Flood in Sochi - 2021, now, rains, news, weather, destruction, what happens, rivers


During the day on July 4-5, 2021, a monthly rate of precipitation fell on the Black Sea coast of Russia. Most of the weather, the resort of Sochi and its surroundings suffered from the weather. Unfortunately, it was not without dead people. Storm, tropical shower and strong wind squalls are not uncommon for residents of these places and repeated annually. However, such cataclysms can never be ready for 100%, and the effects of elements are sometimes too large-scale and frightening.

In the material 24cm - the latest news about flooding in Sochi in July 2021.


At night and in the morning of July 4, 2021, bad weather came on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. Livni with thunderstorms and hail fell into Sochi and his surroundings, a strong squalry wind rose, the sky laid down dark clouds that moved from the sea to the shore. In the area of ​​Kabardica, vacationers watched a tornado who were formed in the sky over the sea. Beaches began to close, announced a ban on swimming in the sea. However, despite the imposed restrictions, it became known about three drowned people in the vicinity of Anapa, among which was a child of 2008 born and two men who tried to save him.

The next day, storm rains provoked the rise in the water level in the rivers of the Kudepsta, Host, Matsesta and Khotost. The authorities were warned by residents and guests of the Adler and Hostinsky districts, as well as the nearest settlements on emergency evacuation in case water exceeds critical marks. Sirens without ceasing sounded everywhere, warning the population of danger. In addition, people asked to comply with calm and not to leave housing without acute necessity.

In the meantime, the natural element continued to ferry: rain and squalls were intensified, the wind did not subside. Streets of settlements began to buy, in the water were at home, cars and people. Places water level reached the windows of the first floors, and some residents and rest had to escape from the elements, leaving their cars that carried a powerful flow of water. Photos and video cameras appeared on the network, on which observers captured the scale of the tragedy.

Situation and victims

On the morning of July 6, it is reported that many buildings, trees and roofs of houses are damaged by hurricane in Sochi and the area. Some districts and streets remain without electricity and communications: wires and electroopers are damaged. Cars of locals and tourists turned out to be flooded. A lot of swimming facilities and yachts have thrown ashore, which suffered from the storm and can not return to the sea. Urban beaches of Sochi are partially destroyed and rolled with branches and diverse garbage, which brought water flows.

Among the affected areas: Tuapse, Slavic and Seversky; In addition to Sochi, a hot key and Gelendzhik suffered. On the highway in the Tuapse area on July 5, a villained stream hit, the traffic movement was blocked for several hours.

It is reported about the deceased man who, due to flooding in Sochi, became a victim of a tree branch dropped on his car. It is also known that in the area of ​​the shopping center "Alexandria" a brigade of rescuers helped a man who barely died by falling into the river.

In the mountain village of Kepshai Firemen had to evacuate the kindergarten: there were five children and two employees of the institution with the elements hostages.

Storm sewers in most places did not cope with their task: local residents know that structures do not fulfill their task even during the rain, not to mention such powerful rains. The building of the city hospital turned out to be flooded in the Hostinsky district: the water flooded the basement and the first floor. Rescuers and employees of the local operative staff arrived at the place. Soon the level began to decline, patients and medical staff were not injured, people were transferred to the upper floors.

During the swelling element on the roads, mass car traffic jams were formed: on some streets it was impossible to drive, Motors of Machine Machines, the salons poured dirty streams. Blocked was also the only way from Sochi to Adler.

Most of all was not lucky to residents of houses located in lowlands, near the coast of the River of the district. Water flooded yards and buildings, washed away flower beds and gardens, got into housing. People evaluate the damage gained and report that there were no such effects of the elements even during such flooding in Sochi in 2015. Some residents say that their homes were very injured last time and unable to survive another element, so they left the apartments on their own, fearing for their health and life.

It is reported that due to bad weather, passenger liners flying to the resort and the Chelyabinsk plane were redirected to the spare airfields.

Latest news

The emergency mode introduced in Sochi, restrictions on a storm warning continue to act. The weather in Sochi has not yet fully normalized, the rains partially stopped, but they continue to go in different parts of the city and its surroundings. Weather forecasters report that until the middle of the week, Shni will not cease. Therefore, it is too early to talk about the stabilization of the situation. Beaches are still closed, swimming is temporarily forbidden until the weather conditions are normalized. Saving sailors on the shore are on duty, signs with storm warnings.

Now the consequences of flooding in Sochi and the destruction, which it caused, eliminate the Ministry of Emergency Situations and urban services. Also in reinforced mode there is a special technique, fire calculations equipped with motor-pumps, reserve transport.

It is known that about 140 people were evacuated from dangerous areas. People have now been placed in temporary accommodation points that were organized on the basis of schools and hotels provided everything necessary.

Early in the morning of July 6, the movement of cars on the jubga route - Sochi was restored. The Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that the break in motion, which caused the convergence of the village stream, was 5 hours and 10 minutes. Damaged section of the road with a length of about 40 meters, the rescuers cleared the track and eliminated the effects of the elements. It is also known that two people suffered from strong wind and rain in this area, later there were reports about one of the past.

There were reports of a new traffic jam in the area of ​​Lermontovo village, where the trail was flooded. Movement is possible only by one lane, the traffic police work there.

It is known that the element moved towards the Tuapse region, where there is a danger of the release of rivers from the shores. There promptly sent an aerobile group of rescuers.

According to the latest information, the water level in separate areas began to decline, strong shower stopped. However, residents who managed to move to safer places, do not rush back, fearing the deterioration of the situation.

On the morning of July 6, they reported that the jubga route - Sochi blocked and flooded. You can drive through the Shaumyan pass. Video eyewitnesses appeared on the network.

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