Predictions of Vanga: For 2021, coming true, about Russia, prophecy, cure for cancer, war


And after a quarter of a century after the death of the Bulgarian propheted, whose person who was overhamed by a mystical haroetol during the life of the provisian did not give rest to the intensives and special services, predicting Vanga continue to disturb human minds. About which of the prophecies of Overall came true, and which turned out to be erroneous. What events, despite the rumors, the fortune teller never preddered. And on the forecasts of Wangelia for Russia and the world for 2021 - in material 24cm.

Following predictions

Starting the conversation about the prediction of Vangi, it is worth noting that among all sorts of prophecies, most of which are not to be interpreted unequivocally, grabs accomplished. Thus, confirming - some force to see the upcoming provisidian still possessed. Among the coming predictions, the most significant became the following.

1. About death Indira Gandhi

Among the most significant performed prophecies of the Bulgarian Oracle are the prediction of the murder of Daughter Javaharlal Nehru Indira Gandhi, Indian politics, whose name was widely known to the whole world.

In 1969, Wange was a vision, after which the woman exclaimed: "They will destroy her dress!" And then described the outfit itself - bright orange-yellow. When prophetic words sounded, hardly anyone understood what the evidence had meant.

But after 15 years, the Prime Minister of India died from the hands of his own bodyguards. Dressed at that time Indira Gandhi was just in a saffron-colored dress suitable for a vengeted Wange description.

2. About Gorbachev

The next important prediction of Vanga is considered to be its vision about changes in the USSR, in which the propheted priests, a new person will come to replace the old party leaders. This person was Mikhail Gorbachev, who began a new milestone in the Union of the open policy and the destruction of the Iron Curtain.

Also in 1989, Vanga predicted to the Gorbachev "hills even more to Gorbachev". Then the prophetant did not understand - higher posts in the hierarchy of the USSR did not exist, and about the fact that Mikhail Sergeevich will become the first and final president of the Union, no one could think.

3. Perestroika in Russia

Closely with the prophecy about the coming to the power of Gorbachev connected with the prediction of Vanga, which is considered related to rebuilding trends in the USSR.

If you disassemble literally, a snowy garden appeared before the inner gaze of Wangelia. Located, on the sensations of the provisions, in Russia. In that garden, Wange was heard by male and female voices (which the predictor compared with the ermine juices with the feeding trees), promising unusual spring in the country.

Subsequently, biographers compared the prediction of Raisa Gorbacheva's records made in 1979 about March 1985. In the last spouse, the first Soviet president mentions Mikhail Sergeevich informed her that at the nearest plenum they would raise the question of appointing him by the head of the party.

That memorable conversation took place just in the garden. And the election of Gorbachev and marked the beginning of the restructuring - Already in April 1985, Mikhail Sergeevich said that the current socialist system was required to reform, and began to implement conceived.

4. On World War II

About the fact that soon millions of people will die as a result of bloody battles, Wang has found out the beginning of the Second World War. According to the propheted, the rider who came to the predictor in one of the first visions said about the coming battles. Moreover, it is the wonderful stranger that is precisely a separate fate - "predicting dead and alive" in the difficult years of Wangelia.

5. Death Kennedy

Bulgarian provincial and death of John Kennedy. Four months before a shot that broke the life of the head of the United States, Wange was a vision. According to the memoirs of witnesses, more than ever clear.

The murder of the 35th American president to this day remains undisclosed - the name of the true culprit is not named. However, Vanga was ready to share this information from the prison. And even invited the last to himself. Unfortunately, Jacqueline Kennedy could not get to the provincial in Bulgaria.

6. Prediction of your own death

The date of his own death Vanga saw enough clearly. Therefore, refused to remove the malignant tumor, not wanting to prolong the torment. After all, her life was full of experiences and grief. And the mystical gift of the foresight turned out to be a heavy, which, however, Bulgarian Oracle suffered for many years.

7. Day of five bobs

In 2020, the press and television were actively frightened by the spectators of the date - December 22. After all, Sergey Korsna, familiar with Wanti personally, shared information about the prediction of the propheted, which should be accomplished in the "Day of Five Two". According to the journalist, Wangelia promised that if humanity does not fall and stop chasing money and arrange bloody wars, then a new epidemic is waiting for him.

When on December 22, 2020, nothing terrible happened, the dead oracle was accused of the mistakenity of prophecy. But subsequently came to the conclusion that it was possible to go about another day - 02.22.2020. After all, in February, it became known that a coronavirus infection was spread to the world, which was previously presented to the threat only for Asia.

Error predictions

However, Vanga's separate predictions were erroneous.

1. Obama - the last president of the United States

So, the provincial said that Barack Obama will become the latest US president, since subsequently the country will either freeze or destroy due to the grand economic crisis, having broken into the Northern and South States. However, as time has shown, after the reign of the black leader, the country continued to exist. Although the prediction itself is that the "Black Man" will rise at the head of the United States, it is undoubtedly hit.

2. Attempt on the heads of four countries

The prophecy of the attempt on the four world leaders, which, according to experts studying Vangi's predictions, was to come to 2008. It was alleged that an armed confrontation could begin with this event, capable of abandoning the next world war over time. Fortunately, this time the foresight made a failure.

