Maximilian Robespierre - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, French Revolutionary



Maximilian Robespierre is a French revolutionary and politician. He played an important role in the Great French Revolution. By supporting the overthrow of the monarchy and the welling of the Republic, Robespierre headed the rebel commune.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the revolutionary - Maximilian Marie Isidore de Robespierre. He was born in Arras on May 6, 1758. The father was a hereditary lawyer, and the mother - daughter of the brewer. The boy became a senior child in the family, where four more children appeared later. In 1764, immediately after delivery, the fifth heir died, and after a couple of weeks and the mother herself.

Portrait of Maximilian Robespierre

In 1766, Robespier-Sr. left the family and left France. Maximilian with Brother Augusten was on the care of his grandfather on the mother line, and the sisters went to the aunt from the Father. The boy became a student of College Arras. The grandfather leanned to the fact that the grandson should tie a biography with brewing, which would bring income. But the fate of Robespierre developed otherwise.

His successes in their studies attracted the attention of influential patrons. Kanonik Eme requested for Maximilian, and he received a scholarship of Saint-Vas Abbey, consisting of 450 livres. The young man was sent to Paris, in the Louis of Louis Great. The financial situation of the young man was disastrous: relatives could not help him. But he became the best student of senior classes. Robespierre knew Latin well, Greek, rhetoric and was fond of antiquity.

Choosing a future profession, Maximilian preferred jurisprudence. After graduating from sorbonna and becoming a bachelor's right, in 1781 Robespierre received a license. His last name was included in the register of lawyers of the Paris Parliament.

Personal life

The beloved Maximilian Robespierre was Eleanor Dupla, the father of which for a long time provided a lawyer. Friendship and unity in political views marked the beginning of a romantic relationship.

Maximilian Robespierre and Eleanor Duple

Some familiar Robespierre argued that Maximilian did a proposal to the girl, others denied. In any case, the case did not come to the wedding and the pair did not have children.

Eleanor survived the beloved for 38 years and until the end of his life wore Mourning on him, and without marrying.

The French Revolution

Having entered the board of lawyers at the Council of Arto, Robespierre was actively interested in politics. In 1789, he was among the 12 deputies of Arras who worked in general states. From the uninteresting provincial Maximilian turned into a sought-after speaker. For the 1789th, he uttered 69 speeches, and in 1791 - already 328.

Becoming Jacobinets in 1789, the Frenchman turned out to be a supporter of radical movement. Supporting the ideas of Rene Russo, he criticized the reforms of Liberals. For the propaganda of democracy and loyalty to the principles of Robespierre received the nickname incorruptible. After the dissolution of the National Assembly in 1791, he became a public prosecutor in the Criminal Court and continued to build a career already in Paris. The politician opposed the war with Austria, considering it advantageous only by the power of the police, but was in the minority.

The revolutionary was among the creators of the oath for deputies of the third estate. He participated in the preparation of the Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the Constitution of 1791. Towing for the cancellation of the death penalty, Robespierre did not find support among deputies. At this time, the French were inferior to the Austrians at the front, some soldiers moved to the opponent's side, confidence in power constantly fell.

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In the newspaper "Defender of the Constitution", politician wrote that the country requires a revolution. In August 1792, a rebellion occurred. Maximilian entered the self-proclaimed Paris Commune, and then was chosen to the convention on a par with George Jacques Danon. So began a performance against girondists. The leader of the Jacobinians and his like-minded people believed that opponents crave the restorations of the monarchy. In the winter of the 1792nd Robespierre rolled for the execution of Louis XVI without a trial. The king was killed in guillotine.

The Jacobinians went on rapprochement with sannyudates, discouraged the support of radicals on behalf of the Framey faction. The Convention adopted the law on the establishment of a fixed price of bread, and Robespierre was enlisted by the support of the Paris Commune. May 1793 was marked by the uprising in which the girondists lost. Their arrest provoked the federal rebellion, which brought the death of Jacobin Jean-Field Marat.

Chaos reigned in the country, and Convent decided to organize power in the face of the committees, providing them with broad powers. Maximilian Robespierre entered the Salvation Committee, determining the main vector of revolution. Fighting against the dehristianization and atheism, he became an opponent of Danton and his followers who believed that terror could be stopped.

The task of the revolution, her leader saw the construction of a new format society, the basis of which the republican morality and religion will be. The cult of the Supreme Being, he described in software speech. Robespierre considered the terror with the only tool for achieving the goal.

The end of the war with Austria allowed the Constitution of the I Year to enter into force. Now France ruled the legislative corps. The committees were dissolved, and the executive was limited to the constitutional framework. Robespierre initiated the involvement of the state into production by financing and controlling the production of products. Manual work gradually replaced with machinery. To the sunset of his activity, the country was restored after a 10-year economic crisis.

At the initiative of Jacobin, the Convention condemned the restriction of freedom of religion, but also a compromise with the church in the matter of the cult of the Supreme Being, he did not reach. France remained a secular state. This led to the update of the education system, developing separately from the Church, separation into humanitarian and technical specialties and other reforms in the field of art and science.

In June 1794, the law entered into force, involving the punishment for the confrontation of the republican morality. Maximilian Robespierre made a penalty of Danton's associates, and then initiated an action in honor of the cult of the Supreme Being. The suspects did not find protection and support, and the popularity of Robespierre fell. So the big terror began, during which the dictatorship of the Jacobin was undermined.

July 27, after the coup 9 of the thermidore (in the republican calendar), the revolutionary and like-minded people came to court. Resistance turned out to be useless, and participants as the rebels waited for arrest. As a result of the conspiracy, they were announced outside the law. Maximilian Robespier has undergone overall.


July 28, 1794 Robespierl died. The cause of death was the execution of guillotine. Next to him were 20 Jacobins and Brother Augusten. In books about the history of France, they write that from this moment the fall of the Great French Revolution began.

Portrait of Robespierre is now printed in textbooks, calling a contradictory figure of that period. The graves of the figure do not exist, but in the Paris Pantheon in his honor the statue is established.

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