Victor Shkul - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Natalia Shkuleva 2021



Talent Viktor Schuchev multifaceted. Candidate of Legal Sciences combines businessman, journalist, publisher, happy husband, father and grandfather. One of the two chances of Vice President of the Guild of Publishers of the Periodic Press is Andrei Malakhov.

Childhood and youth

Mediamignat was born in the spring of 1958 in the village of the catch of the Chita region in the Forest of the builder. It is based at the end of the XVIII century as a Push Tax Pick with Aboriginal Siberian. Now about 6 thousand people live in quarters, the prevailing nationality of residents - Russians.

In the 1st grade, due to the movements of the family, Victor went to school on the border with Mongolia, but the decade graduated from his native village. Shkulev was not an excellent student and studied in a weaker class of parallel, but he succeeded in sports - became the champion of the Chita region on the run, played hockey. Trained young athlete Vasily Luppsanov.

The Ulotovsky District Department of National Education gave an athlete to the Faculty of Physical Education of the Chita Pedagogical Institute. It was assumed that after receiving a diploma Shkule would return to the village of Physical Education teacher. The older sister of Viktor Mikhailovich tied a biography with pedagogy - graduated from the faculty of primary education.

However, in the university, the guy quickly advanced through the Komsomol line - from the 3rd year he served as a compusor of the institute. Working in the Union of Communist Youth almost for almost a decade has become professional paths of the Shkulev. By 1988, the native of the forties was reached by the post of the Second Secretary of the Chita Regional Commander Wlksm.

At 23, Victor graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Irkutsk State University, and in a decade, in the last year of Soviet power, graduate school at the Academy of Public Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. The theme of the candidate dissertation of Schuleva was the relationship of society and the state during the period of democratic reforms.

Personal life

The media signal is happy in his personal life. At 22, the man first became a father. Wife Shkuleva Tamara for 2 weeks younger than Viktor Mikhailovich. A woman works by the corporate director of Herst Schuculav Media, which until January 2020 headed the eldest daughter of Natalia's spouses. Does not lag behind the sister and Elena Shkuleva, working as a brand manager of Marie Clare magazine.

Viktor Mikhailovich's daughter almost simultaneously made a man grandfather. In November 2017, Natalia Shkuleva and Andrei Malakhov, after six years of marriage, Sasha's son was born. After 2 months, the child appeared in the family of Elena Shkuleva and her spouse Artem Rezakov. In September 2018, visiting the eldest daughter Viktor Mikhailovich and the most talkative leading Russian television visited the program of Timur Kizyakov "When all at home."

The beginning of 2020 was marked for a family with shovels. Elena gave birth to her daughter and replaced his sister as executive director of the Father's Corporation.

Victor Mikhailovich is fond of travel and hunting. On the change of the hobby of youth - Athletics - Ski Skiing came.

The status and size of real estate Schulev says the fact that the man was elected chairman of the HOA of the Moscow Elite Complex "Roman House", the apartment in which hundreds of millions of rubles cost. The businessman heads the Association of "Transbaikal Farmers", sponsors the Trans-Baikal International Film Festival, Social and Educational Projects of the Util School.

Career and business

Like Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Schucule began to do business, while still the Komsomolsky leader. A man founded a law firm and in parallel gave legal advice to the commercial center of Komsomolskaya Pravda. In 1991, Victor topped the newspaper business structure, and in 1993 he became the first in the history of the general director. Under the leadership of Schulev "Komsomolskaya" created its own publishing house.

In 1998, Viktor Mikhailovich left the youth newspaper, the work in which and now recalls a good word. By this time, he had already successfully functioned by media signal in partnership with the French Hachette Flipacchi Shkulev. In 2011, Viktor Mikhailovich's coaxing officers lost their share to the Americans. Schuchev Corporation makes Male Maxim Magazine, Antenna-Telight, Popular Psychological Journal and many other editions of predominantly incoloncy.

According to Forbes, in August 2015, Hearst Shkulev Media was the first to lead the ownership structure in accordance with the media law. According to the norm, on rumors, prolobed by shkule, foreign investors can own no more than one fifth assets of Russian publications. Before the release of the law and Viktor Mikhailovich, and Hearst Corporation owned 50% of Hearst Shkulev Media. After restructuring, 80% of assets were in the hands of Shkulev.

In January 2019, Shkulule bought a controlling stake of securities of the joint stock company, which produces Internet newspaper "". The co-founder of the publication is a writer and a journalist, the author of the "Gangster Petersburg" Andrei Konstantinov. Portal "" is famous for the efficiency of information and the provision of tribunes to people with different political views.

Victor Shkule now

On April 14, 2020, the publishing house "World News" congratulated the strategic partner Viktor Shkulev with the 30th anniversary of the work in the media business. In May, the entrepreneur unexpectedly found himself in the center of the scandal. Starhit Glossy magazine, which is part of Hearst Shkulev Media, posted an article affecting the honor of the 7-year-old son Yana Rudkovskaya and Yevgeny Plushenko Alexander, known under the family nickname gnome dwarf.

The mother of the boy, outraged by the publication, promised to contact the European Court of Human Rights with a claim. It is curious that for the first time after the start of Roman Natalia Shkuleva and Andrei Malakhov appeared together at the wedding of Yana and Eugene in 2009. Victor Mikhailovich apologized to the Plushenko and Rudkovskaya family and declared the removal of the scandalous article.

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