TV series "Vacation" (2021) - release date, actors and roles, interesting facts, trailer, TNT


The release date of the comedy TV series "Vacation" on TV channel TNT - February 1, 2021. In the center of the plot of a multi-sized film - the history of two families belonging to the opposite types: "Northerners" and "Southerners" who are looking for love and happiness on the Black Sea coast. In the material 24cm - more about the plot, actors that were taken in the ribbon, and their roles, as well as a selection of interesting facts about the TV series "Vacation".

Actors and roles

The main roles in the TV series "Vacation" played:
  • Demis Caribidis - Uncle Boria, the owner of the guest house on the seashore, which stops the Belyaev family.
  • Pavel Mikekov - Seva, the head of the Belyaev family, who proves the wife Larisa, which is worthy of the title of a good father and her husband.
  • Julia Sessea - Larisa, wife Seva, who is tired of care for her husband.
  • Kuzma Saprykin - Sasha Belyaev, son of Larisa and Seva, who since childhood is friends with the daughter of Uncle Bori Lyusia and is going to call her married. At the same time, the guy does not suspect that the girl has already appeared another fiance.
  • Tatyana Dogileva - Grandma Sasha, the mother-in-law Seva, who is only waiting for the son-in-law "Nakosychit" to reproach him and prove his daughter's right.
  • Catherine Assi - Madina, the beloved Uncle Bori, which he led to a businessman of Timuraz.
  • Valentina Karnukhova - Lucy, Dyadi Bori daughter, who since childhood is friends with Sasha, but during his absence found a new "southern" love.
  • Ararat Keskian - Taimuraz, a local businessman from whom Madina left Bore.

Also in the tape were filmed: Svyatoslav Korolev (Dionysis), Radislav Kuttsov (Philip), Sergey Epishev (Leonid), Alexander Volokhov (Cossack Tikhon), Albina Kabalina (Tonya), Denis Doronin (police captain) and other actors.

In episodic roles are involved: Vladimir Glushkov, Elena Ponomareva, Vladimir Parsmenkov, Vitaly Gmer, Arthur Pavlenko.

About shooting

The shooting of the comedy series took place in the summer of 2020 on the Black Sea coast in Gelendzhik. The authors decided that the popular resort town will be the best location for comedy filming. The film creation process took 3 months. Shooting started after removing quarantine restrictions after the first wave of COVID-19. The resort cities and the beaches of the Krasnodar Territory began to fill with vacationers who watched the filming and could receive an autograph from famous actors.

The executor of the role of Lucy, blogger and singer Valentina Karnukhov, is known in the popular social network "Titstok" under the Nika Valya Carnival. A beginner actress told that the creators of the series were interested in her account, where the girl places short videos. At the same time, at that time, her audience was not yet a million. She was invited to casting, and the girl without thinking agreed to participate in samples. Valentina noted that he visited acting courses to better get into the role. The actress said that she was remembered by a friendly atmosphere on set, supporting experienced colleagues. Valentina also noted that her heroine is like her in nature, so there was no doubt that everything will work out.

The project producers said that the role of Boris was seen solely demis of Caribidis, who used to be shot in the TV series "University", "real boys" and "hussar", and persuaded him to take an invitation to shoot. It is noteworthy that Gelendzhik in a sense became native to Karibidis: here he used to live after moving and studied Russian. Also, the actor spoke by co-author of the scenario for the series.

Actress Julia Sussea in an interview told about the shooting of the series and remembered an emergency. In one day the bus caught fire, in which there were costumes of actors. There was no time to wait, I had to be filmed in my clothes. Julia also remembered a curious case: after filming the team left, forgetting the actor of Demis Karibidis in the forest, which remained to relax in his trailer.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the TV series "Vacation" became Alexander Boykov, who previously worked on the comedy film "Only not they" and became co-author of the television series "Misha spoils everything."

2. The creators of the project shared in an interview with an interesting fact: the castings for the series lasted during the year, but the result was pleased - every actor fits the role perfectly.

3. Actor Ararat Keszan, who is familiar to the audience in the roles in the Sitkoms "Univer", "University. New dorm, "said that he returned to the cinema after a long break in his career. In 2021, Ararat Kescan was involved in the filming of the series "University. Old people, "where one of the main characters will play.

4. Writer Dmitry Nevzorov said that the feature of the TV series "vacation" is that the whole harmonious universe is hidden inside. The stylistics of the comedy film sends the audience to the beloved "resort" Soviet film: "Three plus two," "Be my husband", "Caucasian captive". The similarity is expressed in credits, musical accompaniment, color correction using a special lamp.

5. According to producers, the acting duet Paul Majkova and Tatiana Dogileva got the most funny scenes: the movies of the cinema played in the series of the son-in-law and mother-in-law, which in almost every scene pronounce sparkling replicas and memorable jokes.

Trailer for the TV series "Vacation":

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