John Newman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



John Newman is a British musician, vocalist and songwriter. In 2013, the Contractor became the Star of Hit Parade UK Singles Chart and was among the most popular singers of the country. Representative of Soul genre, Newman was repeatedly nominated for prestigious musical awards.

Childhood and youth

John was born in Settle on June 16, 1990. His full name is John William Peter Newman. The childhood of the artist is difficult to call a happy time, as the father abused alcohol and was engaged in a hands-preposition. When in 1996, the mother decided to divorce, the family had to be hard. Salary saleswomen lacked to provide John and his older brother with everything necessary.

Newman grew up an active child and often turned out to be in the epicenter of boyish adventure. At first, the boy's hyperactivity was affected in frequent participation in fights, but everything changed when rugby appeared in his life. The coach laid great hopes on the young man and thought that John could tie a biography with sports. But at the age of 14, the priorities of the teenager changed, and he became interested in music.

Newman began with the development of a guitar, writings of poems and author songs. Entering the college at the age of 16, he decided that he would dedicate himself to working with other instruments, and began to study the profession of mechanic. True, the thrust took His creativity, and soon the guy returned to the music. This period in the life of the singer coincided with acquaintance with a disadvantaged company, which provoked frequent drives to the police, passing alcohol and prohibited substances. John's hyperactivity affected here: under the influx of emotions, he could steal something or attack someone else's car.

The death of loved ones in the car accident led Newman to the sense. He revised the lifestyle, habits and a circle of communication. By this time his older brother had its own musical group. Together with John, they organized a small home studio and began to experiment with sound. So Newman began to appear in clubs, speaking at events as a DJ, and then performed a cable to popular compositions.

Personal life

John is frankly sharing with representatives of the media details about the past and easily talks about the history of love. For the first time on the romantic relationship, the guy Press paid attention to 2013. Then the vocalist's companion was the British singer Ella Air. The couple soon broke up that he inspired Newman to the incarnation of experiences in creativity. The next choices of the artist was a model and an artist of the circus Kail Cornna. Lovers were together a year, after which their ways were separated.

Happiness in Personal Life John found with the Dane named Nana. The girl comes from Copenhagen worked by a flight attendant. Acquaintance of young people happened in the plane. In 2017, the Contractor announced serious intentions towards the elect, and in 2018 a wedding took place.

Photo with wife, pictures from recording studio, with concerts and photo sessions The man shares in a personal profile in "Instagram".

The growth of the artist is 188 cm, and the weight is 86 kg.


Creation and development in this direction provoked John's move to London. Here the guy gathered a group of like-minded people and together with the musicians performed on small sites. Sometimes they even gave concerts on the street. Once near the improvised scene, the producer of Island Records, which was offered to Newman's cooperation.

So John began to protrude not only on his own, but also in coitancy with other artists. They applied to their number Rudimental, electronic quartet, for which the musician composed the song Feel The Love and Not Giving In.

The compositions immediately became hits, and their author attracted the attention of reporters. Popularity was supported by regular invitations to shooting in television shows. John also wrote songs for Kelvin Harris, Ollie Mersa and Jesse Jay.

Happiness from demand overshadowed the disease, accidentally identified in medical examination. John's health worsened, and he went to the examination. Doctors discovered a tumor in the brain. It scarecrowed the singer, but the successful operation and the rehabilitation course returned it to a familiar life.

In 2013, the artist released a single Love Me Again. The song was leading in the main British Music Chart, and then conquered the charts of Europe and received an award as the best international video. Then presented the song Cheating, but it turned out to be less successful. But the composition of Not Giving In, to which the clip was removed, received a prize as the best dance video. A year later, John Newman was already invited by the Brit Awards star, and also received a nomination as the best solo artist.

In the same period, the first solo album of the artist Tribute was released. Most of the compositions present on the record reflected bitterness of loss and experiences associated with romantic relationships. 6 days after the premiere, the disk took the 1st line in the Hit-parade of the UK Albums Chart.

In 2014, the guy began working on a new album. In the summer of 2015, the first single came out, and the Revolve record was released in September. Then the musician visited Moscow and spoke at the transfer of the "Evening Urgant" with the Love Me Again's song.

The artist did not stop at what was achieved, conquering the public, and by 2016 presented the Single Ole. During this period, John had a relapse: the disease was returned with which he came across earlier. The vocalist took a break to undergo treatment and strengthen health. In the spring of 2018, the public has already met the Fresh hit Fire In Me and expected the release of a new disk, but Newman decided to wait with him.

John Newman now

The British musician continues to develop his career. In 2019, he came to Russia to speak at the Delivery Fest Festival. In 2020, like most of the creative figures, John faced the need to cancel or postpone the speeches due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now he continues to create the author's compositions, and also cooperates with the stars of the world pop.


  • 2013 - Tribute.
  • 2015 - Revolve.

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