Rules of life David Manukyan: principles, family, relationship, 2021


The number of fans in the instagram account at the blogger Dava in 2021 exceeded 13 million people, and began a guy from Novosibirsk from the channel to Yutubeub: in 2017 there was only a couple of thousands of subscribers. To achieve success and become popular David managed in 1.5 years, and about becoming beloved Olga Buzova, he did not even dreamed. In material 24cm - the rules of life and the principles that David Manukyan adheres to.

1. Walked, love and loyalty

I started his young man on a network with short humorous rollers, where I used "prohibited techniques". Now he has a multi-million-dollar army of subscribers, in front of which he feels responsibility. Therefore, laying out content in the network, blogger everything thoroughly thinks and tries to abide by certain borders and norms, as it believes that the video affect the audience that looks.

Dava says that with the help of his videos on social topics teaches the audience kindness, love and loyalty. The guy admits that he enjoys the process and the result of filming. David also noted that it was not worth doing the bloggery for the sake of Haip and money. "The main thing is sincerity and efforts," said Manukyan.

2. "Happiness loves silence"

After an unsuccessful relationship, David, two years remained alone. The guy decided to focus at work. David Manukyan said in one of the interviews that he did not see sense in the type of type "to just meet with someone", that is, to pretend that not alone. The blogger adheres to the rules "Happiness loves silence" and prefers not to advertise the details of personal life. However, being in relations with Olga Buzova, the guy and his beloved willingly share the romantic moments with subscribers in "Instagram".

3. Work, goals and dreams

The most important quality in man, notes, notes, is hard work. Myself blogger does not give to relax after moving to Moscow in 2017. "The main thing is to work, no matter what, and go to your goal," the guy believes.

Regarding the work, career and family, David Manukyan says that he would not want to stay alone, so he tries to combat everything and find time for these important aspects. In an interview, the guy shared that she dreams about three children.

"The goal of life is to live so that they say:" Here is a good example. " It is important to remember to people actions, "the blogger believes.

4. Money

In an interview on the show "Alena, Damn!" Dava told that she had never allowed himself to "take money from a girl." In restaurants, he always pays for two if invites a companion on a date. Belong Olga Buzovaya Dava leads exclusively in expensive places that correspond to its level. At the same time, the guy says that he himself is simple and does not see anything reprehensible to dine "Dochyar" or Shawarma.

5. Gratitude to people

David in an interview with "City +" said that he was always grateful to people near him and influenced his worldview, and then their paths on some reasons were separated. David Manukyan noted that he tried never to keep evil to anyone, even if someone betrays him. The gap with a former girl has become a push for him to change and decisive actions. "It is important for me to show and prove what you actually stand," said Dava. He also stressed that he knew himself.

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