Lunar calendar for February 2021: haircuts, gardery, gardener, sowing, weddings


The lunar calendar for February 2021 promises on the night from the 11th to the 12th of the magic time of the day. Astrologers recommend to make desires in this watch, plan their dreams and visualize their dreams. Other interesting moments of the coming month according to the lunar cycle - in the material 24cm.

Moon phases

From 1 to 10 and 28 - phase of decreasing moon . Take care of education and rethink the life plans.

February 11 - new moon . Spend time in solitude, so as not to run into a large scandal. The day will pass with benefit if you bring the results and appreciate the development prospects. Meanwhile, for planning, the period is unfavorable.

February 12-26 - Phase growing moon . Time for active mental and physical work. Communicate with colleagues, travel, go to the goal.

27 - full moon . Be careful in communicating with loved ones. Mood swings can provoke conflicts in the family.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

Make a fashionable haircut or experiment with the shape on the existing hair length is better than 3-4, 15, 17, 19-20, 24, February 26-27.

Coloring will delight the result and last for a long time if you visit the masters 7-8, 17, 19-21, 24, 27-28.

The lunar calendar for February 2021 recommends visiting the stylist and find a new image of 7-9, 18, 25 numbers.

Do not change the selected image on February 10 and 11. These days can remove the toned hair color or firing the tips, which contributes to the improvement of curls.

7 signs that it is time to treat hair

7 signs that it is time to treat hair

Strengthen health and conduct tonic procedures in February costs 2-3, 6-7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18-21. These days it is useful to massage, therapeutic gymnastics or aromatherapy session.

At the descending Moon until February 10, 2021, plan a minimally invasive procedure. Recovery after operations with minimal cuts will be successful.

On the growing moon from February 12 to 26, astrologists recommend paying attention to conservative treatment. Urgent operations and emergency interventions can be carried out on any lunar days.

Favorable days for sealing, whitening and prosthetics of teeth in February will be 1-7, 20-25. In the same dates, the formulation of implants and the treatment of canals will be successful.

Refrain from planned procedures 8-12 and February 26-28. In emergency cases and with acute dental pain, a visit to the doctor should be immediate.

Favorable for conception for days in February is considered to be 2, 4, 6, 18, 25, 28. Children, conceived from February 20 to February 26, according to astrologers, will be confident in themselves and targeted. 11 and 27 better postpone the conception of the baby. These lunar days will adversely affect the health of the child.

Gardener Calendar and Gardener

In February, impatient gardeners and gardeners already open the sowing season. For landing on the seedlings of cucumbers, cabbage and root plates will be favorable 2-5, 13-14, 17-19, 22-24.

Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants can be placed in boxes on the windowsill 4-5, 13-14, 17-19, 22-24.

And the greens are planted in the pot 4-5, 8-9, 13-14, 17-19, February 22-24.

Flowers are time to prepare seeds and plant them on seedlings. For annual crops, 1-7, 13-14, 22-24, 28 will become more favorable days.

Two-year and perennial flowers are planted 4-5, 8-9, 13-14, 17-19 numbers.

Lukovichny cultures are planting 1-5, 8-9, 28. Do not bother land 10-12 and February 27, 2021.

Gardeners can engage in trimming trees, but this procedure should not be performed if the window is below -8 ° C.

Cash calendar

The money lunar calendar for February 2021 calls for large purchases 15-16, 18, 20, 25. Tracts these days will be needed for the family budget.

Investments 1-2, 8 and 20 will turn the profit with a competent investment of funds. Buy an apartment and make a real estate deal recommended on February 28.

Refuse to give a debt 13, 18-19, 23. The borrower will not be able to return money on time. It is not necessary to make a loan 4, 6, 10, 13, 17, 23. The percentages will be an unbearable burden for the family budget.

Do not plan a hike in a shopping center 4, 7, 10-11. Tracts these days will turn out costs, and reach the salary will be more difficult.

And do not forget to recalculate money on accounts and cash 3, 9, 21 February. The money ritual will bring financial well-being for the upcoming lunar month.

Lunar calendar weddings

Favorable days for the wedding in February will be 1-2, 8, 18, 24. The ceremony of these days will give a young alliance built on romantic feelings and tenderness. The spouses will be tied to each other, and the proximity over the years will enhance.

12-14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26 - Moon days, favorable for the Union of Creative Natur. The home of the young will always be open for guests, in the family to reign harmony, and children will be intelligent and gifted.

4, 7, 9, 16, 27 - Wedding for spouses will result in continuous operation on relationships. Partners will control the actions of the second halves, restrain the emotions, pay attention to the external manifestations of love. So that the Union turned out to be durable, it will be necessary to remember that the life is short, and to rush to please the spouse on the signs of attention and care.

Favorable and unfavorable days

Favorable days in February 2021 will be 1-2, 5, 9, 11, 13-14, 16-18, 20, 24. Moon days will be successfully collaborated for solving financial problems, communicating with loved ones, creativity.

The lunar calendar for February 2021 calls to show vigilance on the roads and stop during the increasing conflict 4-5, 8, 10, 19, 28. These are unfavorable days for undertakings.

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