Rules of life Anton Shagin: principles, family, relationship, 2021, work


Anton Shagin is a popular Russian actor who remembered the audience on roles in the "Styles" film, "Besy", "Friday", "Podkinysh" and others. In 2020, Chagin played a major role in the film "Comet Galleya", and in 2021 the next premiere is expected with his participation "Konk-Gorbok". Also in 2021, the actor became a member of the show "Dancing with the Stars".

In material 24cm - the rules of life and the main principles that the artist adheres to.

1. consult with his wife

In an interview, the actor said that she was used to consult with his wife, Veronica Isaeva, when he receives a script. Their opinions almost always coincide. Anton refuses to act in such projects where a frank lie is used. So it was with the role of Peter III, in one of the popular TV series, which Anton Chagina was offered to play. After reading the books and the chronicles, the actor realized that the identity of the statesman was unfairly rolled. Therefore, abandoned the role, I did not regret any second.

2. Poems as a way to remove

The actor says that the writing of the poems has been engaged in student years. The first book of works (and subsequent texts, too) devoted to his wife Nick. According to Anton Shagina, for him "writing is a way to suspend the surrounding world and the opportunity to look at everything on the other side."

3. Bright characters

Anton Shagin told in an interview that she was trying to create bright characters in the movie. His account is not as many roles, like the other colleagues with the same work experience. However, there are no "passing" characters here, all the work of the actor can easily be called the iconic. The actor tries to completely reincarnate in his character, but after the filming of filming, "letters" the image so that he does not move to another job.

4. Principles and intuition

The actor agrees not to all the proposals that he comes. When choosing roles, it is guided by non-promised fees, but in life principles, and relies on intuition, which has not let him down. Anton says he values ​​his reputation, therefore disagrees to each proposed role. He also refuses those projects that he do not like, and is waiting for decent proposals. Chagin is recognized in concerns that he will be ashamed for his work, and the defining factor here is the lack of vulgarity.

5. Free time

The actor admits that he does not like "parties" and secular events. Free time prefers to devote to the family or conduct traveling, and not in the company of unfamiliar people. At the same time, the details of the personal life and family relations artist prefers to keep secret from the circle of fans.

6. About work and relationships with colleagues

Anton Shagin emphasizes in an interview that prefers no one to judge. "We must first of all deal with you, take care of how to keep yourself," says the actor. At the same time, he notes that he will not cooperate with directors who suppress actors with totalitarianism. "I do not understand how you can do something without being in the dialogue. It is important for me that the director is ready for my suggestions. If you do not need this, please take another artist. "

7. Hobbies and interests

The actor notes in an interview that he does not share the interests of his peers, such as video games. "I wonder the other: go in St. Petersburg to a buckinistic store on the foundry and buy a block diaries. Or spend time with family. " At Tolstoy Anton Shagin once read that you need to remember all the time about death. He believes that "this is a powerful engine for everything you do."

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