the characters fell were filled with life. The greater role was played by the fact that graduates of medical schools and professional humorists were working on the idea - KVN players.

As a result, the audience saw the heroes on the screens living a fascinating stage in his career. Romantic relationships, questions of friendship and morality, hospital bikes - all this organically fit in the scenery of the medical institution. And the cocktail from humor and sarcasm has become a distinctive feature of the Russian Sitkom.

Casting on the definition of roles in this project was carefully. For Ilya Glinnikova - in several stages. So, a man, the future star of the domestic cinema, was tried together with Ivan Okhlobystin (Dr. Bykov) and Christina Asmus (Varya Chernos).

As an actor admitted in an interview, many of them tried to become Gleb, including his acquaintances and friends. Ilya called report on the approval of his candidacy, when he starred in another film. Nevertheless, Mlinnikov found the ability to combine shooting. In the "Interns", this hero was pleased with the TV viewers until the last series.

Producers and screenwriters put a character in difficult conditions. Undoubtedly, the most lazy interground is forced to change the habits and begin in a different way to relate to life. What happened as a result, surprised even the most optimistic confused fans.

Image and Biography Gleb Romanenko

The hero of the series possessed an encouraging quality that was thrown out a chic career in medicine. To be the son of the head doctor - the key to the successful passage of the internship with the subsequent employment.

Gleb perfectly aware of his "strong" side, so he was not puzzled by the practical side of the issue. From the very first series, the viewer saw that the young specialist was not used to work, and he did not go about true vocation and speech.

Instead of the study of medical directories, the young man burns carelessly life: loves parties, often drinks, spends the mother's money and change the girlfriends. The endless holiday is interrupted not only the need to come to the hospital every morning.

Andrey Bykov becomes the headache of the future doctor. The doctor can not tolerate interns, and even more - to deal with them. When four students come to him (Gleb, Varya Chernouus, Semyon Lobanov and Boris Levin), he is pleased to practice in sarm and sarcazme, which he brought the rapid souls almost before deciding to leave the profession.

From the recruits of the bulls allocated Gleb - in the worst sense of the word. The head saw: in front of him the lifestyle, which is not worthwhile to wear a white robe. The situation was complicated by the fact that Romanenko was in a relative communication with his immediate boss.

Bykov understood - just to drive out an Intern from the team will not work. And then I decided to go to another way - to organize unbearable working conditions for the guy.

By the way, the student took a challenge calmly. Moreover, after a time he surprised the mentor with a principled position. The competition between them was traced throughout the series, although the character fans were interested not only by the development of this storyline.

No less excitement caused descriptions of love adventures. Junior Like Varya Chernouus, his colleague. Miniature, kind and pretty blonde quickly settles in his heart, but does not rush to start a relationship with a guy.

Here the hero shows all the fantasy to turn his head with a charming student. Gleb is achieved as desired, however, along with this, his dust begins to fade. Even more hesitates the situation that the pretty person is trying to "make a person from him." Romanenko, who is not used to report and live on someone's rules, this is true.

Beautiful couple existed until the end of the 2nd season. Soon the future doctor meets Alice, the daughter of Andrei Evgenievich. Girl and so much like the hero, and when he learns who she is, interest only enhances.

The rebellion and the self-wired heiress of the charismatic head will not promote the place. Romanenko did not have time to understand what his passion escaped, and the boy himself was in the arms of Chernos. Short-term reunion for the young man is a way to distract, so he once again appears with a scoundrel who broke the heart to naive blonde.

Spectators did a bid that I would clean the young Hangina Ulyanov's young hang, suddenly appeared in the plot as a new intern. However, the following serious passion of the hero becomes Sophia Yakovlevna, the niece of the butman. This girl changes a lot in the character of a major.

Love enveloped a young man, and he even decided to offer his hands and hearts. Sophia agreed, although the closer was the date of marriage, the more doubts they originated in the soul of the bride.

And then Romanenko received Boomerang - Kazanova turned out to be thrown right in front of the crown. When it becomes clear that the character is not destined to build family relations, Alice is returned to the hospital. Feelings between heroes flare up with a new force. In the final of the series, Gleb continues to meet with her. Only building guesses remained about the further biography of the audience.

As for the career, the future doctor had a stage when he threw medicine. The guy decided to do business, now working on a biological father. Anastasia Kisačach does not want to see the Son in this profession, so makes him a proposal to take the place of his deputy. Romanenko agrees and returns to the hospital.

The metamorphosis of the hero associated with his re-education was largely due to the efforts of Dr. Bykov. But even in this role played positive character traits. Gleb is a sociable and self-esteem, who has the resourcefulness and sense of humor.

The nellure guy knows how to achieve the desired one. It defines the weaknesses of people and interacts with them. And still masterfully sends from encroachment and restrictions. The use of such skills allowed him to confront the bosses attacks and take place under the sun on its own.

Interesting Facts

  • During the filming, Ilya Mlinnikov suffered - the statist accidentally hid the nose of the actor. As a result, the executor lay down on the operation and received hospital for 2 weeks.
  • Dr. Bulls each of the wards identified the nickname. For Romanenko, she sounded like a bunch of feces.
  • Favorite Gleb and Ilya Group - The Doors. As the actor admitted, this is the only thing that unites them.
  • A haircut that the character bears in the last seasons is called Undercut. The hairstyle of the 20s of the 20th century has gained popularity during the broadcast of the series.
  • Growth of the doctor - 171 cm.


"Well, okay, I'll run, and then the inquisitor is angry when we are on the morning torture," "Sema, I will have to take you, I'll have to take it soon." "Varya, Poker is a bluff, bluff is a lie, lies - it's not fair. Poker is a dishonest game. "


  • 2010-2016 - "Interns"

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