Alice Kim - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, Wife Nicholas Cage 2021



Alice Kim failed to make a career in the model business and movies, but she still became popular. The woman became famous as the ex-wife Nicholas Cage, parting with whom was accompanied by a loud scandal in the press.

Childhood and youth

Alice Jung Kim was born on December 27, 1983, although some sources argue that it was born in 1984. The celebrity has an Asian national origin, her ancestors moved from Korea to Los Angeles, the United States, where the early years of the biography of Alice passed.

Thanks to a bright appearance after school, Kim decided to become a model, but for a long time in this profession was not delayed. Soon the girl settled to work as a waitress in the Los Angeles le, where she had a meeting with Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage.

Personal life

Before acquaintance with Artist, Alice was heard about his successes and even managed to revise several films. She fell to serve the table, followed by Cage, and Kim tried to do everything so that the star guest was satisfied. She was restrained, cute and polite than what was interested in a man.

Soon there was a conversation between the actor and the waitress, and then he decided to invite a girl on a date, what she answered agree. She was not frightened by the difference at the age of almost 20 years and even the preservation of Nicholas of two unsuccessful marriages and an extramarital child from Christina Falton's actress. The man was charming, confident in himself and interesting in communicating, which conquered the heart of Kim.

But the parents of the girl were not delighted with the choice of her daughter. They were frightened by the reputation of the artist and his star status. As the Cage recalled later, during their dating mom's beloved first thing stated that Alice was too young for him.

Nevertheless, close to the choice of Kim. Already a few months after the beginning of the relationship, Alice and Nicholas decided to get married. The wedding was a secret played on the ranch in Northern California. The bride practically approached the choice of dresses and bought it for only $ 260, which demonstrated that it was not predist to the state of the elect.

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In 2005, Kage's wife gave birth to a son who gave the original name of Cal-Al. During this period, life in the family was quiet and measured. Nicholas worked, Alice was engaged in arrangement of life, occasionally appearing with his spouse in public events, where he produced a furor. However, the woman did not strive to popularity, preferring to behave secretly, did not communicate with journalists and did not give an interview.

Quiet life lasted 3 years, until financial difficulties began in the actor in the actor. Due to debts, he had to sell almost all real estate, including so much beloved male vintage castles. During this period, Alice remained next to her husband, she tried to be supported to him and support, but he became more and more often drove and fell on his spouse.

In 2011, Cage was at the police station, after a random witness said that he pushed his wife during a public clarification of relations. But the woman did not show the chosen by any accusations, and soon he was released on bail. In subsequent years, the reports of drunken strikes of the actor occasionally appeared in the press, but Kim managed to stay aside.

Therefore, for fans, it became a surprise when in 2016 the media signs out the headlines about the treason of his wife Nicholas. They reported that a woman was seen in the arms of a young lover, and some sources even reported that the novel between them lasts for a long time.

The official confirmation of the information did not follow, but in the same year it became known about the divorce of the spouses after 12 years of marriage. The news was a reason for lively discussions in "Instagram", "Facebook" and other social networks. Later, other sources reported that Nicholas was also not faithful to his wife and was considered a frequent guest of a public house. But whether it was true, it is unknown: in her usual manner, Alice refused to comment.

She also retained his personal life after the divorce. Soon, the woman replaced the image and repainted from the brunette to the blonde.


In 2007, Cage decided to make a star from his spouse and found roles in films with his participation. The debut of a beginner actress was the Grandhaus thriller, where she played an episodic character. Then her filmography was replenished with the militant "Prophet" with the same short appearance. On this acting career ended.

Alice Kim now

In 2020, the press is almost not published on Alice. Now she continues to lead a closed lifestyle, appearing on rare photos of paparazzi in the company of the former husband and son of Cal-Ela during their family meetings.


  • 2007 - "Greyindhaus"
  • 2007 - "Prophet"

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