Durga (Goddess) - Photo, Ancient Indian mythology, mantra, victims, potassium, Siva's wife


Character History

Durga (emphasis on the first syllable) is a majestic goddess, widely known not only in India, but also in Western culture. A particularly revered character of the Vedic Pantheon is a clean energy designed to resist the threats of Dharma.

History of character appearance

The name of the heroine of ancient Indian mythology is literally translated as "invincible." However, researchers detect much more information. The first syllable personifies Asour - demons, which are responsible for suffering, poverty, hunger and bad habits. The letter "P" is identified with diseases. Finally, the last syllable is compared with sins and cruelty.

The meaning of the name is interpreted as victory over all this, overcoming the bad, protection against demonic forces and the welling of good and light in the universe.

The cult of Durga takes roots in the legends of the Nariy tribes. Later, the heroine passed into the Vedic Pantheon, in fact, becoming the embodiment of parvati. And at the same time, part of the beliefs about the great goddess mother, which is identified with the change of life cycles.

In Tantricism and Shivaism, "invincible" acts as a wife Shiva. In general, the character is an image of a warrior who fights for world order with demons. Hundreds of narratives about it converge in the fact that it is the Divine Power of Mother's Nature.

According to legends, Durga is embodied in various forms, while maintaining a single leitmotif of the fight against darkness.

A feature of the cult of the goddess became bloody sacrifices. In ancient times, the buffaloes and goats were brought to her, and it was forbidden to kill the females of these animals. In addition, it was allowed to offer in the form of fish, tigers, turtles. Written sources indicate that human blood attached special importance in rituals.

There are 2 holidays in honor of Durga - Durgotzava and Durga Puja. Commitable attributes of honoring these days were the leaves of the tree of them, lemon, sandalwist and turmeric.

The image and biography of Durga

The history of the origin of the clarifiers is set out in one interesting myth. In ancient times, the Mahisha demon lived in the world. He was able to reincarnate in a person or buffalo, because Born from King Asurov Rambhi and Princess Syamala, who became a bull because of the curse.

Mahisha for a long time behaved approximately for which he received a blessing from Brahma. After the hero, he felt divine power and decided to bring his orders in heaven. The demon even expelled the celestial and worked out the desires on earth.

Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma gathered to resolve this situation. In the anger of trimurti began to erupt the rays of pure energy from the mouths. So a beautiful girl with ten hands, which was called Durga.

It was she who was destined to overthrow the Mahisha Demon. To help the young warrior gods gave weapons: Shiva gave a trident, Vishnu - Disk, Wash - Onra, Indra - Vajra. Subsequently, these attributes were useful for the heroine for both destruction and attacks and protection.

Within 10 days, "invincible" bravely fought with a buffalo man and finally restored order in heaven, decapitating the enemy. Since then, it has become cleared as the main goddess in Hinduism.

The description of the myth is considered evidence that Durga is a collective image that brought together many aspects of divinity in its embodiment. In this legendary character there is an essence of not only the Hindu Trinity (Trimurti), but also other celestial inhabitants.

There are other legends regarding the biography of the "invincible", which are based on the details. However, everywhere she is identified with the Absolute.

Interestingly, Durga appears in different incarnations depending on the situation. For example, if everything around is calm and the goddess is pleased, then it becomes parvati and produces the energy of creativity.

If the heroine comes into rage, her skin blacks, sharp fangs appear, a long tongue is turned out from the mouth. Such an ominous species takes not only for the intimidation of enemies, but also so that the sinners repent. In this hypostasis, "invincible" turns into potassium. And even her husband is afraid of spouses at such moments and tries to hide from a terrible look.

Shiva's wife made children - they become her embodiments. This is a Lakshmi, Goddess of good luck and wealth, and Ganesh, which appears on the images from an elephant head. And also a cart party, the cult of which today has lost popularity in Hinduism. And, of course, Sarasvati, head of secret knowledge.

Durga in culture

On the icons, the goddess is depicted an attractive woman with 8-10 hands. However, this number may increase to 20. Constantly Durga holds religious symbols. Details in the pictures differ depending on which the heroine appears in what embodiment. For example, as Siddchidharty, she rushes on a tiger, being Calaratri - on the donkey.

In Indian culture are popular mantra. This specially combined letters and signs, which cause vibrations. They affect energy fields and are able to change the aura of a person.

Turning to Durga, it is customary to read mantras, and the choice of one or another depends on how the incarnation of the goddess calls the prayer.

The cult of mothers-nature went beyond the limits of Industan at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. It was connected mainly with the interest of the West to the Eastern Religions. The consequences of the adoption of exotic spirituality were expressed in a huge number of pilgrims and tourists who come to the country to familiarize themselves with culture.

In addition, the religious guru also organized schools and cults of Indian deities abroad. An example of such interpenetration is yoga - practice directly related to Durga.

I did not bypass the fashion trend and the world of music. Ancient Calm Gothic has been dedicated to their tracks with ancient celebrity.

The mythological character and in cinema was noted. The film Rama Narayan "The Power of Goddess Durga", published in 2002, illustrates the original struggle of good and evil forces on the example of the confrontation of the "invincible" and the Bhairava Demon.

Interesting Facts

  • Shiva's wife is considered the main assistant in childbirth.
  • Navararatri - the so-called 9 days, during which the goddess is honored. This period for Indians is considered non-working.
  • According to legends, the heroine lives in the Windhya Mountains along with yogi - assistants.


  • 1969 - "Gods, brahmans, people. Four thousand years of Hinduism "
  • 2000 - "Introduction to Indian mythology"
  • 2001 - "From Scythia to India. Ancient Arias: Myths and History »
  • 2002 - "From the Vedas to Hinduism. Evolving mythology "
  • 2003 - "Gods and Myths of India"
  • 2003 - "Hinduism"
  • 2005 - "Hinduism and myths of ancient India"
  • 2012 - "Incredible India: Religions, Caste, Customs"


  • 2002 - "The power of the goddess Durga"

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