Yuri Ozers: 2021, biography, personal life, movies, wife, children, death


Yuriy Ozerov is known as a director of fundamental filmmakers about the Great Patriotic War, although his creative biography could turn into a comedy genre. He spent youth in Sinelles and boots, met a peaceful life in the rank of Major, and at the end of the last century he saw the talent of Fyodor Bondarchuk and took him in the lead role of the film "Death Angels".

Other interesting facts from the life of the director's director, whose work continue to broadcast on television to the Victory Day and to the memorable dates of the Second World War, - in the material 24cm.

1. Blessing

Yuri Ozers was born on January 26, 1921 in the creative Moscow family. Dad worked as an opera singer. Mom also turned out to be involved in theatrical art, but refused career for the sake of raising children.

In the family album of the lakes was kept a snapshot, at which the future director was captured with Konstantin Stanislavsky, where the Master holds his palm on the boy's head, as if blessed him. It is not surprising that Yuri after school enters guitis, but the war intervened in plans.

2. Unknown War War

In 1941, Yuri Nikolayevich falls on the front and passes through the trenches to the victory, demobilized by the rank of Major. An indelible impression on the future director made an assault on Königsberg, when the city, where there was 1.5 million people of the enemy forces, was taken in 4 days.

Nothing is worse than the assault in which the entire population died, and the officers of the German troops killed wives and children and let the bullet in the forehead, the lake did not have to see. Then before the assault, he faded that if he remained alive, he would tell about the Great Army, in which he fought.

3. Non-standard Chekist

In the post-war years of Ozers graduated from the directorial faculty of Gitis. And at the beginning of the XXI century, the details of Yuri Nikolayevich's participation were known in the exposure of the spy conspiracy of Oleg Penkovsky. It became known that the director suggested the accommodation option for conspiracy. Thanks to successful frames, it was possible to obtain evidence against the most successful spy in the USSR.

4. "Liberation"

Yuri Nikolaevich began to shoot the main work in their lives after watching the Hollywood film "The Best Day" about the landing of the Allies in Normandy. Ozerov did not like the filing of the overseas colleagues, and he decided to create a cell-efficient in the genre of the historical chronicle.

In the film crew of Lakes were veterans of war. As a consultant, the director was planning Marshal Zhukov, but the Optoral warlord caused annoyance from the leadership. Nevertheless, Marshal handed over Ozerov the first part of the memoirs and continued cooperation during filming.

Yuri Ozers, Yuri Ozers, approached the Military Epopea "Liberation", approached the premiums of film festivals in the era. Over the shoulders of the director was the film "Arena Bold" with the participation of circus artists. The project received a prize at the Venetian Film Festival.

And the film "Big Road" advanced for the competition of the Lenin Prize. Film show was devoted to the military adventure of the writer Yaroslav Gashek.

6. "About Sport, You are the world!"

Meanwhile, the comedy role of the director did not receive development. But in the sports direction, the director successfully worked for several years. In 1981, the documentary film "On Sport, You - Peace!", Dedicated to the Olympic Games of 1980, came to Soviet screens.

By the way, the director's brother - a commentator Nikolai Ozers, whose voice is well known to sports fans. He participated in the film "Ballada Sport" brother, which told about the 1979 SPARTACADE.

7. "On the war will always shoot"

The personal life of the former front-line launched well. The second wife became Dilyara Kerimovna Lake, who also worked with the director over the epic "Liberation". Celebrity has two children.

Yuriy Ozerov in the film demanded maximum reliability. Especially the German uniforms were sewn for the project, the orders of the enemy were created. And some "tigers" made on the Lviv tank factory based on Soviet cars.

In 1998, 3 years before death, the Military Cinema Classic will tell the phrase "... to shoot the war will always be taken. Men are needed military games and military spectacles, "which turned out to be a prophetic. In 2021, several military dramas are preparing for display at once, including the project "Vasily Terkin" on the poem of Alexander Twardovsky.

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