Semen Lobanov (character) - photo, "Interns", TV series, actor, Alexander Ilyin


Character History

Semen Lobanov - Character of the TV series "Interns". A little-sensitive man with an eloquent look became one of the most comical heroes of Sitkom, conquering spectators with rectiality and impressive statements.

History of character creation

Sitter "Interns" debuted on TV channel TNT in 2010. Even before the premiere of the creators, they were waiting in the plagiarism, because a similar plot is already familiar with the TV shows and Dr. House. Medical themes on the screens are not a new milestone in cinema. However, the authors of the project promised that something unique and unique would release.

For 14 comedian show seasons, the audience was able to make sure. The picture was entertaining and cheerful filled with sarcasm. At the same time, she highlighted the topical themes of the most complicated profession on Earth.

The author of the idea and producer of Sitcoma - Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov. He placed the main characters in one of the hospital offices - therapy. Students who decided to devote their lives with noble craft, become interns. And there are not only medical weekdays ahead, but also a strict examiner - Andrei Bykov.

Youth and inexperienced of future doctors put them in awkward situations. And the mentor loving and mockery provokes students to think about the correctness of choice.

Looking ahead, it is worth noting that each of the recruits with dignity passed Muster Dr. Bykov, even naive and kindly thoughtful Chernos. The most prepared and experienced among the interests was Semyon, before that already worrying at ambulance.

Lobanov loved the audience at first glance, and each of his phrase caused a homeric laughter. Of course, this character was not endowed with bright charisma and an incredible manner of dialogs as the head of the department. However, the advantage of the hero was that he did not stuff an explosive temper. The brightest detail of his image is just in a silent and expressive look.

An interesting fact: on one of the versions, Lobanov surname occurred from the dialect "Lobitan". In the old days, the so-called a large, healthy man. Semyon really stands out among the colleagues in growth - 192 cm. Another theory interprets the meaning of the name as "strong, but lazy", which also truthfully describes the role of the former Feldscher.

When I was looking for an actor for execution of this role, the description of the hero looked simply and concise. This is a student who came to the profession "because it happened." The guy who served in the army, rustic, married and in the eternal search for money. Loser because it is constantly involved in unpleasant situations.

His quotes of tanks, brief and unequivocal. A medical experience with the shoulders allows the seed to look at the colleagues. The casting was approved by Alexander Ilyina Jr. - artist, whose filmography by that time there were already more than 10 paintings.

Alexander was born in the acting family, so from the Small years starred in the Russian cinema. But, despite the versatile roles, today it is called "Lobanov from" Interns ". The character who played by the Contractor became inseparable from the series. Even when Ilyin Jr. broke his leg, the producers did not let him go to the hospital. Quickly smoothing the script, the authors wrote the story about the injury of seeds.

The actor himself spoke about the project with enthusiasm. In an interview, the man stated that his hero was like a fool, but at the right moments there is an intelligence. Given the genre of Sitkom, Alexander had to learn a lot, including the Azam medicine.

Image and biography Seeds Lobanova

Young, but already acquired experience in Medicine, Feldsher looked rustic. However, he also led - at a meeting with the patient immediately appealed to "you" and was opened to the dialogue.

Despite the fact that the future doctor has repeatedly fought for the life of the patient, his memory sometimes played a joke with him. The hero forgot the things that pronounced not so long ago, due to inattention and absentia. In addition, Semyon did not differ in great reality. However, in extreme situations issued an optimal solution than he was delighted with colleagues.

About the biography of the character is known not so much. His wife is Olga, a red-haired beauty, working as an accountant. The exact age of the former Feldscher is unknown, but in the 137th series of Lobanov celebrates his birthday - it marks 28 years old.

In the hospital, Semyon began his friends with Gleb Romanenko, the son of the head doctor of Anastasia Kisach. These two, according to Chernus, were held half a day in a smoking room, leaning away from direct duties. But the meticulous and tedious Boris Levin immediately called the Hero of Dismeasure.

Lobanov had a boxing discharge that, as it seemed to him, caused reverent fear of others. The main problem of the man was finance. Semyon is constantly in lack of money and accumulates debts. It oppresses him, and he is trying to get rich in any ways: sells dietary supplements, books, becomes a donor and climbs into others, not always legal adventures.

Inability to plan the budget greatly worries his wife. Olya is trying to enjoy the spouse, but he does not listen to the advice.

The main reason for the divorce becomes the unwillingness of the former emergency worker to take responsibility for children. The hero for a long time is trying to deceive Olga about his analyzes, and the woman decides to disperse with him. She dismisses and disappears from the series to the 6th season.

Although the feelings between them did not go anywhere. Some time, Semyon is trying to meet with others. A short relationship with Irina psychiatrist only cause long-term spouse in a man.

When Olga returns to work, it begins to meet with Phil - American from Boston, who came to exchange. The love triangle takes Lobanov from the state of equilibrium, but he tries to behave prudently, which bribes a woman.

As a result, she, unable to cope with the newest feelings, begins to secretly meet with her ex-husband. The result of the relationship is pregnancy. The news of the early emergence of the child Olya trusts to inform the best friend - Gleb. Despite the fact that the guy of the leather is climb, wanting to demonstrate all the advantages of such a position, Semyon comes into a stupor.

But over time, the hero is humbled with the role of the Father. Phil remains in the past, and future parents again acquire each other. They are born daughter Katya, and Lobanov leaves for the time abroad for earnings. Upon returning to the Motherland, it becomes a doctor and will gladly dip in a family life.

Interesting Facts

  • On the chalk of the character hanging 4 "drop blood" icon. It is curious that they are issued to donors who first hand over blood.
  • Alexander Ilyin Jr. In addition to cinema is engaged in music. In parallel with the shooting, he writes songs and is a soloist of rock band "Lomonosov" plan.
  • Phobia Hero - Rats.
  • It was Ilyin who launched a series of misfortunes on the set. After his fracture, Ilya Mlinnikov and Christina Asmus were alternately in his office in the office of the traumatologist.


"Romanenko, quickly carry Vazelin!" "I do not like you. All this is venereal. Fu "." Now you will become the most dead doctor of the clinic! "" Come on, relax you! Let's go, won, save. Or, I do not know ... Drink coffee, smoke. "" I tell you, forgive! Well, my mother! She doesn't need a lot of things: apologized, eyes in the floor and everything is coming further to the jam. "


  • 2010-2016 - "Interns"

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