Molly Weasley (Character) - Photo, Actress, Julie Walters, "Harry Potter", Arthur Weasley


Character History

Molly Weasley - a caring mother and a powerful magician from the Romanov cycle Joan Rowling about Harry Potter. A good housewife caring for a family nest, got a chance from the British writer to show itself on the other side during a fight with Bellatris Lestrange.

History of character creation

The magic world, created by Joan Rowling, sheltered a lot of diverse heroes. These are brave students of Hogwarts, magician magic teachers, evil death eaters and mysterious monsters.

In this universe, filled with miracles, the family of Arthur Weasley is an example of cohesion, friendship, love and mutual execution. And he holds to Molly Weasley - Mother of Ron, Ginny and five more children. Although the Harry Potter also can also be attributed here, to whom the charming wizard replaced the parent.

This female character appears in all cycle books, has a detailed biography and becomes a key person. The only film in which the heroine did not appear on the screens - "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup".

The image of Mrs. Weasley did not undergo changes, but the author allowed him to be gradually disclosed on the pages of novels. And if at the beginning of the story, the woman is associated with a zoom for which the main thing in life is child care, then a magical ability to fully appear to the final of the lady.

In her example, Joan Rowling demonstrated two main points. Invented her heroes can appear in an unexpected role. And another writer contrasted the maternal love of unhealthy belt attachment to Volan de Morta.

Image and biography Molly Weasley

The full name of the character is Molly Cornelia Weasley, the maiden name - Pruiet. Women's birthday - October 30, 1949. Her parents were purebred wizards. Mother Margaret dreamed that when the daughter grows up, he would marry a man from equal to himself. Moreover, a list of candidates for the hand and the heart of a charming red-haired girl was composed of childhood.

The family was raised in the family two more brothers - Fabian and Gideon. In his youth, the heroine was friendly with them, since they also treated skeptically to the standards and rules that tried to instill to children.

Arriving in Hogwarts, the girl hit the faculty of Gryffindor. She diligently studied, and good grades of students were explained only by hardworking and the desire to raise skills, not natural talents. The School of Magic has become the most cozy place for the future large mother.

And the main reason why Molly was looking forward to ending vacation, Arthur Weasley. The guy with the conclusted tech belonged to the traitors of the blood, but this "title" did not confuse the student in love.

But the parents such a choice of daughter seemed absurd. Not paying attention to this friendship, Margaret continued to replenish the endless list of contenders in the city. And was stunned when in 1967 the girl escaped to the future husband. After the young have played a wedding, relatives from the purebred family refused to run. And only the brothers continued to communicate with her sister.

Incredible love brought the fruit - by 1978, the heroine has already born five sons. In those days, when the first Order of Phoenix was assembled, the head of the family and his wife did not take an active activity, since they were worried about young children.

Soon Ron appeared on the world. This happy event coincided with the tragedy - Fabion and Gideon died. The sister had only memories of hot loved ones, as well as a loss watch she carefully stored.

In 1981, a long-awaited girl is born in the family - Ginny Weasley. The next 14 years of Molly is entirely devoting to motherhood, in Hogwarts, everything is calm. But the return of the Dark Lord leaves the imprint. Because of the new policy of the Ministry of Magic, one of the sons, Percy, in their own beliefs, breaks relationships with loved ones.

At the beginning of the second war, Molly and Arthur entered the newly recreated Order of Phoenix. The woman took care of the secret headquarters - brought the order there, prepared me. Of course, the heroine participated in meetings, but in combat missions was not noticed.

However, the character did not stay away from the main battle. Moreover, the wizard lost his son Fred, which not only broke her heart, but also added rage and strength. It was Mrs. Weasley who killed with the help of a stick and an unknown spell of the Death Demister Bellatris Lestrange.

After the war, the family returned to native fenats. Soon grandchildren began to appear. By convincing Joan Rowling, the heroine became an excellent grandmother and was happy to take care of numerous offspring.

A good-natured housewife is the most real head of the family. On her fragile shoulders - the arrangement of the housing, the upbringing of heirs, financial planning. A hardworking woman loves to cook, glad to guests and enjoying Harry and Hermione.

For every Christmas, the wizard knits the sweaters, and this gift is honored with everyone who is in the house.

Characteristic character appearance character - bright red hair. Molly - a lady of small growth, with a continuous figure. Sometimes a woman is experiencing about his forms, but the husband does not get tired of showing and convincing how much loves his spouse for her charming "home" view.

The heroine is raised in the medium of purebred wizards of the heroine, which changed the status of a notable lady for the usual life next to Artur.

Molly Weasley in films

Such a diverse character demanded a talented game. Producers were offered to be held in Franchise Julie Walters. This British actress has been nominated twice twice for Oscar and received the Golden Globe for the role in the film "Rita Education".

Interestingly, Rosie O'Donnell was agreed to reincarnate free on the screens to a good-natured wizard, but she was denied, since the entire cast was to be British.

However, with the choice of the performer, producers were not mistaken. Julie Walters managed to recreate the same housewife in the film, a caring mother and a strong wizard in one bottle. Initially, she planned to play Madame Trick.

At the help of actress came designers in costumes. For Molly, knitted things handmade in the style of the 60s were selected.

Marina Duzhev and Marina Bakina voiced the role of the Russian language. The latter participated in the dubbing of the film "Harry Potter and Prince-Half-Blood".

The game of talented actress was celebrated from the positive side, and in 2003, Julia Walters, along with the main troupe, the franchise was nominated for the French critics of Phoenix.

Interesting Facts

  • In one of the quotes in the book it is said that the color of the character's eye is the same as Ginny. At the future wife, Harry Potter, they are brown.
  • The executor of the role of Mrs. Weasley and Rupert Grint (Ron) have already met on the set in the picture of driving lessons.
  • The son of the heroine Percy called the daughter in honor of the grandmother.
  • The name Molly has an Irish origin. In the literal translation means "sea bitterness".


"This year you must behave well. If I get once again I will receive the news with the news that you have done something - blew up the toilet or ... "" Your children at night flew on your car in Sarry, there and back! "" Do not trust things that you know how to think; Who knows what they have on the mind? "


  • 1997 - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
  • 1998 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 1999 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2000 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2003 - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows"


  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part I "
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part II "

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