Principles of Vasily Lanovoy: About family, personal life, TV shows, theater, children


Vasily Lanova rarely communicated with the press and believed that the actor should remain a mystery for the audience. The worldview of the artist often echoed with the convictions of his characters. He refused cigarette overnight, Pushkin considered the national idea and retained the loyalty to military topics in creativity.

Other vital principles of Vasily Lanovoy - in material 24cm.


In the native theater. Vasily Lanova served Vakhtangov since 1957, where he was proclaimed the "Theater Knights". The artist somehow confessed in an interview that he was connected with theatrical stage, "joy and excitement, anxiety and moments of real acting happiness." Vasily Semenovich went on stage even in the moments of despair, when he heard the death of his son for the first time.

Later, the lasova admits that the combination of cinema and the theater make up his life, "Although ... Always the theater was the main thing."

It is no coincidence that the artist's role in cinema often had to persuade, sometimes 2-3 times. Thus, in the multi-line project "War and Peace" lasova dreamed of the role of Bolkonsky and easily refused the image of Kuragin.

Then Bondarchuk had to come to the theater on the lane performance to persuade him to take off. Actor and role in the project "Officers" refused three times, not fully understanding the image of Ivan Zaravva. And later, these works entered the treasury of Soviet cinema.


The main rule of life for creative man Vasily Semenovich cassed out of his teachers, among whom were Mansurov, Gritsenko, carpenters. "The actor must be a mystery for the viewer," Vasily Lanovova loved in an interview. And added that household details and vulgarity are neither successful images or talent not to knock down.

By the way, Vasily Lanovova was still under the closer attention of the press and the public after the revelations of his first wife, Tatyana Samoilova. The ex-spouse revealed the details of the first marriage night, and then pregnancy she interrupted. But Vasily Semenovich delicately left delicate issues and regretted that the woman was easy to prey journalists. At the same time, despite the scandals around their own behalf, he continued to communicate with his ex-wife as an intelligent person.

However, the eigen borders of the lasova could defend. One day, the fan in the years said the phrase on the duty that he grown on the films of the lasover. What Vasily Semenovich said without irony: "And Ivan the Terrible I, by chance, Hare did not pass?" After that, the fan of Balzakovsky age found the actor an uncompatible, and the lasova noticed that he was still not 90 years old.

But the subject of sex for the actor was banned. And the question of how many women were in the life of the idol, took the star from himself, which turned into a sharp "Go out!".

About serials

In the filmography of the actor is not as many roles in the series. In an interview, the actor admitted that he refuses proposals to be held in multi-sieves films, because there are no such minds that are able to paint full playwright for 300 episodes.

And the employment of the actor, despite age, surprised. Concerts, meetings, poetic evenings were a significant part in the star timetable. The military poems and songs, memories of the bloody days of the struggle remained the main ones in the work of the hosts. And the song from the film "Officers" was always taken by the audience standing and with tears in their eyes.

Therefore, the directors, whose projects were obtained more often to participate related to military topics or classics. So, in the series "Line Marta" the actor played with Alice Freindlich a dumb meeting scene, where heroes found each other a few decades after the war. And in the TV series "Three Musketeers" directed by Sergey Zhigunov lasovoy attracted plot lines and entertaining turns.

Principles of Vasily Lanovoy: About family, personal life, TV shows, theater, children 5755_1

Secret of family happiness

With an actress Irina Kupchenko Vasily Lanovova was happy in marriage since 1972. Two sons appeared in the family, which happy parents were named after Pushkin and Yesenin. It was possible to preserve the relationship due to the principle of Vasily lasovoy not to advertise a personal life. In an interview, the actor was usually limited to a dry set of phrases that the wife's name is Irina and they raise two sons. Irina Petrovna joined the unlawful agreement.

By the way, there are not so many joint work in the movies. With the wife-Beauty Vasily Semenovich appeared in the frame of the film "Strange Woman". The picture was devoted to the topic of happiness contrary to the opinion of others.

Only once Vasily Semenovich interrupted silence and expressed the chief editor "Interlocutor.Ru" Love for his wife through the phrase "I regret it." "In general, we all happen at home like normal people," the actor added.

God forbid

Vasily Lanovova responded to parental duties. "There is nothing more terrible when your child suddenly begins to completely different than you, breathe to breathe - God forbid!" - Recognized actor. Nevertheless, the father was proud that she was removed from the sons from the "acting infection." The children saw on the stage of parents 2 or 3 times, and in the rules of life stood point: in the presence of heirs, creative problems do not discuss.

Vasily Lanovova with sons

"In our profession, a lot depends on the case. Often, the talented people died and remaining unclaimed, "Vasily Lanova explained his principles.

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