Kakha Tol Tordava - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Male Larisa Guzeeva 2021



The actress and the main Swash of Russia Larisa Guzeyev never suffered to unrecognizable representatives of the opposite sex. Blue-eyed beauty briefed crazy and musician Sergei Kurekhina, and a colleague on the shop of Sergei Shakurov. Woman walked three times under the crown. Moreover, meetings with the first and second spouses occurred directly on the set. Acquaintance with Ilya happened when working on the sports drama "Rivals", and with Khaha Tvatory - over the "chosen" on the novel of Prosper Merim.

Childhood and youth

It seems that from Kahi Georgievich would be an exemplary spy - information about his personal biography was provided with extremely few. It is known that a man was born in Tbilisi in an intelligent family - however, the exact date of the appearance of the light is not specified. With the first acquaintance with the future husband, Larisa Guseyev found out that he was a philologist on education, he loose freely in several languages, perfectly understood in the literature and wrote books.

On March 7, 2020, the author's Yutyub-show "Echo Caucasus" called "8 photos from the archive" shed light to the past men. In the children's photograph dated about 1971-1972, the boy is captured with a black and white image of "Bitles" in the hands of which calls his first love. The work of the "Liverpool Four" was so affected him that he subsequently associated his professional life with music.

Also, shots from the meeting with the legendary Allen Ginzberg and Bob Dilan were shown here, when they came with concerts in Georgia and produced a real exterior. I also showed photos from one and a half-hour tet-a-theta with Herbian Hancock, a praised interviewer for interesting questions.

In 1983, the young man starred together with the other, the poet Irakliy Charquiani, in trendy brown pants. The guys were looking for their own way and, despite the youth, by that time, the modernist novel "Ulysses" James Joyce was already reading.

Personal life

Acquaintance Actresses of the Guzearev and Editor of the Georgia-Film Cinema Editor "Georgia-film" occurred on the electoral platform "Cho.". The director Mikhail Kalatosischvili decided then that with the episodic role of the priest in his film cornocarte, it was impossible to cope exactly.

"I then fell in love. Everyone was very worried that I suddenly suddenly lost 14 kg. Weight simply because of the inner burning - this is how to fly in a spacecraft without a control panel. I remember the small restaurant "Ormila", which we visited with Larna during our completely crazy novel, "the Georgian was divided into the video interview 2020.

Relations between colleagues went beyond the scope of workers - overnight, the flames of feelings covered a couple with a head. Passionate love broke into the pregnancy of Larisa - by the way, she continued to film even at the later date. Wedding, as a number of media wrote, passed without a lush ceremony and just a few days before the child appeared. George, named after the grandfather in the father's line, was born on April 19, 1992 in St. Petersburg.

Kakha Tol Tordava and Larisa Guzeeva and Son George

Recalling that joyful time, Kakha Georgievich told that for the first time he saw he did not personally (quarantine prevented), and in the photo in the newspaper kiosk. On the second day after the birth, the wife called and asked to convey to her "Borjomi" and lemons. Then the happy parent it seemed to be a light occupation, but in fact everything came out more difficult - the shortage reigned.

In search of the necessary (with this, "criminal types" were helped) He came across a commerce - a spouse with her son was blocked on the shop window. Tol Tatwa leaned against the glass and began to iron Gosh. The saleswoman, learning what was the matter, gave 5-6 newspapers to the buyer, kissed and crossed. However, soon the check of the artists expected a divorce.

"My Georgian husband was not just an intellectual, but a wildly talented person. If I had his knowledge and talent of interest 20, I would have won Polmir for sure. But I was taught to stretch, there was not my territory. I wanted attention to me, and did not communicate with the idiot with theatrical education, "the main Swash Russia explained.

Despite the happening, former spouses returned to each other, continuing to be friends and raise a child together. Now in social networks of men, you can meet many common publications that have not remained without enthusiastic comments of the well-deserved artist of the Russian Federation.

How was the personal life of the screenwriter, actor and writer after parting with Larisa Andreevna, unknown. He is not in a hurry to spread to his own page in "Instagram", which can be considered a separate piece of art, images of the ladies of the heart.


"Chosen" Mikhail Kalazosischvili, included in the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival, was not a debut project for the merril.

Four years earlier, he had already had experience in filming an adventure-fantasy film "In Search of Lost Treasures". In the tape, telling about the flame love of three friends to his Fatherland, the actor of Georgian nationality reincarnated in blue-eyed.

In 1991, a short "track" was found in the filmography of Kahi Georgievich, where he acted as the author of the scenario along with Cote Jandieri and Levan Kitia.

Kaha Tol Tordava now

Exhaustive details and news about what the second former spouse Larisa Guzeyeva is engaged in the second former spouse. In the description of the video interview for the Radio "Echo of the Caucasus" only it is indicated that Kakha Georgievich is a musical observer. His amazing pictures in "Instagram" testify to the obvious talent of the photographer, and the man himself, despite age, looks young and stylish.


As an actor

  • 1987 - "In Search of Lost Treasures"
  • 1991 - "Selected"

As screenwriter

  • 1991 - "Route"

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