Sharon Fonsek - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Gianluk Vakka 2021



On May 10, 2020, the Mother's Day was celebrated in a number of countries. And it is at this holiday that is symbolic, "Dancing Millionaire" Gianluca Vakka and his young chief Churon Fonsek admitted that they would soon have a child. Such a joyful news of the couple shared with the help of video published on the personal pages in the social network "Instagram". The message led to the delight of numerous follovers - for 3 days the total number of viewed roller approached 8 million.

Childhood and youth

The last winter day of 1995 became joyful for the Mains family (the media claims that the real surname of Zhugay Brunettes sounds like this) from Venezuela - January 31, a daughter of Sharon appeared to the world. A few years earlier, Kelly and Wayne spouses took congratulations on the birth of a senior heiress. On his own official website, a young woman pointed out that she was obliged to put goals and seek their skill with the ability to put their goals and seek them, and also optimistic and positively look at life.

Information on the early biography of celebrities, unfortunately, is practically not provided, with the exception of a children's picture, which has become the first publication in "Instagram". In Facebook it is indicated that from an early age, the girl was vividly interested in the world of fashion, new cosmetics, secrets of makeup and secrets of photographic art.

It is unknown, where exactly the girl received secondary education, but in the last period of beauty released from The University of Miami in Florida, becoming a specialist in the field of clothing design. At one time, Mikhail Saakashvili, the scientist-economist Warren Samuels and the model of Alessandra (Sandy) Meyer-Völden also also discouraged in this university.

Personal life

The first joint publications with a millionaire, glorified by the whole world of incendiary dances, in "Instagram" Sharon dated April 2018. Since then, a slim beauty and a man with relief torso did not part, spending their free time.

About the personal life of the model before the appearance of an eccentric tattooed italian information in it. But at the current elect foundation, the track record turned out to be very impressive. He met with Nina Senicar and Belen Rodriguez, managed to engage with Melissa Satta, provoke a press on publication about the novel with Michel Rodriguez and light up in Lindsay Lohan. Georgia Gabriele, who a businessman called his wife, soon changed Ariadne Gutierrez.

Despite the numerous statements of Gianluki Vakka about the unawares to become a father and a solid difference in age, in early May 2020 it became known that his young companion is pregnant. A happy future father with tears in her eyes told subscribers:

"Today is the day of the mother, and, of course, the first thought was about my mom. But I must admit that I never thought about Sher as a potential mother for my child. I am very happy to declare and share with you that Sharon and I am waiting for a child, and she will be the mother, which I always dreamed about for my heir. "

The joyful event happened on October 27: Sheron was born daughter. Happy father even performed a dance in the hospital.


From the young age of Fonsek, boldly went on the podium in swimsuits of all sorts of coloring and styles, demonstrating a chic figure (according to some data, its height is 170 cm with a weight of 51 kg) and long slender legs.

The girl willingly participated in promotional photo sessions, then in the stunning outfits, then in underwear. To do this, she diligently disintegrated on the edge of the pool, obediently ran around the beach, leaning towards palm trees, posed against the background of sunset and dissected the ocean waves.

On the feshene-industry, the activity of charming beauty, slightly externally reminiscent of Hollywood stars Sandra Bullock and Missy Overubim, did not end. Sharon launched his own brand of jewelry, tried themselves in business and, if you believe all-in-law journalists, worked by a journalist and tattoo master in a personal salon.

In addition, the celebrity since 2015 tried strength and cinema. In the filmography of the actresses - the series "The owners of Paradise", "Land of Kings", "under the same sky", "Who is who?", "Queen" and Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio.

Sharon Fonsek now

Sharon and now continues to work the model, collecting enthusiastic reviews of fans from around the world, and develop their own business.

In addition, the burning brunette does not throw his motivational site, where he says that it inspires it, from food to dresses. The skin care program and hair is described in detail, the pluses and recipe for green cocktail, lifehaki for a comfortable journey and t.

"There are seven simple rules of a healthy lifestyle. To be in a tone, it is necessary every day (or a couple of days a week) to devote 20 minutes of sports exercises, to comply with a balanced diet, meditate, drink more liquid, get enough sleep, clean thoughts from negative and help your neighbors, "said Fonsek.

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