Stars who love to argue: 2021, Russian, Hollywood, Cause, Victory, Loss


What is just not doing for the dispute: marry, change work, throw smoking. It turns out that celebrities are not devoid of excitement and ready to bet to prove their right. Stars who love to argue - in the material 24cm.

1. Nikita Dzhigurda

A closing singer and actor Nikita Dzhigurda is known for its extraordinary outcomes. So, in 2012 at the peak of the popularity of the song Gangnam Style, the actor promised to dance "Opa, Dzhigurda" on Red Square, if tweets in the social network will drop 12 thousand retwees. In 6 o'clock, the publication gained the required number of reposts, and Nikita was the incendiary dance in Kilt on the main square of the country.

Another provocative celebrity bet was concluded in 2013 during the Eurovision contest. Then Dina Garipova took part from Russia. Jigurda assumed that Garipov would defend a confident victory, and Bary Alibasov argued the opposite. Dzhigurda noted his loss with a walk with a showman in Arbat in a skirt and bra.

2. Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy prone to the self-irony - the nature contradictory and not devoid of excitement. His road to Hollywood Olympus began with a promise when making a visa to work, behave well and pay taxes.

And after the role in the film "Dark Knight: Revival of the Legend," where Hardy performed the villain, he wanted to talk to him in the ring boxer David Haye. The artist accepted the challenge and promised that the fees from the fight would go to charity. By the way, the competition did not take place at the initiative of an athlete.

And in 2015, Tom made a bet with Leonardo Di Caprio. It was about Oscare for the role in the film "Survivor". The loss was for Hardy, who was presented with a cherished statuette. And on the body of the celebrity, the phrase "Leo knows everything".

3. Grigory Leps.

Stars who love to argue, often use excitement to overcome a destructive addiction. Gregory Leps is in demand, a musical career at a peak, a vital tempo is gaining momentum. The race is able to withstand not everyone, and Grigory suffered from alcohol dependence.

Change the situation helped bet. At first, the condition was supplied to withstand the year of sober life up to 50 years and get $ 1 million and then the incentive to the "dry law" was the doubled amount if the singer will withstand 2 years.

By the way, go for Leps and check his behavior is not required. Grigory - man words. In addition, the singer is sure that if the promise does not hold back, then everything will be known about it.

It became known that Grigori Leps again threw a drink and at the beginning of 2021 he holds sobriety for about 1.5 years.

4. George Clooney.

Hollywood Handsome George Clooney won a dispute with colleagues in the workshop twice when it came to the fact that he will become a father and will be in marriage to 40 years. Nicole Kidman and Michelle Pfaiffer lost betting a fallen bachelor. Kidman even sent a winnings that Clooney Galantantly stated that "Irish do not take money with the ladies."

Renewable Pfefer again made a bet with Clooney that he never marries. The actor raised a bet to $ 100 thousand and lost when in September 2017 he married Amal Alamuddin. By the way, and the place of the shower at the wedding clubs Matt Damont received a reward for the won bet.

And in 2015, the subject of the dispute was part in the London Marathon. Then the actor shifted with the model of Christ Tarlington, she will not run 42 km in less than 4 hours. The lady won, and Clooney had to prepare for the race.

5. Mikhail Boyarsky

All 2008, Mikhail Boyarsky walked in Scarf FC Zenit. The reason for such an act was bet with the club fans, according to the terms of which, in the event of a team victory in the Russian Championship, the artist will spend in the fan attribute. And later, Mikhail Sergeevich joined the shares of the "mustache of hope" during the Mundial of 2018.

6. Maria Pogrebnyak

Slebny lioness and large mother Mother Mary Pogrebnyak loves to argue with children. After losing in home soccer sons forced the mother to dance. The roller was laid out in the Instagram account of celebrities. And then the dispute with the heirs cost the star mother's color. Children happily painted white celebrity curls in purple pink color.

7. Dmitry Nagiyev

Closes the list of "Stars who love to argue" Russian actor Dmitry Nagiyev. The showman admits that he always went out the winner in the dispute due to the Charizma and the muscles. Only once he lost to Son Kirill Nagiyev. The heir called for Father to share details of personal life in social networks, and Star Pope refused.

Then I bet, in which if, under the conditions, the post with a call about support will be given 1 million likes, then Nagiyev-senior will lead the page on the social network. Enough 5 days to collect "hearts". Dmitry Nagiyev, the word kept restrained, and in 2021 the number of subscribers in the Instagram-Account of celebrities is approaching 9 million.

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