Detlaff Van der Erethere (character) - Photo, "Witcher", games, vampire, heralet from Rivia


Character History

Detlaff Van der Eretine is a character from the race of vampires, weakly focusing in the human world and accused of the death of warriors. Heralt from RhIVI will have to learn the truth about the reasons for a series of deaths in the game "Blood and Wine".

History of character creation

The second and last addition marked the finale of the adventure of the Witcher in a series of games based on the book cycle of Angea Sapkovsky. Polish writer presented the fictional universe, populated by numerous races. The popularity of Sagi contributed to world fame - 2 series, comics, and finally computer games.

Polish CD Projekt Red Studio, the CD Projekt Investment was founded by CD Projekt Investment for creating games based on the works of Sapkovsky. The long-awaited project was published on May 31, 2016.

Critics unanimously awarded Higher Balls with a new product of the Witcher Universe. The laudatory reviews received new enemies that are not found in the literary saga, the storyline and location. The addition of "Blood and Wine" became an excellent finale in the best traditions - Heralt got into the world, where he would have to fight not so much with mankind, as with real monsters.

This time, the Witcher goes to Tussgen (this principality from Nilfgaga Empire was also not mentioned in the book cycle) to track down the mysterious monster. Harlita Anna-Henrietta is hiring Gerasta, worried about the fact that the approximate knights die.

Be accused of killings a little Blokler - such a nickname received Erethines. But before the Witcher tries to defeat the enemy in battle, the regis arises between them. This is a vampire from the book saga, who urges Geralhal to understand in detail in a difficult situation.

Mystical detective story leads heroes to understand that not everything is so unequivocal. Suddenly, new facts pop up: Anna-Henrietta has a sister - Sianna. In the youth, this girl was expelled from the principality, considering her damned.

Detlaff is really guilty of the killings of the knights. However, he himself became a pawn, obeying the will of a woman in which they fell in love - Xianna.

In accordance with the traditions of the playing world, the Witcher, the course of the development of the plot depends on the choice of tactics by the user. Therefore, the finale will definitely fail. Besting from Bully can be both killed and released with the world.

Sianna can also either die from the attack of the Higher Vampire, or to take for his sister, resorting to obstacles for a spoiled life. The most prosperous outcome will happen if two girls come to reconciliation.

Image and biography of Detlaff Van der Ereteina

In the game, the character appeared a beautiful middle-height man (181 cm). It is brunette, according to the appearance of which it is difficult to determine this age. It looks at 35 years, while from the quotation of heroes, it suggests that the vampire is at least 330.

He has piercing blue eyes and gray whiskey. An interesting detail is a small but deep scar on the forehead, it is not clear how to appear, given the ability of this race to regenerate.

Detlaff has a characteristic pallor and a thin physique. At the same time, his teeth are extremely sharp, and during the attack and at all take the form of a predator's fangs.

A man wears black gloves and crimson camsole. On top it puts on a leather coat and rocked with a belt. You can see the butterfly brooch, which he was presented with the regis of friendship.

Despite the abilities due to the vampire accessories, the character uses weapons. In the case of Ereteina, this is a short dagger, which he hides behind his back, tapping to the leather belt.

When the villain attacks, then his teeth and claws are lengthened. An attractive face is distorted - the pallor is replaced by the yellowness, and dark veins appear on the skin. Detlaff is able to turn into fog. His color is red. With this skill, the hero passes through the walls and metal barriers, unless, of course, they are not made from meteorite steel, silver or Dalvinite.

In the winged form, the villain becomes different, he grows a couple of limbs with sharp spikes at the end. Being a volatile mouse, loses the ability to see. It is focused using echolocation.

Regis tells about the character of the character in detail. According to him, Detlaff is a real beast that does not adhere to any rules regarding the murders. For him, people are only blood, although on the fact of a besting from Bokler does not depend on it. But regrets about unreasonable deaths a man does not feel.

At the same time, the villain does not understand the sadistic entertainment, which was forced to observe in an early biography. Already then the antagonist of the game did not accept the Society of Vampires and even avoided unnecessary communications with himself like.

This was the reason for the lack of socialization skills. Moreover, the hero not only does not understand the relatives - for him and the world of people is a big riddle. Lies, kindness, envy, friendship - all these concepts for the character - an empty sound, so it will avoid human society.

Usually, a calm and cold-blooded vampire in rare minutes ceases to control the anger and gives in to emotions. At such moments, Erethin becomes truly a frightened monster, to cope with which even the Witcher is difficult.

Another characteristic feature is avenue. Detlaff is hard to forget the betrayal and resentment. However, precisely because of this, events occurred, which began the beginning of Geralle's adventures.

The villain, a sideways of society, nevertheless experiencing a acute feeling of flocks. In the biography of men were examples when he did not throw "his" in battles. It so happened with the registers whom Eret8 resurrected by drinking his own blood. Since then, these two are connected, and Emiel does not allow the witcher to destroy the "fellow" without good evidence of guilt.

In the absence of socialization, Detlaff is not deprived of feelings. The beloved Rena, who actually - the damned sister of Anna-Henrietta, noted that the vampire wished her like a beast, - desperately and wildly. In this relationship there was no humanity, as well as false or lies. These were sincere, no emotions.

The worst of the hero's reaction was, when he understood that they were manipulated. Eretine begins to revenge Geralt, trying to kill Xianna. Despite the mass of negative qualities, a man's "noble heart". And the fans of the universe of the Witcher and were at all filled with sympathy to the antagonist, having considered that he fell into a trap of his own experiences and turned into a weapon in the hands of an embittered sister Anna-Henrietta.

Interesting Facts

  • In the Russian voice acting of the game addition, Maxim Dakhnenko became the voice of Detlaff.
  • The full name of the character does not correspond to the vampire tradition, for which the combination of five words in it is characteristic.
  • From the early biography, it is known that a man lived in Nazayir.
  • In the Gwent card game, the antagonist acts as the leader of the monster fraction.
  • The name of the villain received in honor of the artist from the company-developer CD Projekt RED Marta Detlaff.


"If you believe in the gods - start them to pray!" "They threatened to kill you .... Sorry, I summed up. "" You will come to the Tsham Mutnu and explain everything. Will you come - I will compare the header with the Earth. Promise. I give three days. "

Computer games

  • 2016 - "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine"
  • 2018 - "Gwint: Witcher. Card game"

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