Anna Bolshaova: 2021, biography, personal life, movies, husband, children, roles, now


Anna Bolshaya is an actress with a strong character and genuine emotions in the frame. She played on the scene naked, performed pregnant in the ice show and married men younger than himself. Other interesting facts from the life of the star living each of their role - in the material 24cm.

1. History in the past

In the 2000s, at the peak of a career, the star unexpectedly disappeared with radar, and then the press appeared in the press that the majority with his family turned out to be in the sect.

Then many directors refused to shoot a young star with the wording "better not to contact her." The rumors about the sect appeared when the parents of the Barrow were separated, and the further events of Anna called the "inadequate mother's revenge, which dare all borders."

The pseudo-information, which appeared in the media, was very distorted. The situation was painful for the family, and the Baria in a creative biography appeared lull in cinema.

2. Rock stepmother

The divorce of the parents at Anna Barova occurred when the actress was already 21 and she shone on the "Lenkom" stage. Independent Pope became Anna Kanaeva, which is attributed to spiritual leadership in the community. Nevertheless, the celebrity took the new love of his father, and with a stepmother she had a warm relationship.

In an interview, Anna says that stepmother is a kind of life compensation for her. Most stepmother advised the majority of Casting from Zakharov, thanks to which the performer worked in the play "Juno" and "Avos".

Stepmother helped to arrange a personal life of celebrities. And during pregnancy, the actress heard such words important for her, as "your health no longer belongs to you, which forced to revise the lifestyle for the sake of the Son.

3. Marry brother

The first spouse Anna was the son of Magni, Anton Khanaev. At the time of marriage, the young man was almost 18 years old, and Anna was already 25. Relations launched 4 years and broke up after the treason of Anton. However, this did not affect the subsequent related links. Anna supports a warm relationship with a step brother and communicates with a close relative.

The artist Alexander Makarenko, who also introduced the stepmother, was the second husband of celebrities. In the second marriage, the son of Daniel appeared. When disagreements in the family became obvious, the pair broke up, but supports relationships.

Participation in the series "Forester" was presented by Anna a pleasant surprise. Oleg Stefanko became her partner on the frame, in which the celebrity later saw John Mangls from the film "In Search of Captain Grant". In the image created on the screen of Stefanco, the actress was in love with the 5th grade, and now Bolshaya gladly looks at the frame on the "Forester" in love with a love.

4. Vegetarian

Anna Bolshaova admits that since childhood, eat a piece of beef for her as a punishment. Therefore, becoming an adult, the star refused meat food and became vegetarian. In her diet, fish, seafood, vegetables, legumes, cottage cheese and cereals. And the foundation consists of vegetarian soups.

Anna is a visitor of farm stores, but he does not limit himself. Calories burn out of the lifestyle, "and the constitution of such".

A day at the celebrity 3 meals: Standard breakfast, lunch and dinner. But if you need to choose cottage cheese 5% and 9% fat, it will choose the one that is fat. In the family there is even a "soy cow" - a device that brews milk from the beans.

5. Signs

Anna admits that believes in some signs. If she forgets something at home and returns, then it is sure to look in the mirror. So, before the finals of the project "Stars on the ice", where it was planned to show the number "" Juno "and" Avos ", I had to return for a cross, which is part of the image. As a result, during the speech there was a fall, which provoked a panic from the actress.

6. No day without cream

In the daily life of the actress goes without makeup and believes that decorative cosmetics is exclusively for work. And here is a compulsory leaving agent in the life of celebrities. In her cosmetics - cream for hands and face. In the line of beauty products - Aloe products, summer care contains SPF protection.

As a home procedure, the star makes regenerating and moisturizing masks. And Anna regularly visits the cosmetologist, where the biorevitalization procedures and face massage are underway. Now the star does not exclude the intervention of plastic surgeons.

7. Love and pain

Anna for more than 20 years does not communicate with her mother. Do not support the relationship with the daughter - the decision of the parent. All this time, the mother is in position, with the words of the star, "they will come, shivel", which is perceived by the Barrowy.

"I think this is: nature is intended that children grow up, fly out of their native nest," says the artist in an interview. In 2021, she brings up the Son responsibly and so that in the future the heir appealed for help to the mother if it is necessary. "If it is not so, it will be my pain and my failure," said Anna Bolshaya.

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