Yuri Bujda - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Stories 2021



Yuri Bujida Halfuchu-semi-dryly calls himself a "angular tenant" of domestic literature. It regularly fulfills debt to readers, annually releasing books, but keeps away from premiums and colleagues writers. The best reward of his quiet work is millions of fans not only in Russia, but also far abroad - in France, Great Britain, Poland, Turkey, Slovakia, the Baltic countries and Scandinavia. In the bibliography, Yuri Buides there are hundreds of stories and several novels, distinguished by a surrealistic tonality.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Vasilyevich Buides (emphasis on "y") was born on August 29, 1954 in Znamensk, the village of urban type of the Guards City District of the Kaliningrad region. By nationality, he is Russian, but the surname points to relationship with Nagorno-Karabakh people, if you believe these etymological dictionaries.

In 1982 he graduated from the University of Kaliningrad (now - the Baltic Federal University. Immanuel Kant). What the faculty is not specified, but, relying on the creative way of Yuri Buyda, it can be assumed that the choice fell either to philology or journalism.

The writer's family did not differ in security, so it was necessary to get out of the depthings. In 28 years, Yuri Bujda, having rich experience in journalism, headed by the provincial newspaper Kaliningrad region. For 2 years, the print media turned out of the lagging in advanced. The editor-in-chief was noticed and invited to an increase. So, moving with small steps, in 1991, Yuri Bujda was in Moscow. Hence the countdown of his creativity begins.

Personal life

Yuri Bujda often gives an interview, but does not concern in their personal life. However, in the photos easy to see the wedding ring on the nameless finger of his right hand. The identity of the chosen of the "corner inhabitant" of domestic literature remains unknown, but photographs of children, the son of Nikita and the daughter of Mary, the writer is regularly divided into Facebook.


Yuri Bujda debuted in 1991 in Almanaci Solo. His texts were adjacent to the poem "Splin" Andrei Mikhailichenko, the stories of Sofia Cheworchina and the brief statements of the content of the book "Russian Lubok" Andrei Kavadeeva. Literary criticians consider this issue as the most powerful in the history of Solo.

The first novel Yuri Buitch "Don Domino" (1993) came out with a whistest, simple for understanding readers. And so lucky that I got into the "Russian Booker" award-sheet. The confrontation with Alexey Slapovsky, Igor Klem, Peter Aleshkovsky and Bulat Okudzhava "Angular resident" of the domestic literature lost, but loudly announced itself and provided fame to the coming works.

One of them became the book "Prussian Bride" (1998), which also honored to enter the short list of the "Russian Booker" and the premiums. Apollo Grigorieva. This is a collection of stories, who himself, Yuri Bujda calls "Roman in Novellah." But no in the narration of typical characters for novels, there is no plot. All that combines stories is a place of action, post-war East Prussia.

Despite the success, Yuri Bujda did not throw journalism, his main work. He moved from the editorial office to the editor - "Russian newspaper", "Independent Gazeta", "New Time" magazines and "Banner". Once in an interview, the writer noted that he was never in the status of a "free artist". He was always associated not only obligations to the reader, but also an employment contract.

The main reason is that literature is an uncomplicated craft. The works of Yuri Buthyda are limited from 1.5 to 3 thousand copies and are sold for approximately a year. The lion's share of the fee leaves publishers, and the author is fed only with glory.

"I am writing constantly, 24 hours a day, and I hope for a miracle that I submract the literary creativity at least some money," Yuri Buida admitted once in an interview.

The catastrophic deficit of free time is the main explanation for why Yuri Buida is a small-caliber prose. The creation and grinding of the stories, however, also take months. Thus, the collection "Prussian Bride" was created on weekends and on vacations for 2 years.

With most stories, Yury Buides can be found on his official website. And with the unfortunate history of "Eva, Eve" about the relations of the Russian girl with German, and with a touching essay "Seller of Good" about the man who is crazy with the mind, and with the tragic story of "Sinbad Sea - Sea" about the insane fan of Alexander Pushkin, and with the audience "more and more Angels. "

Romanov in the bibliography of Yuri Buthyda is much less than the stories. Some of them have a support on the biography of the author or famous personalities.

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For example, "Blue Blood" (2014) allegorically tells about the actually existing actress of the USSR Valentine Karavaev, whom Yuri Bujda assigned an unusual name Ida Zmuro. So that the plot did not seem fresh, the facts from Valentine's life Karavava writer squeezes magic. He fits that on the veins of people marked by talent, blue blood flows.

And the prototype for the novel "Stalen" (2017) became Yuri Buides himself. Like a writer, the main character of the players is distinguished by provincial origin, at the same time worries in journalism, and in literature.

While the most recent novel Yuri Buthyda - "Fifth Kingdom" (2018). In the transmission of "Speech Figure" on the TV channel, the author explained that for him the "fifth kingdom" is the kingdom of Christ, the kingdom of eternal justice and love. This is an antiwopia state that could have come in Russia after the troubled time.

Yuri Bujda warned that the "fifth kingdom" should not be perceived as a historic novel, although it is undoubtedly associated with history. Actions occur in the fall of 1622, and most characters are really existing personalities, but, for example, the language of the narrative does not correspond to the XVII century. Yuri Bujda tried to express thoughts as they wrote then, but I realized that "it will be too monstrous."

Yuri Bujda now

If you believe the official website of Yuri Bujda, now he takes the editor of the Publishing House "Kommersant". Earnings from creativity is still not enough to retire and continue to write books. The future in the "free swimming" author does not yet represent:"If I leave work, I do not know what will happen to me. Probably I will write, as far as the strength is enough. "

In April 2020, in an interview with the "Literary Gazeta", Yuri Buthid said that he was editing a new book, "That is, I'm crying and rewriting." How soon to wait for the release, the author did not specify.


  • 2011 - "Blue Blood"
  • 2013 - "Thief, Spy and Killer"
  • 2013 - "Don Domino"
  • 2013 - "Zhungle"
  • 2013 - "Ermo"
  • 2015 - "Ceylon"
  • 2016 - "Leaving Arkady"
  • 2017 - "Stalen"
  • 2018 - "Fifth Kingdom"

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