Anna Zaitseva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anna Zaitseva is a talented Russian actress of cinema and theater, as well as a leaky singer, TV presenter and the author of hits. Despite a poor filmography, she has hundreds of fans who follow her work since the end of the 1990s.

Childhood and youth

Anna Zaitseva was born in October 1980 in living in the capital of Bashkortostan with no remarkable working family. Father and mother drove a girl in Nursery and kindergarten, without suspecting that in the future she will be famous in an immense country.

Details of the early biography and upbringing escaped from the attention of the press, because in the few conversations, the artist went around this moment. It is known that she studied at school and fond of music and dancing, and also read a lot of classics since 11 years old.

Probably in childhood, looking TV, Little Anya dreamed of glory and wanted to look like the representatives of the world of stars. Parents said daughters that the path that artists do is associated with many trials and, as a rule, is not easy.

Zaitseva listened to the opinion of the elders, but secretly thought about the cherished goal and performed in all performances that the school theater put. The chambers inspired by the participants were present in the hall, and a beginner actress sought to stand out in order to get into the frame.

When it was time to think about the profession, Anya, consulting with his father and mother, after all, decided to devote the lives of creativity and went to Moscow. There, thanks to the skills, she easily entered the guitis and, hitting the course of experienced teachers, began to learn acting skills.

Student years were marked by a role in a short film with the name "Who is there?", As well as participation in performances in the framework of mandatory coursework. It turned out that the girl who had an average growth, a little weight and attractive appearance, can not only play dramas, but still dances and sings.

To develop these skills Zaitsev was recorded on vocal classes and soon realized that the voice is its main tool. At the senior courses there was a proposal to become a television lead, and Anya decided not to refuse and not miss a vital moment.

Becoming the transfer of "TV-Bingo Show", the native of Ufa received experience, and also acquired useful dating and many new friends. And then there was a project "Extreme Blondes", where sports was discussed, and Anya met with celebrities, former guests among guests.

Personal life

Anna's personal life remains a secret for society, the actress does not apply to the matters of heart. However, in "Instagram" Anna sometimes appear photos with a beloved.

Theater and films

In the cinema and serials of Zaitseva came in early 2004 and, as almost all novice young actresses, played a number of secondary roles. The heroine in the projects "Moore is Moore", as well as "Kulagin and partners", despite the minute appearance on the screen, they have placed the heart of people.

Directors also drew attention to a promising attractive person and actively involved it in the filming of detectives and melodram. The filmography was replenished with the Ribbons "Anna", "Hunting on the Island" and "Frenchwoman", as well as a multi-sieuled picture "Yesenin", introduced an Anya to elite circles.

Then there were castings to the main roles, for various reasons that did not get a girl, as well as a number of episodes on television without names and independent phrases. It made Zaitsev try to find a work on the theater stage to reveal as actress.

The invitation to the famous troupe of the St. Petersburg Theater of the Musical Comedy became the main news of 2007 and changed the anine life. Participation in the play "Baroness Lily" and "Duchess from Chicago" gave the girl new forces and incredible optimism.

An additional pleasant event was a victory in a singing competition, followed by enthusiastic reviews, photos in "Instagram" and interview. Zaitseva in the shower thanked the happy confluence of the circumstances, as well as former teachers, friends and a loving family.

She did not think to return to the cinema until he was interested in the scenarios of the film "Train to North" and the television series "Underground Transition". And then received an invitation to a major role in the criminal project, and the ascending star operetta plunged into the shooting cycle.

Spectators remembered Anna in the numerous movie "Silent Hunting", which since 2013 walked on the NTV channel. The heroine department of Natalia Volska revealed criminal offenses, despite the difficulties that arose.

With each new thing, the actress has better recognized the character of the character and did not notice how "perceived" to the high title of major. It was interesting to interact with colleagues on the set and listen to creative tips that regularly gave the director.

Unfortunately, this story ended in 12 months, and Anya, slightly disappointed, returned to the service in the favorite theater. From the performances of it were distracted by the projects "Sleeping-2" and "team", which, in addition to replenishing the portfolio, brought a small fee.

Anna Zaitseva now

Now Zaitseva is passionate about the work at the Music Theater, as well as solo performances in the concert halls of Russian capitals. She regularly travels between Moscow and St. Petersburg in order to admire the scene with dozens of grateful.

Not forgetting the career of the leading and actress, Anna is present in public events and was preparing to report for a new short feature film. "TET-A-TET" planned to submit to the audience in the middle of 2020, it is known that the project mixed melodrama and waterville.


  • 1992 - "Who is there?"
  • 2004 - "Moore is Moore"
  • 2005 - "Anna"
  • 2005 - "Graffiti"
  • 2005 - "Yesenin"
  • 2005 - "Nestless Report"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2006 - "Shift"
  • 2007 - "SpecialGroup"
  • 2007 - "Volkova Hour"
  • 2008 - "Trail"
  • 2012 - "Underground Transition"
  • 2013 - "Train to North"
  • 2013 - "quiet hunting"
  • 2014 - "Team"
  • 2018 - "Sleeping-2"

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