Sergey Bunyachenko - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Major General



Sergey Bunyachenko is an ambiguous person in Russian history. The man is known for the exploits perfect during the First World War and Great Patriotic War, for which honored awards was awarded. The fate of the military, General ROA (the Russian Liberation Army), was unpredictable.

Childhood and youth

About children's and youth years in the biography of the commander knows little. Sergey Kuzmich was born on October 5, 1902 in the village of Korovyakovka Kursk province. The parents of the boy were impoverished peasants, out of the Cossacks.

Military service

In 1918, when the young man was 16 years old, he went to a volunteer for a civil war, putting a 1st rebel Ukrainian regiment in the ranks of soldiers. The teenager spoke on the side of the Red, fought against the fighters of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Later, Sergey moved to the 43rd regiment. New ideals prompted the young man to become a member of the Communist Party. The "Dedication" ceremony was held in 1919. In the same year, Bunyachenko appeared as the ordinary 41st rifle division.

Deciding that the military affair it is interesting, the son of the peasant wanted to undergo training in a specialized institution. For this, the guy went to Kharkov for courses who are preparing the junior commander. The knowledge gained here soon was useful for Sergey. Since the autumn of 1920, the young man took the position of platoon commander at infantry courses, and in a year he became an assistant commander of the company.

Tracting for knowledge, the desire to improve military craftsmanship led Bunyachenko to Kiev, where he entered the Higher Military School. After graduation, he continued the service here in the 8th Crimean Regiment. In 1924, the guy went to Turkestan, where Bandic gangs were played at that time.

In the fight against the rebels, Sergey showed himself as a brave warrior, a good strategist. For the courage, he was awarded the sign "for military merit", as well as handed the name of the clock. In Central Asia, a man was before the early 1930s, speaking as an assistant and actually commander of the company. At this time, Bunyachenko also performed the responsibilities of the head of the regimental school.

After graduating from the service in the East, the fighter moved to Moscow, where since 1932 he studied at the Military Academy. M. V.Fruunze. After received an appointment in the 78th separate regiment for the execution of the duties of the chief. In 1937, when collectivization was widely conducted in the country, Sergey Kuzmich spoke out against these events.

For such a sharp statement at the time of "Volnoduumts" could be shown, but the warrior decided to exclude from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and then replaced this measure to a strict reprimand with the warning. After the resonant event, Bunyachenko became the head of the 1st part of the headquarters of the 26th Rifle Division. In 1938, together with other Soviet soldiers, he participated in hostilities on Lake Hassan, fighting with the Japanese.

At the time of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the fighter had the post of headquarters of the 26th Rifle Corps. In 1942, the military was involved in the incident, for which he could pay not only career, but also life. During defensive fights in Mozdok, Sergey received an order for the explosion of the bridge during the departure of Soviet troops.

Bunyachenko, having to the time the title of Colonel, hurried to fulfill the order, without calculating the consistency of actions. At the time of the explosive operation, a part of the units of the Red Army did not have time to cross through the bridge and turned out to be cut off from the main forces. For the irrepresentation of the commander's activities in 1942, they were given to court and sentenced to shooting.

Since for many years Sergey Kuzmich showed himself as an experienced head, the death sentence was replaced first for 10 years of the camps, and then instead, the Colonel received an appointment as a commander of the 59th Rifle Brigade. By the time of the arrival of the commander, she had already managed to suffer serious losses that continued to multiply.

Understanding that he was not avoided shooting, Bunyachenko surrendered to Romanian intelligence officers. Being in custody, the man supported the call of General Andrei Vlasov to move to the side of the enemy and join the ranks of the Russian Liberation Army. In May 1943, the Colonel became a member of Roa, sowing to prove to the Germans, which made the choice consciously.

Then, after the briefing, the man became a teacher at the school of officers who were preparing frames for parts of collaborators. In the fall of the same year, military service was held at the 7th German army on the Western Front, inspected volunteer battalions in the French coast. In the summer of 1944, he led by combat actions against the Anglo-American troops, for which he subsequently received a reward - the iron cross of the 2nd class and two medals.

In the fall, Bunyachenko was appointed commander of the 1st Infantry Division, formed from Russian Volunteers who wished to go to the side of the Germans. In winter, the 1945th warrior received the title of Major General. In the spring of the same year, Sergei Kuzmich's team went to liberate Prague, united with other participants in Roa.

Germany's ministry plans have changed: he acted as supported by the Czech people, thereby designating the discovery of the gap with the German army. Under the direction of the general, several parts of the city were repulsed, but the Czech National Committee refused to cooperate with Vlasov.

Since Russian soldiers approached Prague, the commander decided to go to the American occupation zone, however, they did not want to put them into the territory. Realizing that the position of hopeless, Major General dissolved the soldiers, and he himself surrendered. On May 15, the Americans issued a traitor to the Soviet military authorities.


The Motherland in the case of Bunyachenko held a consequence and arranged the court. The commander recognized himself guilty of all points. He was sentenced to death, which took place on August 1, 1946. The man hung in the yard of the Butyrskaya prison, and after the cremated and roamed the dust in the nameless Rav of the Don Monastery. The cause of death was asphyxia.


USSR awards

  • Differences of the Tajik ASSR
  • Personal clock from the government of the Tajik ASSR
  • 1938 - Medal "XX Years of the Red Army"

Foreign awards

  • 1943 - the sign of distinction for the eastern peoples "For Merit" II CL. in bronze
  • 1943 - the sign of distinction for the eastern peoples "for courage" I CL. in silver
  • 1944 - Iron Cross 2nd Class

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