Series "Street of Svetlychkov" (2021) - Release date, Actors, Roles, Netflix, Plot, Interesting Facts, Director


The series "Street of Svetlychkov", which started in early February 2021 on Netflix, tells the audience about women's friendship, able to withstand a lot of tests over long years. In the center of the plot - the relations of two different girls who became friends in his youth and retained a connection after 30 years.

In the material 24cmi - the plot of the 10-serial ribbon, actors and roles, as well as interesting facts associated with the film.


The main characters of the series "Street of Svetlychkov" Kate and Talley are friends with school bench. Their characters and interests are too different: Kate Mulaarka is a closed and quiet "excellent", and Talli cards are ambitious and self-confident girl. It seems that their friendship is not able to prevent their friendship: after 3 dozen years old, they still continue to communicate, help and support each other in a life path.

Kate prefers to lead a calm and measured life, hidden from prying views, and Talli, on the contrary, always in the center of events, because by profession it is a journalist and in any company becomes the center of attention. Despite opposite characters, the girlfriends feel great next to each other and make friendship even brighter with each new episode. However, the next difficulties and tests are becoming a serious test for the girlfriends. Will they be able to go through her - learn viewers after watching the series.


The main roles in the series "Street of Svetlychkov" played:

  • Sarah Chok - Kate Mulaarka;
  • Catherine Heigle - Tallie Cards.

Actors also involved in the tape : Bo Garrett, Roan Curtis, Ben Loson, Alice Skovbai, Yel Yurman, John Michael Eker, Paul McGillion, Chela Horsdel.

Interesting Facts

1. Initially, the release date of the series "Street Svetlychkov" was scheduled for December 31, 2020, later transferred to the premiere on February 3, 2021.

2. The scene of the series is based on the novel of the writer Christine Khanna, who came out in 2013 and became a bestseller in the United States, having received prestigious literary awards. In early 2019, it became known that Netflix would remove 10 episodes on the novel Kristin Khanna.

3. Original picture title - Firefly Lane. The slogan for the show was the phrase "thirty years, two friends, damn fascinating story."

4. Patter O'fallon, Vanessa Paris, Lee Rose, were directors of the paintings. Maggie Friedman made the scenario producer and author. The executor of the leading role of Catherine Heyigl was also engaged in producing a project.

5. The shooting process started in the Canadian Province of British Columbia in September 2019 and lasted until January 2020.

6. Two actresses were invited to the role of each main character who played girlfriends in young and adulthood.

Series "Street of Svetlychkov" - Trailer:

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