Roles Vladimir Vysotsky: 2021, biography, best, movies, image, casting


Vladimir Vysotsky filmography began with the role of a driver in the project "Career Dima Gorina". And the All-Union Glory brought the diploma kinocartine Stanislav Govorukhin "Vertical", which became a turning point in the creative biography of Barda. Then the country was singing that "only mountains can be better than the mountains."

Other bright roles Vladimir Vysotsky in the cinema - in the material 24cm.

1. "Short meetings" (1967)

Initially, Stanislav Lyutin was planned for the role, but he was already engaged in the "shield and sword" in a multi-line project. Then Kira Muratov invited Vysotsky, who, after the film "Vertical", successfully fited in the role of geologist with a guitar. In the film "Short Meetings", Vladimir Vysotsky appeared in the image of a geologist Maxim.

Clearovet doubted whether the coarse actor could fulfill the philosophizing geologist who fell into a love triangle. And Barda liked the script, and the role.

Vladimir Vysotsky in the film

2. "served two comrades" (1968)

According to Vladimir Vysotsky, the role of Lieutenant Brustentsov in the film "served two comrades" was to be the best work in cinema. Casting actor caused the resistance of the manual. Director Evgenia Karelov had to bother the thresholds to defend the participation of the bard in the project. The word Mikhail Romma was decisive, who was specifically brought to the studio to confirm his competent opinion.

Thanks to the artist's talent, the image turned out to be impressive, and the hero of Belogwarders aroused sympathy among the audience. As a result, most scenes with Brussentsov cut out, and the hero went to the background. But the scene of the murder of a horse and suicide fell into the top touching episodes of Soviet cinema.

Vladimir Vysotsky in the film

3. "Taiga Host" (1968)

In the film "Master of Taiga", the audience heard the song "Crystal" and saw Vladimir Vysotsky in the lead role. Participation in kinocartine for Bard brokered Valery Zolotukhin. The candidacy was called by the director Vladimir Nazarov doubt. Casting conducted, and other favorites appeared. Then Zolotukhin put forward an ultimatum and stated that he refuses to take off without Vysotsky.

By the way, during the filming under Krasnoyarsk was not without curiosities. The partners lived together, and less famous Zolukhin allowed local audience to look at the idol for milk and moonshine. There, the poet with the light hand of Zolotukhina loved the bath.

Vladimir Vysotsky in the film

4. "Bad good man" (1973)

In the film "Bad Good Man", Vladimir Vysotsky and Oleg Dahl appeared together as frame colleagues for the first time. The script was adjusted specifically under Vysotsky and even changed the appearance of the Chekhov hero.

The attention of Joseph Hefi to the details liked the poet, and he stated that he would be removed from the director, so that he was offered. And he kept the word, appearing in the role of a second plan in the movie "The only one" film.

Vladimir Vysotsky in the film

5. "Tale about how the king Peter Arap was married" (1976)

In the role of Praded Alexander Pushkin, the director Alexander Mitta saw only Vladimir Vysotsky. The project manager "Tale about how King Peter Arap Zhenyl" even refused to hold casting, although he was offered a black actor from France.

Twice during filming between Mitta and the executor of the role arose disagreements. First, due to the reduction of scenes with Hannibal, and then after the referee's refusal to put the Bard songs to the film. Later, Vysotsky was dissatisfied with work and regretted that he was drawn to the adventure, from which "some seaspenter" turned out.

Vladimir Vysotsky in the film

6. "The meeting place cannot be changed" (1979)

Vysotsky could become D'Artagnan in the Master Series of Jungwald-Hilkevich, but refused to benefit the shielding of the romance brothers' Era Mercy. By the way, the actor came to "stump" the role of Zhuglov even before the idea arose to remove the detective in the cinema.

Then the casting in the multi-sieuled film "The meeting place cannot be changed", Vysotsky passed without problems, since Stanislav Govorukhin invited obviously losing actors. But the voice acting did not hold down. The singer worked his Gleb Zheglov, and he was bored again voice the character of the character. And the multi-sealer detective and in 2021 is interesting for the audience.

Vladimir Vysotsky in the film

7. "Little Tragedies" (1979)

The multi-line project "Little Tragedies" directed by Mikhail Swituer became the last work of the artist and poet in the cinema. The director threatened the thresholds for three months to convince him Vysotsky - "That Date Guang, who was written by Pushkin."

As a result, the audience saw Vladimir Vysotsky's eternal lover, and the performer himself did not have time to watch the film and was familiar with separate episodes.

Vladimir Vysotsky in the film

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