IVANYA: 2021, biography, personal life, video, marying ro, instagram, what happened


If earlier, it was possible to achieve fame in units who managed to break through talent or other merits, now the situation has changed. "Yutyub", "Twitter", "Instagram", "Titstok" - thanks to similar services, more than more thanks began to light up.

One of these newly idols was Ivan Ruda, known as Ivangai, which was 25 years old on January 19, 2021. On remarkable details of the personal life and celebrity biography - in the material 24cm.

1. Ivan Ruda

Own name (Ivan) Ivangay is obliged to religiosity of its parents. The boy's boy appeared in a church holiday - baptism. So dad with my mother decided to call the offspring in honor of John the Baptist.

2. Russian

Ivan from childhood was a gifted boy. And for a three-year-old age, not only knew how to talk in Ukrainian, but already read, and also attempts to learn English. Such early development led to the fact that parents have tried for five years to arrange their Chado to school. However, the leadership of the educational institution refused to take a talented student, referring to the age of the boy.

Ivangai himself recalled that at that moment, when he began to try his own strength on Yutubeub, I knew Russian very poorly. But later, when he was transferred to the Russian-language school and began to engage in the development of the channel, he had to achieve peculiar synergies.

Promotion of his own project helped to master the language expired faster. And Russian, in turn, helped to increase the popularity of the content offered by the young man in the Russian network segment.

3. Trying worth it!

The idea of ​​becoming a blogger came to Ivan in part thanks to his father. According to Rudsky, his parent became the first in their native village with a man who managed to conduct the Internet to his home, who gave the future star "Youtyuba" to the network and the ability to play online games.

Ivangay admits that in the early years after the arrival of the "world web" in his house, practically fell out of real life, paying attention exclusively MMORPG and studies, which did not establish contact with the peers.

But communication online with adult players made it possible to take a look at the world with their eyes and form an understanding - with the help of the Internet, it is possible not only to have fun, but also earn. And the example of foreign celebrities with Yutiuba eventually made the teenager even try to write their own video.

4. New goals

When Ivangay decided to seriously engage in the development of the canal, he first met a misunderstanding from parents who were surprised that their son talks to the computer. So the future celebrity first had the opportunity to work on their rollers only when the father and mother were not at home.

However, and then conflicts with their parents were not subsided - especially when, after one and a half years of study at the Dnipropetrovsk National University, the young man came to the conclusion that his profession was no longer interested, and chose to concentrate on his Youtyub-Channel.

It came to the point that the blogger's mother came to him for half a thousand kilometers and began to live with her son, forcing the latter to prepare for the commission of the next session. At that time, the Canal Ivanga was close to to finally "stall". Fortunately, it was still possible to achieve mutual understanding with their parents, and the blogger himself decided to complete the education, enrolling already at the Warsaw Polytechnic University.

5. Help

The first letters recorded by IVANGEM were not popular with the audience. However, then the novice blogger jerked with the novel of Filchenko, the already well-known Russian-speaking community "Yutyuba" as a Lololm.

With the support of a new acquaintance, Ivangai not only achieved a significant increase in the audience, but also overtook the number of buddy subscribers. What a lot contributed to, in a view of a number of critics, the fact that Ivan actively generated Western video bloggers, which was imputed to Rudsky in guilt.

Ivangai himself, however, never hidden the fact that he was very inspired by such foreign youties such as Pewdiepie or SMOSH.

6. Love

For two years, Ivangay met with another Russian-speaking video of the Blohenshi - Marryan RO, from whom I got acquainted via the Internet. During the relationship, young people repeatedly quarreled and diverged, but then they again continued to appear together and take new joint video for their channels. In 2016, the couple finally broke up.

7. Rumors

In the late 2020s - the beginning of the 2021th, the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet stirred up the news that Ruda sold his own channel was stirred up in Tiktok. The gossip moved to a new level and caused a hot wave of discussions and disputes that actually happened to IVANGEM.

Information that a popular blogger left "Yutyuba", it appears not for the first time - this happened in 2017, when new videos stopped out on the IVANGAY Channel. But it turned out that the information was erroneous - in 2019, the guy reappeared into the field of vision of permanent users of the platform, placing the MY Heart composition on the video hosting, enthusiastically encountered fans.

Ivangay himself admitted: temporary disappearance was due to the fact that it was time to revise the direction of its activities, which focused primarily on the creative component and music, and not on entertainment content, as in previous years. So with a large share of the likelihood and harsh, the whole rumors of rumors about the alleged career's career from "Yutiuba" and the sale of the canal will be fakes.

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