Lucius Cornelius Sulla - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Rome Military Dictator



The ancient Roman statesman of Lucius Cornelius Sulla was the most severe dictator and the initiator of reforms. Spripping lists created by Tiran for revenge and enrichment are still recognized by violation of social and moral norms.

Childhood and youth

Lucius Cornelius Sulla was born in 138 BC. er, he belonged to the Patrician family of senators, prettors and priests. The ancestors of the future dictator in ancient Rome and in Sicily were happy owners of luxury objects and rich houses.

Father, aristocrat by origin, did not find the times of well-being, he ruled the province of Asia to keep his wife and children. Some historians assumed that the family drove friendship with Mithridate VI Evpator, one of the Pontic Kings.

Mother Lucia died, the offspring raised stepmother, in the ancient manuscripts, information about the younger brother and sister were preserved. In adolescence, Sulla did not strive for serious accomplishments, was fond of drama and comedies, demonstrated in a mobile tent.

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When it was time to start preparations for an independent adult life, the young man lost his parent, having received inheritance only debts. Not having the opportunity to put the condition due to urban and military taxes, Lucius Cornelius made in future steps.

In the works of Plutarch, the information was preserved that the young man was interested in Greek literature and was the author of the joking speeches. The dark spot on the biography was considered a loafing behavior: Sulla loved to relax in companies of doubting and unworthy people.

Despite the facts mentioned, the future dictator of ancient Rome, received a classic education, appreciated in noble circles. Then he chose a questor to the Quest at the State Worker Gua Mary, who forced to forget about the idleness, noisy pirushki and friends.

Personal life

According to fragmented data provided by the authors of ancient texts, the Lucius of Cornelia was three or four wives. In addition, a prominent man had numerous mistresses who later predicted loneliness during the reign or war.

In the youth of Sulla inherited the state of the first chosen - free girl Nikopol, deprived of family members. Then he began to think about the official relations that allowed themselves to entrenched in society, to acquire a house and children.

A series of legal marriages opened Elijah, or Julia, a relative of Gaya Julia Caesar, a lovedant of noble people. It was believed that the writer and the consul thanks to this union survived the times of the scholars that led to a large number of deaths.

The pair had a daughter of Cornelia, narrowed by Quint Pompey, her offspring created coins with portraits of famous grandfathers. After a divorce held for unknown reasons, Sulla's dictator took a certain clare, who was also a representative of the ruling ancient Roman circles.

The absence of heirs and heiress put an end to the matrimonial life, and the next chief of Tirana became a bladded widow. About the wedding with the tricky Plebee Cecilia Metella Dalmatics and rapprochement with influential persons, People's Solve went.

Shortly before death, the woman made offspring, the boy and the girl received unconventional names. Faust Cornelius Sulla and his twin Faust Cornelia chose life, complete entertainment, and enjoyed it in full.

With the last bride, Valery Messali Sulla met at the gladiator games, almost nothing knows about their connection. The brief note of Plutarch about the birth of the novel, according to the ancient philosopher, everything happened as in the movies.

Governing body

In 107 BC NS. Sulla became an ordinary master, by order of the consul, Gaya Maria, he went to war. The officer participated in negotiations with a boat I - king of Mauritania and achieved peace with Africa due to exposure and mind.

It provoked conflicts with a numidia ruler of yogurt, stubborn battles with which Roman has achieved high posts. Having become a legate, and then the tribune, the louches of Cornelius pacified the barbarians after the battle at the veto and became the star of army circles.

Returning to his homeland with other people's territories, Sulla wanted to become a preterm, but the voting plebeians insisted that he would be an edilitical. Messenger of the troops Guy Maria, despite this, achieved the desired: Having arranged luxurious "lion's" games, he acquired authority in society.

The next step in the dictator's career was governance in Kilicia, his efforts in the neighboring province of the throne received Philoromy. Mithridate VI Evpator tried to overthrow the ruler, and Sulle had to fight a dozen alone people.

In the 90th BC NS. Sulla met with the former commander, they suppressed the uprising of Italikov and participated in the Allied War. The former governor became the hero of battles for Nola and Pompeii, hundreds of soldiers and ordinary commanders were on his side.

Together with the reward for the valor of Lucius Cornelies received the post of consul, as well as the ability to conduct reforms that improved the ancient law. He almost lost the privileges because of the internal transformations that Gaya Maria came to the rival and the worst enemy.

The loyalty of the troops helped Sulle to break through the Esquilin gate and capture the territory of Rome with a minimum of human losses. The dictator expelled from the consulate a number of irreconcilable opponents and, having started to set their orders, opened a new career door.

During the reign of Lucius, Cornelies fought with the king of Mithridate, the redistribution of forces was held in his homeland. The commander returned to Italy and, taking advantage of the Civil War in the capital, sent out of the country of dissatisfied, and the instigators of the Troubles executed.

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In 82 BC NS. Sulla established a dictatorship - the power over the extensive state focused in his hands. In order to preserve the visibility of the existence of a republican system, a former consul gave the authority to people rotating in the highest circles.

At the meeting of the People's Assembly, a man announced the arrangements, the meaning of which was the elimination of dangerous political persons. Some prophets of the ruler, proficked on bloody sprapers, after a slight period of time were removed from work.

Fearing political rivalry, Tirant adopted the Law on Magistrates, established a hierarchy by origin and age. Optimates and populations that represented opposing ideas were conveyed by controversial actions of Sulla to historians of different countries.

He fascinated by reforms that touched military, politicians and civil society, Tiran threw an external policy and tried not to leave Rome. Subsequently, he unexpectedly refused the post of the sole dictator and gave the state into the hands of competent smart men.


In the 70s BC NS. Sulla retired, he had illness unknown to people of those times. They were the cause of the death of the first military dictator, the mourning was declared in Rome after Lucius was buried.

Near the burial on the Marsfield, next to the rulers of the rulers, supporters, subordinates, officers, soldiers and family gathered. Then the grave appeared on the grave, invented by Tyran himself, which the enemies and devotees fully appreciated.

In culture

  • 1713 - Georg Friedrich Handel "Sulla" (Opera)
  • 1723 - Leonardo Vinci "Sulla dictator" (opera)
  • 1772 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Lucius Sulla" (Opera)
  • 1823 - Christian Dietrich Grabbe "Mari and Sulla" (Piece)
  • 1874 - Raphaello Jovanoli "Spartak" (Roman)
  • 1971 - Georgy Gulia "Sulla" (Roman)
  • 1990 - Colin McCalow "First Persons in Rome" (Roman)
  • 1991 - Colin McCalow "Crown of herbs (Battle for Rome)" (Roman)
  • 1993 - Colin McCalow "Favorites Fortune" (Roman)
  • 2002 - "Julius Caesar" (mini-series)

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