Antonio Stradivari - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, violin master



Antonio Stradivari - a recognized master of making a bow tool, Nikolo Amati taught him, the genius of the 1600s. More than 400 violins and about 200 cello placed in museums and storage facilities of European and Asian cities are preserved.

Childhood and youth

Antonio Stradivari was born in the Italian city of Cremona, the exact date of the Master is related to the secrets of the past centuries. It is assumed that replenishment in the family of wealthy citizens of Lombardy occurred in the second half of the 1640s.

The surname, which took the Italian, had a rich history, translated "Road" or "Man who had Lombard." According to land, the ancestors who called by the "Stradivarii" were engaged in foreign trade, following the existing standard.

The father of Alessandro and Anna's mother at the time of the birth of Antonio baptized, raised and raised at least three children. The gap in the biography of a violin master is associated with the loss of documents destroyed due to epidemics, which led to the death of thousands of people.

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The parents of the boy who survived hard time wanted to in childhood the child engaged in useful work. The son was given to the apprentices to the local creator of violins, after some time Nikolo Amati made Antonio with a student.

Some modern researchers believed that young Stradivari began with Francesco Rujerry, the founder of the Masters Dynasty. In favor of this point of view, the musical instruments that have made future genius at the end of the 1650s are evidenced.

In addition, there was a hypothesis that Stradivari worked with a joiner and a tremor on a tree, decorated with violins for rich people. Having passed the starting course of preparation from Francesco Peparoli, the boy fell under the wing of professional teachers known in the Cremona.

The violins made by Antonio in the 16-17th age are preserved, his name appeared on labels in the 1660s. This was the starting point for an independent career and contributed to the subsequent success in Italian musical circles.

Personal life

In the personal life of a native, the creams were attended by two women. The first wife was Italian, in the youth of the remaining widow. After a wedding with France Farraboshi in July 1667, Stradivari got a house with spacious rooms and a workshop.

The residence of Casadel Pescatore bordered by Nikolo Amati's possessions, five long-awaited children appeared on the world. Then the family couple was born another child who, according to church records, died at the age of seven days.

In the area of ​​1680, the family moved to Piazza Roma in the estate, by Antonio into a solid amount of 7 thousand lire. In the attic, a man created production facilities where he worked on the tools that the world admires.

After the death of the first wife, Stradivari again married, about Antonia Maria Zambelli, almost nothing is known. The image of a 35-year-old Italian, having built the remainder of the man's life, appeared in fiction, journalism and cinema.

The new marriage brought to the master of five other diverse heirs, who, according to the will, had the same rights. Unfortunately, children did not continue the case of the Great Italian, being third parties of the moments of triumph and celebrations.


In the youth of Stradivari rival with Andrea Gvarnery, who lived in the house Nikolo Amati and was among his students. Putting the craft secrets of the Masters of Italian Nationality, Antonio began experiments in the late 1660s.

For a long time, the young man seduced the proportions and picked up the materials to give tools an elegant appearance. He was looking for his own customers from among the aristocrats and waited for a banker, once stabbed a visit to the workshop.

Antonio Stradivari and Nikolo Amati

From the production of a set of tools intended to Yakov II, the reputation of a native creams began to strengthen and grow. The departure from the practical methods and style of Nikolo Amati helped Stradivari do not be knocked down from his own creative path.

In the 1680s, Duke Kazimo III de Medici bought a solid batch of violins, cello and alto. Thanks to the clear beams and elegantly carved efam, the name of the Italian became famous among representatives of higher circles.

In an effort to emphasize individuality, the master enjoyed a dark varnish and made elongated decks, a newly resonated sound. After 1698, the tools became shorter due to the internal bend, resembling a torn circle.

While in the center of the violin production located in Cremona, Stradivari made harp and a series of mandolin and guitars. The famous Spanish violins from the "Royal Quintet" brought a gifted Italian rather solid fee.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, Stradivari skill reached the top, and near the house in Cremona, he opened his own store. Encouraged tools have received the figurative names of Antonius Stradivarius Cremonenfis Faciebat Anno - "Good Times" and "Dolphin".

Unlike Andrea Gvarnery, who worked on the request of the Church, Antonio made works of art for representatives of the secular layers. The violins decorated with the author's brand, enjoyed great popularity in people who are not indifferent to music, from European cities.

Judging by documentary sources, the number of Stradivari's tools has evidenced that the Italian resorted to the help of sons. It is known that Omobono did raw blanks, and also engaged in the final cleaning of the lacquer-coated layer.

Not wanting to spend precious time on raising future generations, Antonio, unlike other Italians, did not take into the workshop of students. The spiritual successor was considered Carlo Bargonzi from Cremones, who became famous after the death of the mentor at the end of the 1730s.

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Now the violins of Stradivari, together with Cello and Alta, are stored in world museums and in private collections of famous people. The tools made are not affected by the genius: with gentle use over the years they become only valuable.

The masterpiece called "Sunrise" became part of the rareback collection in Vienna, and the "Sleeping Beauty" belongs to Landeskreditbank Baden Württemburg. On the violin, Lebrun played the Italian maestro Niccolo Paganini, which wased by talent to the European creative circle.

Some works of Stradivari exhibited at auctions, the price of $ 15.89 million had a tool "Lady Blante". Representatives of the cultural elite believe that on the creations of the Italian master is worthy to play only a genius having natural talent.


A viiptic master was lucky to celebrate the 90th anniversary, he had the status of a long-lived on the standards of distant centuries. Stradivari, despite the age-related health problems, worked to death that came for unknown reasons in the late 1730s.

The Italian legend buried in the historic homeland, in Cremona, in a tomb, located near one of the local churches. At the farewell ceremony, organized by sons, members of the names and dozens of loved ones were gathered.

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