Interesting Facts about Makare Ignatov - about figure skating, hobbies, football, Plushenko


Russian Single Figure Makar Ignatov in 2020 celebrated the 20th anniversary and became the winner of the Russian Cup final, and in 2021 he became a silver medalist of the Russian figure skating championship. In this sport, the guy came on 4 years old, his coaches were Irma Buchartseva, Natalia Golubev, Alexey and Tatiana Mishina, Oleg Tataurov. In the material 24cm - other interesting facts about Makare Ignatov.


In an interview, the figure skater often notes that since childhood loves to read."I like the book to capture me to immerso in it and could read it without breaking 2-3 hours," says Makar.

The most beloved book, according to him, became "Eragon", which he gave him an elder brother for the New Year. This is a novel in the genre of Fantasy American writer Christopher Paolini. An interesting fact about Makare Ignatov: the athlete admitted that he identifies himself with the main character of this work, a guy named Eragon. According to Makara, in the book everything echoes the "real world, with real problems."

Also, the skater highlighted the works that have made strong impressions on it: "Flowers for Ellernon" and "451 degrees Fahrenheit", the story "Labyrinths of EXHO" Max Frya and a series of books "Witcher".

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Makar Ignatov admits that Yevgeny Plushenko was his idol, in childhood I only had for him. Later, lucky together to go to the fees and even play football. The guy even happened once to ride with Plushenko in the same group when Alexei Mishina trained. Also in an interview, the athlete remembered a funny case. The first acquaintance with the idol also got into the selection of "Interesting Facts about Makara Ignatov": the guy was in a hurry for training in the "Jubilee" and, when the stairs fled, inadvertently collided with Eugene Plushenko.

"He told me or like that. And I was delighted for two days exactly walked. This is the first impression, "Makar Ignatov shared in an interview with R-Sport.

Later, the athlete stressed that he now has no idols in figure skating, as he tries to "take the best little of all", but Patrick Chan, Yudzuru Khan, is also distinguished from stars, Javent Fernandez.


On the question of the trifles that brought joy in everyday life, the athlete does not think that he loves to eat and sleep. "Sleep should be present in large quantities," said Makar and admits that he does not like early raises when you need to go to workout or rehearsal. Synonym good in the morning and perfect day off for a figure: sleep, just lying, not doing anything. Then go to the movies with friends or spend the day of the house with your relatives, with a computer, "so that no one touches."


The Soviet champion in figure skating Tatiana Mishina, who at one time trained a guy, noted that Maka Ignatov "makes the most difficult Rittberger," but "cannot confidently fully roll out the program." The athlete himself admitted in an interview that he would get purely four Ritterger, but on, he admits mistakes in the execution of the cascade and Triple Axel.

"There is not enough holistic concentration," says Makar Ignatov.

On mediosity

What is "Star Disease", the figure skater knows only the example of other celebrities. He himself admits that he is not often recognized in ordinary life, they do not ask for a memory and give an autograph. Once Makara was found in the hospital, but mostly after competitions and speeches to him fans are suitable, give gifts. So, another interesting fact from the life of the guy became the tradition of fans to give him a plush shark. This toy has turned into a kind of talisman, and a large collection has already gathered at home, Makar says.


In addition to figure skating, the guy is interested in football. In an interview with Maka Ignatov, he said that his father was engaged in football and always took his son to play with him. And now, if there is free time, Makar will not refuse to play. He liked to be in the field on the field, call himself "flanking running", and he does not like to take the ball with his gate, fearing his "losing". Favorite football team of skatewoman - "Zenit", father and grandfather Makara also sick for her. But over time, Ignatov ceased to be attentive and active fan, it infrequently goes to stadiums, as it lacks time.

On his page in "Instagram", Makar Ignatov told his fans about the hobby, which was engaged in their free time. He is interested in photography, and he likes to shoot not landscapes or attractions, but "live people and emotions".

Completing the selection of "Interesting facts about Makare Ignatov", it is worth mentioning another hobby of the skateman. Once a joke, the guy told that he loved to read when his headphones broke down on the road. Later he more seriously noted that the love of books had pledged parents and elder brother from childhood. Memories from children's years about traveling with family are associated with Makara with reading on the road. Favorite literary genre Makar calls fantasy and fiction. Choosing between the film and the book will stop in the second version. Also likes to listen to music: Rock, Rap, but does not chase at the fashion and chooses the composition for the mood.

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