3. Radioactive precipitation

Speaking about the attempt and possible consequences, it is worth remembering about another incorrect prediction of the prophet. About the fact that in 2011 there will be no vegetation, nor animals due to the fallout of radioactive precipitation in 2011 in the territory of the entire northern hemisphere of the Earth.

Such a development of events was quite possible to expect, start after the attempt on the heads of four states world war. However, since the first did not happen, there were no wedding consequences described.

4. Nogin and Kirinnaya

Wangs happened and more tragic missions. For example, in 1991, Gennady Kury and Victor Nognin and Victor Nognin appealed to it in 1991. Providian assured that representatives of the Gosperary of the USSR are alive.

However, as it turned out later, journalists at the time of the prediction were already shot as Croatian spies.

5. Perspectives for journalist

Errors occurred in minor predictions. Thus, the correspondent of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Anatoly Troyv recalled how a fortune taper promised one journalist, that one does not threaten in the future to become a wife or to have children. However, a woman, contrary to forecasts, already a year later, became a happy bride, and then Mom.

Ascribed predictions

It happened that Wange was attributed to the prophecies that the latter never uttered. Among those following.

1. Meeting with aliens

A number of newspapers argued that a clairvoyant predicted to humanity in 2020 a meeting with guests from Space, allegedly inhabited on the "Vefim Planet". However, the mention of this is found only among Krasimira Stoyanova, who has already seen in the falsification of the words of the late provincial. Although the fact of the meeting with the aliens of the prophecy of Vangu and meet. True, as always, they are not tied to specific dates.

2. Energy source capable of trembling the sun

Not promised Wang and discoveries in the 2020th new energy source, which will replace all other resources, although such a revelation, allegedly happening in 1995, is attributed to it. As shown by the past 20th, no breakthrough happened.

3. Third World War

Wange is attributed to the promise of the beginning of the third World War, which will turn around as a local confrontation, and subsequently the part of the conflict will switch to the use of chemical and then nuclear weapons.

But close prophetches claim that a woman never made such unequivocal statements. It never voiced the specific periods of predictions. And on the question of the third world, given to her before his death, and answered at all only that Syria has not fallen yet. "

4. End of light

And the end of the world, allegedly predicted Wanga, the media scare from year to year. Meanwhile, the predictor itself did not mention a word about the coming apocalypse. On the contrary, even the future promised to it (after five thousand years), the future of the cataclysms associated with the fall in the land of a certain cosmic body look optimistic - humanity will survive.

5. Rebirth

There were rumors that before the death of Vanga told, what he knows when and in the com, her soul renovate.

However, the words that the great clairvoyant allegedly be reborn after death in the body of a student living in France, and at all ended up attempted by the fake "heirs of the gift" of the Bulgarian Oracle to earn on behalf of the predictor. Relatives of the deceased never heard anything about the upcoming reincarnation, and there were no followers and disciples at all.

6. The death of Stalin

In the press, information often emerges that for six months before the death of Joseph Stalin Vanga predicted the head of the Soviet Union to the ambulance. And called the date - March 1953. However, not a single documentary evidence of such a similar. Yes, it is worth remembering that the provincial never called specific dates, voicing the prophecies.

7. Kursk will go under the water

Attributeing the press of the famous Bulgarian predictions about the tragedy of the "Kursk" submarine, drowned in 2000, turned out to be at all pure water speculation. An attempt to break down by improving the prophet. As in all such cases, it is known about the prediction. It became only after what happened - in any book about Wange until the 2000th year does not contain information about the flooding of a submarine. And the relatives of the oracle either have never heard such words from her.

Predictions for 2021

In conclusion, it is from the already completed (or even erroneous or false) predictions to what should be fulfilled in the near future. After all, if you believe in numerous researchers of the gift of the priest, Tanga left for Russia and around the world a number of curious forecasts for 2021.

1. "The day will come when cancer will be connected with iron chains"

Wanta predicted that at the beginning of the XXI century people will be able to find a cure for cancer. Moreover, the material of the "chains" indicated the prophetcher is not just like this - the drug will contain a lot of iron. Sergey Korstynaya, familiar with clairvoyant during the life of the latter, argues that the medicine already exists and will be represented in 2021.

2. "The 45th president of the United States will infiltrate the mysterious disease, which will leave it deaf and cause brain injury."

Donald Trump Vanga promised in 2021, a unknown illness, which not only affects the hearing of the former head of the White House, but will lead to brain tumors. However, such forecasts were remembered in 2020, when Trump picked up COVID-19.

3. Attempt by president by someone in his country

I predicted a threat to the Russian president, which in 2021 the attempted will be committed. Moreover, someone from his relative environment will be a criminal, possibly of protection. Previously, the mentioned prediction has already been found in the press. True, then it was not about 21st, but about the 19th year.

4. Humanity will capture a strong dragon

Also in 2021, if you believe Vanga voiced predictions, people will be ruled by the dragon. It is believed that, speaking about the dragon, the propheted was in mind China, which will strengthen the position at the beginning of a new decade in the world stage.

5. The exacerbation of religious conflict in Europe

Predictions of Vanga about the fate of Europe in 2021, too - under pressure from Muslims, the believers of the rest of the denominations will be forced to move to other countries, including Russia. Gradually, Islam will become the prevailing religion on the continent.

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