Star couples that do not show their feelings: 2021, Russian, Hollywood, reason


The famous saying says that happiness loves silence, - that is, you should not talk about it out loud to everyone. That is why many ordinary people and public individuals are not in a hurry to openly talk about personal life.

In material 24cm - Russian and foreign star couples that do not show their feelings in public.

Vera Brezhnev and Konstantin Meladze

Celebrities kept their relationships and feelings secret from those around him initially and even a wedding in Italy played secret. For 5 years of marriage, a couple of faith, Brezhnev and Konstantin Meladze, was not used to holding hands in the public and demonstrate tender feelings in the open. They can kiss for bright photos, but such pictures are very rare. In social networks, the stars are also not divided by the details of personal life.

Ilya Averbukh and Elizabeth Arzamasov

Actress Elizabeth Arzamasov and her beloved Ilya Averbukh tied themselves to marriage in December 2020 and entered the top star couples who do not show their feelings in public. Details of the personal life of newlyweds prefer to keep secret. A narrow circle of individuals was invited to the wedding and many of their friends learned about the event from the tape in "Instagram". Lisa is not in a hurry to follow the example of Olga Buzova and rarely publishes joint pictures with the beloved. In humans, the stars behave modestly and share with journalists on the future plans.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

In "Instagram" Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina We have a lot of videos with children and family photos. However, pictures where the famous spouses kiss or openly demonstrate tender feelings, practically no. Before the surrounding stars behave modestly and restrained, than only heated the interest of journalists to their personal life. Galkin in one of the interview shared the secret of trusting relationships. The artist told that he promised his wife that "the relationship would not change to her and their family that she could be calm."

Donald and Melania Trump

In marriage, the famous couple of Donald and Melania Trump consists of over 15 years, but they can also be attributed to star couples that do not show their feelings in public. Rumors and reports of the upcoming divorce pursue them and regularly appear in 2021. Perhaps the reason lies in their restrained behavior in public in relation to each other. Husband and wife rarely hold hands, and their kisses are more like official than romantic.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatiana Navka

Olympic champion Tatiana Navka and the press secretary of President Dmitry Sadkov are married for more than 5 years. However, the spouses are not accustomed to demonstrating tender feelings in humans. In 2020, in honor of the anniversary of the marriage, the figure skater shared rare family photographs, on which they hug each other and look happily. Tatiana Navka shared in an interview that the secret of happiness their family was in genuine love.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

One of the bright Hollywood pairs of stars who do not show their feelings can rightly name the Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderika. In marriage, actors consist of 1997, bring up three children and over the years have passed a lot of tests. In the public, celebrity behave restrained: the husband gently hugs a spouse for photos in secular events, but no more. In their accounts on social networks, not to find frank and personal pictures.

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